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>Austin was a huge, huge national star in that sense. Bigger than Hogan. There were places in the country where Hogan wasn’t big, where when Austin was on top, he drew everywhere. When Hogan was on top, there were places he didn’t draw so well. But he was a great draw.

Meltzer on Austin and Hogan
Meltz spittin as usual. Hogan never even had a five star match. Austin? He had several.
>Austin was a huge, huge national star in that sense. Bigger than Hogan
was he? i watched wrestling back then but hogan was just as popular again at the same time in wcw. austin only had 2 or 3 years at the top whereas hogan had two and almost three big runs. first wwf title win in 84. nwo run in the 90s and his return in the early 00s
You'd have better luck asking him on Twitter. This is 4chan.
Meltzer so the opposite is more likely true
Meltz really never recovered from that
Recover from what? Hulk Hogan having a melty and advertising his newsletter for free on PPV?
I don't know if the two are even comparable. Hogan could keep fucking up and shitting the bed for years and it wouldn't make a difference. He was drawing dimes in his 50s. Austin did a great acting job as a heel but the turn killed his aura. Hogan got to come back from fucking Bash at the Beach 2000
Austin wasn't a draw or able to recover from his heel turn whereas Hogan drew MORE dimes as a heel and could infinitely turn between face and heel and draw
>Bigger than Hogan.
Never happened
Austin on top in 99 was mudhole stomping Hogan and WCW worse than they were WWE during the heights of nWo in 97.

Length of run? For sure Hogan. But Austin burned bigger and brighter in 98/99.
Hulk's wife also was not attractive.
Best face AND heel of all time. Decades long career. Still a pop culture icon to this very day.
Amazing face, but ill-advised heel turn ended his career. Shooting star career just like The Rock. Highly thought of by wrestling fans, but not the icon that Hogan is.

I am not shitting on Austin. He just wasn't as big as Hogan. I don't know what Meltzer is talking about. By the time he was in WWF, he was the biggest draw on the planet.
Wrestling isn't about Meltzer stars. It's about charisma. Charisma is hard to pin down, but I see it as thinking a wrestler is cool, you'd like to hang out with them, be their friend, or even be them. They both had massive amounts of charisma, but different kinds, Austin the unhinged badass and Hogan the superhero.
Hogan was huge but a lot of Hulkmanias draw was just WWF propaganda, Austin made wrestling transcend into the pop culture zeitgeist of the late 90s
Hogan's kids movies drew more than Stone Cuck Steve Simpstin ever did
wrestling is in fact about meltzer stars
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Rock was a bigger star than both Hogan and austin.

>Rock as the main eventer drew full arenas and stadiums in not just the US, but also Canada, UK, Japan and Australia.

>Hogan drew in US, UK, Canada and Japan.

>Austin only drew in US, UK.

>In terms of TV reach and global popularity, Hogan and Rock were far ahead of austin

>The Rock= Biggest drawing card ever.
THE ROCK: The biggest star and draw of pro-wrestling industry EVER.
>1. Holds the record of drawing most arenas with 10,000+ attendance on top in one calendar year. [Broke Hogan's(1986) and Austin's(1998) record in 1999 and set a record of headlining over 100 shows with 10,000 plus people in attendance in year 2000. A box-office drawing record that is unsurpassed till date.]
>2. Holds the record of main-eventing almost 17 PPVs that have got over 500k buys. Over 80% of the PPVs he main-evented drew over 400k buys. As a PPV headliner no one is even close.
>3. Drew the highest cable ratings during the AE(real quartely segments not over-run). Took ratings to heights never before seen in 2000.
>4. Sold more merchandise than anyone active (including Austin) from mid 1999 to 2001.

Tl;dr: It's Rock > Hogan >>> Austin
Simp cuck semen autism was an anti draw, wife beating, bald bitch who cried and politicked 24/7.

