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Why does Tony refuse to make the call?
Holy shit!!! She’s going to open an only fans when she turns 18 isn’t she?
She should try dressing up as a dog
i dress like that
She primarily wrestles in Thunder Rosa's basement, doesn't she? He has the right idea to be skeptical of anyone Thunder Rosa thinks is good after having to deal with the last 2 years of that sandbagging granny
looks ready
He almost completely burned his bridges with the Cyber Fight Group after Thundercunt sandbagged their champ and held their international title hostage so long Koda had to commission a new international title be made because Thunder Rosa wouldn't defend it or return it
First pic of her i've seen where she looks hot + not childlike
This is some Cuties type shit here.
She has the fattest pubic mound on the planet, she should lose the skirt
Short skirts are gross, like the farts the freely float out, they are at 100%, nothing blocking them
She's way too fucking old for that
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If she can do anything in the ring (I have no idea) WWE will find a way to book her within the next 5 years teaming with Bayley or eventually facing Sasha Banks when she returns to call back to her crying as a kid in NXT.
old hag no thanks
so many ugly girls think they're hot and models and can pull off clothes like that, social media is a curse
She looks extremely sexy here.
What the FUCK is her problem?
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She's a fucking E-drone, we don't want her.
Thats obviously an underage tranny
turn your monitor on
She farts in that thing
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BBC prep more like..shieeeeeet
holy fuck i'm stealing this
um what is that naga doing to her?
She needs my seed in her right now
how do we summon one of the master izzyposters? im drunk n she lookin good
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Be the change that you want to see on this board
Too old.
"Make sure all my Izzy Moreno BFFs come out to the Ingram Park Mall in San Antonio, TX from 12-4 pm where I’ll be doing a meet and greet at River City Event! See all the BFFs there"
Last time I've been to a fucking mall was when 98° was performing in the food court
She already is
Special training
brb googling where to buy some ether and a rag
Now she's getting older I really hope her puffies finally turn into a nice pair of pokies
Fuck Im close by but I'm on house arrest.
worth it
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Fuck being grounded. Sneak out the bedroom window. She's waiting for you.
>Turns into Cora Jade before even reaching 20 in you're path
Oh what a shock, an Izzy Pedo on house arrest
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Damn she looking fine. Almost worth it.
??? I got house arrest for selling meth.
>??? (post)
I fuckin told you to stop that cringe shit faggot
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looks like an ugly midget dressed up trying to be stephanie vacquer
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>windows + children
TK would have hired her by now so don't worry.
this is a sexy woman
woah take it easy there walter white lol
How can she still be underage
Feels like forever
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What does this have to do with her being sexy?
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Izzy Moreno represented the Texans at a Jaguars game. Clearly an F-you to TK.
yum yum
Hookup hotshot when
hows the back?
any examples?
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My aryan princess
Let's see it
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I did it! She smelled sooooo amazing.
Reddit filename.
Was she wearing panties??
>He knows what reddit filenames look like
Way to out yourself
I've been using this website for 18 years. I know filenames.
Holy fuck! She really is based!
I did not mean to steal your post bro but where when did izzy got hot?
Wait reddit is izzyposting now? WTF is happening!
>this is how the Domfag looks
holy grimola
She got hot about 8 years ago.
Imagine the smell of her undies...
She doesn't wear them. Shes mentioned that several times on her patreon.
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Holy shiiiiiiiiiiit
If this girl were a day over 18, she'd never be posted on this fucking board ever again.
Izzyboard newfag. research the lore
Izzy is 23 years old ya dumb fuck. We like her because she is unapologetically Conservative and an aryan princess who hates minorities
She's been posted since she was like 9 but Izzy threads only became a thing after she got hot around 12
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Zero hair.
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I like her hips
she should be grounded for going outside dressed like that!
>that bikini
>smooth and hairless pelvic region
Can I keep this? Promise not to abuse it, but Trump+Izzy = extra seethe, great for shitposting!
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thread needs more ass pics
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There once was a video out there where Izzy fights Missa Tate(?) in a parking lot wearing her favorite Under Armor bottoms (those things gotta be stinky by now!). Anyway, it's like 90 seconds long but there's a great 7 sec shot of Izzy's ass and her butt cheeks are hanging out, but not in a good way, it's not cellulite but someday it could be.
nigga she's like 22
Why is she blushing and making that face
It was posted by Izzy, its free use.
I regret making this thread.
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Dude, Izzy is an /asp/ prodigy. She owes everything to 4chan and we owe everything to her.

That will teach you to stop drunkposting
Anyone have the pool house video?
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nailing the "ugly but hot" look
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How did you find this, izzybro? Can't find it online.
more like the "ugly but ugly" look
The face, maybe
but that body...
nah she's ripe
>but that body...
is mid AF
>nah she's ripe
like a protein fart maybe
Isn't she working for Thunder as an esco... I MEAN pro wrestler?
Found a reddit fanpage for Izzy, but it ain't from there? All well, thanks anyway.
Is red better than green?
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Thunder "Moolah" hasn't shown her cards yet. But strangely enough, it all comes down to Tessa Blanchard & her relationship with Rosa. Tessa's sort of Izzy's original pimp.
>If Rosa and Tessa are Allies, Izzy is screwed
>If Rosa and Tessa are the Axis, Izzy is screwed
The only one who can protect Izzy now is 4chan.
unless she joins a biker gang
i'm sorry but she's the hottest bitch in wrestling. idc what that says about me i don't see age only beauty
Don't bother with the truth, use the Ted Lasso Les Mis reference. "For stealing a loaf of meth."
Gyatt damn. I'd give half a years salary to sniff her pussey
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You mean in combat sports? Izzy has a Green and Red belt plus a couple ceremonial swords. I have no clue what they mean.

FUN FACT: Izzy's dream was to join MMA, prowrestling was just her backup plan.
That's bullshit, but I believe it.
She said in a livestream a few months back she wants to win her first belt in UFC with President Trump in attendance
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I love Izzi
I'm telling ya, it's in the good book.
>Call of Abraham -- Genesis 12
It's why Jake Roberts found religion in the first place, he needed faith to forgive his father for sexually abusing him. It was done out of love.
You can literally see pubes peeking
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Some Twitter FAG told Izzy to
>"Put on some clothes!"
and she replied
>"sry u dont like tits"
How can any girl be this PERFECT?
How can one girl be this based?
I really hope she gets a black bf just so all of these pedos drop her and have wasted all their time
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u anons just don't get it
someday u will
I wish she would fart on me.
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A Texans fan?... Based
izzy is the type a girl that will put on sports, grab u a beer, make you some nachos, and give u a bj trying to distract you cause she's a brat
I wonder if she's experimented with anal at all.
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She's too busy with school and training to mess around with that.
I'd make a mess around that, if you know what I mean.
What kind of delusional worldly parents enable their child to behave in such a manner?
Her chin is shoot massive
it needs to be, I'm shoot a heavy shooter
U couldn't handle it
Shocked some autismo anon didnt try and see if they could enchance the picture and see up her dress via the reflection of the chrome
Who's this 39 year old nail salon technician?
I'd shoot make her fall in love with me and then bang her best friend in her bed, destroying any chance she would have at a loving and trusting relationship in the future. It's my gimmick.
Seriously how old is this chick?
Nah, your gimmick is an incel bitch!
That guy kinda looks like the dick squeezer at the AEW announcement presser ngl
I'd post the webm but maybe it's not kind to this tard to spam him squeezing his dick in a momentary lapse of good judgement that is now forever enshrined in the wrestling lolcow hall of fame.
>Kiana James' intern
teenaged women are always in a rush to act like adults and then hit the wall the fastest
She looks hot as fuck in this pic. This might b a good look for her, that Wolfpack energy must have finally gave her sex appeal
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sweet jesus
Imagine splitting that like a piece of fire wood.
pedophiles go to hell
we don't sign our posts here
you cant read
Ok I finally get the infatuation with her now.
she's over 18, retard
and you're all over 40
So? That doesn't somehow make it pedophilia. Take your gay retard nigger shit back to whatever subreddit shat you out.
it is gone
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kill urself
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>lost forever
now it has become just another /asp/ legend, like Carter or Yelissa, newfags will never believe they existed...
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Looks so happy on her knees, like she is proud of how easily she swallowed your massive load
Izzy got a lot of shit for dressing "too sexy" (she's a role model, damnit!). Fully expected she would delete those Instagram posts. Instead, this morning, she reposted the pics on Twitter!

The world doesn't realize, telling Izzymania that she "can't" do something, is only going to make her want to do that thing more and put 200% into it.
she sounds like a brat.
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Which of you guys is this? I see you in her comments trying to steal my girl.
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that dude left some seriously inappropriate comments including a fire emoji
Im not surprised an Izzyfag looks like that
he looks like your average below average prowrestling fan
tune in to AEW - the crowd is full of em
I do believe I have it downloaded on one of my other computers friend but it could be a few days to find
This pic is AI in case you were too dumb to notice
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Shes wwe material
17 year old mid girl is simped on by pedos. Lmao
Guilty as charged bitch!"
Izzy thread going for more than 6 hours? This calls for a rare Izzy!
Is this real?
Thats gotta hurt, right? I can't use brief cause it hurt my balls same thing, right?
>tune in to AEW
Nah fuck all that my guy
No shot
This is AI
i cropped this and turned down the shadow so u could see it more. did it on my iphone ;^) ur welcome
That's just the phone camera post-processing it, like they all do now
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We'll be waiting
>you can perfectly see the outline of it
I gotchu senpai
streamable dot com slash 4z26h2

At least that's the one i know about.
She's fugly.
Nah that's you.
I'd do the time
What a mound!
Her body sure has
That's a virus.
She is 16 lmao she turns 17 in November
Hey i will date her soon when she turn 18 in 2026 i have a co tract from email to say she will be deliver to me here. I make many sacrifi for this purchase and now is me who belong to. So ask to you self will your fantasticsy come true to? You have beadiful maeden? Hope for your do but this is my garlfen and she do not like u making these threde bout her your fools fuckin FOOLS
Lies. She turned 18 4 years ago.
Imagine the discharge stains....
Her birthday is some time in spring

shut up bitch
/pw/ should all chip in and get her a birthday present! here's what Izzy likes:
>Taylor Swift
>NFL Football (Redskins & Texans)
>Disney World
>Old School Arcade Games
>Star Wars (Prequels)
I'm thinking we should get her a giftcard to "Dave & Busters". What do u guys think?
No she doesn't, that chick on Chaturbate does

Cora wishes she looked like Izzy, that's why she put all that shit in her face.

I don't know if she's on Tony's radar since the division is bloated as is, but I could see a Nick Wayne turns 18 sweetheart deal come her way. It'd be interesting which one she'd pick if both offered her.
Thunder Rosa works as an intermediary btwn the two, but you have to think she advised Izzy to finish college first.
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People that cheer for 2 NFL teams deserve the rope
I don't know if I like that Latinx whore being so involved on my little aryan princesses career.
Shes got weird boobs.
Girl on cinema has a surprisingly nice set. Fantastic 10/10 nips too
>those spray tanned hands
Looks stupid
Agreed, but I think the important thing here is that she'll root for anyone except the local Jaguars.
>last name: Moreno
I used to subscribe to her. I got some custom stuff. She was fun.
It's a Welsh surname.
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I think Tessa Blanchard has Izzy's ear and Rosa is more of an agent.
Or in Entourage terms: Tessa is "E" and Rosa is Ari Gold. Izzy is Vince cause she has a "big ass head".
Damn these niggas ugly
She hasn't figured the whole spray tan thing out yet. You're not supposed to spray the hands. What you do is after a spray down, wipe firmly on your wrists to blend the tan more naturally with your hands.
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ok how you know?
Are u implying that Italianx are part eggplant?
I have a JOI video she did for me on an SD card somewhere.
GOC did JOI? I didn't know she'd be willing to be that lewd.
>Spray tan
Not not a real beaner, pinche blanca
Did she call you a shrimpdick?
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We should get her some new tights cause she only has like 3 different outfits and we can put memes all over it like KWAB or no milly?
You had to pay a pretty stupid amount for that and she would only do it if you were cool in DMs.
You fucking know she did. It was dimes.
At first all her prices were insane. It looks like she's now showing a lot more for a lot less than she used to charge. I feel a bit silly about spending so much at the time, but I got some good content out of it that I still go back to. I only unsubscribed just because I felt like I had better things that I should be spending my money on instead, but she was nice about my fetishes and I liked the pictures and videos she made for me. GOC is cool.
PLEASE give me some of your favorite direct quotes from this video
She's ready for Jax Slayher
the day she gets a black boyfriend 1/4 of this board commits suicide
Built like a midget ong
>what are you gonna do with that lil shrimp dick huh?
>I'd do a review on you but it would be too short
>okay fine you can cum on my feet but I won't enjoy it
>cum for me
>ew why does it smell like that?
Kek. GOC really was up for whatever as long as you're respectful in your conversations with her. You really can't complain.
I could tell she didn't really know how to do it so I just told her to say whatever came to mind. Most of it was pretty hot but she snuck some zingers in there.
I like that about her. She's not a pornstar, just a regular Midwestern girl. I like having just a regular girl making videos for the sole purpose of turning me on and catering to my own fetishes. And if she's a little unpolished, that's part of the charm.
Couldn't agree more. She really was a gem. Still is since her hair grew back a bit
I saw she cut her hair. I was already unsubscribed by then, but I definitely thought she was cuter with her long hair. Still very attractive obviously, but I'm glad to hear it's longer now.
Wouldn't say it's long like it was but it's not that awful pixie cut anymore.
Yeah that was a misfire. Fine to change it up, but it's certainly better longer.
why do all mentally ill women like taylor swift
>mentally ill women
>260+ replies
Does /pw/ really like to get reported to the FBI?
Everyone on 4chan is on a watch list anyway and all the porn I watch is legal
Either she trying to be Rhea's sidekick or Judgement Day member

>>16000594 THIS: >>16002559

This one combines both.
Shes actually starting to look like a woman, which probably means the pedos will soon lose interest in her
Yeah that was why I subbed too. I had to unsub because your basically paying the monthly fee so you can then purchase sets. Her leaks have all but died since there are so few subscribers now.
Wow Izzy has turned into a lovely young woman.
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I agree, the business model she has kind of sucks. You should get more for the monthly subscription and then you can pay extra for more stuff if you want. But her subscription cost just gets you previews of the stuff you can pay more for.
kek'd but true
thats most sluts on of
90% of OF whores do this now.
GOC was cool about feet pics. Only reason I signed up for it
any to share?
She was cool with butt stuff no but no pussy spreads. Weird.
she posted this yesterday for me personally. are you guys upset by that?
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>>NFL Football (Redskins & Texans)
Close but no cigar. Maybe after she consults with Tony on who to root for?
Who tf taught her how to put on makeup??
>She was cool with butt stuff
Hard for me to believe but I could be proven wrong
that makeup is awful but is she 18 yet? 17 year olds act like cunts
Nah, I'm not a pedo.
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She has the videos of her rimming his ass doesn't she
an extra 25% off at penney's? zamn
When did she become 40
I don't mind offering extra content for additional charges, but a subscription shouldn't just include three preview pictures for each set and the option to buy the whole thing. You should feel like you're getting value from the subscription itself.
Someday this beautiful angel will be corrupted and turned into the cock sleeve of some ghetto punk out there...
you can literally see the entire full outline of her little tight CLAM.

why are women like this???
bitch in the middle so ugly, it looks like she's got dentures
stop bumping this disgusting thread
OP here.

You're all mentally ill.
Shut up, old hag
You cannot stop poggers
Those girls are usually the biggest freaks in the bedroom, desu. Cute, but maybe smiles for photos weird.
you also seem like you use reddit. you're a faggot. and imagine being here for 18 years. you said that like anyone cares or respects you for it. you're a homo.
Jannies just gave up modding these threads kek
someone make it into a webm
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One day you will have been here for eighteen years too. Where else are you going to go?
why are there deleted posts in this very thread but the thread itself wasn't deleted
which posts?
>. and imagine being here for 18 years.
You will know what that's like
not like there is anywhere else to go
Why would they mod this
she's a wrestler
some of the posts in this thread are replies to dead posts
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Apparently, Izzy has been holding out on us. She's like some weird prodigy.

desu prowrestling is beneath her.
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Academics is her priority rn. And rightfully so, because anybody who truly "dreams" of becoming a prowrestler is a fucking retard.
checked and kekked
That fucking toe is second to none. I would chew on that like a gumball
>the look she gives when I ask if I can have her dirty socks
this fucking thread
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Izzy merch is flying off the shelves at Walmart:
>Worn Socks
>No Milly Tanks
>Clam Shorts
>Friendship Bracelets
>Prison Shanks

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