The rock was the true star of the era, people only cared about austin when they cared about who he was feuding with. Otherwise nobody cared about his sheriff badge wearing LARPing ass
that kind of thinking is what gets aew 2k attendance for 20k arenas
>Even Bret Hart Hitman drew in US, UK, Canada, Europe and India
>Simpcuck steve was a worse draw than Hitman LMAO
>Austin was a huge, huge national star
Hogan was a huge, huge, huge international star
Austin is the GOAT and would heem that whining bitch hogan
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i wasn't watching wrestling back when these two were active wrestlers, in fact i only started recently. but to me, it seems like austin had a very short career compared to some of the other "greats." like was it more than just a handful of years when he was at the top? if even that much. hogan drew for 3 decades. i guess austin's peak may have been higher but hogan was a consistent draw throughout.
hogan was only popular with americans
and canadians
and the japanese
and the europeans
and the africans
I'm a literal eastern yuro slav and my mom knows Hogan because of Thunder in Paradise movies from the 80s
even normies who never watched wrestling in their life knew who Hulk Hogan was. if you said Steve Austin to them they probably thought you were talking about the bionic man
Hogan was a top draw for 30+ years
It's not even a debate who is the greatest draw and wrestler of all time. It's Hogan.
When austin was on top either it was hollywood hogan or he was at home. Austin wasnt around in 2000. I thought this guy knew wrestling history.
Austin bros...
Austin had a higher peak but it was shirt lived
Hogan's peak lasted for arguably like 20 years
Hogan was a bigger draw, has better name recognition, had a higher and longer peak, spoke at one of the most respected political events in the country. Absolutely no competition.
This question is about Hogan V Austin. Everything you are saying is right, but it isn’t the question.
It's clearly a comparison at their peaks you sillybilly
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The Rock is the #1 GOAT
In a contest for the #2 spot, Hogan beats austin
You genuinely had to be there.

When people say Austin was nuclear, it was true. And they were measuring him against the Hogan standard. Still, they used words like that.
completely false

Everybody in the world knew Stone Cold in 99
>Everybody in the world knew Stone Cold in 99
Most people in Africa and South America didn't
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Most Indians didn't know austin in 1999 either
Everyone knew Hogan though, even my best friend's granny knew him as the "handle-bar mustache strong man"
Jesus anons, did you guys really just admit to being thirdies?
better to be a third-worlder than a bath-water-drinker americunt
I'm in a quiet, private air conditioned room. Be jealous, bhaisab.
So am I. India is not a Slumdog Millionaire type shithole son, just because westoids love poverty porn
I've watched a ton of Indian travel videos, mate. The whole country is a shithole, Bald and Bankrupt was right.
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>Judging a country of 3.3 million square kilometers area, based on a few biased vids that hardly cover a few kilometers of shady areas.
Clearly you're a dumb bitch, abdul
I like Austin, but he was never as much of a cultural phenomenon as Hogan.
There's no basis for this except for your feelings.
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He's been all over India, from the northern border to the southern tip. He's been to Bangladesh and Dehli.

Admittedly, the latter places are worse but not by much.
It's a terrible place to live, anon. I respect your plight but there's no need to put on a brave face.
>He's been to Bangladesh
LMAO. kangladesh is not in India, you skanky little whore

>and Dehli
Learn the correct spelling, americunt

That's a parody channel called Angaar TV, which features superstars like Rakesh Kumar Orton kek
>Indians enjoying wrestling for what it is supposed to be
>Indians making fun of wrestling and shooting funny athletic skits
>cumskins seething: hOw cAn tHeY eNjOy???
>wHy doN'T they giVe ImPoRtAnCe to Meltzer?
>wHy they cheer babyfaces and boo heels?
>NooOOoOOOoOOOoo!!! don't enjoy good things! muh star ratings! muh Meltzer
Go watch his videos, Bald and Bankrupt.
He speaks Hindi, he tries to communicate and connect with people in India and India-adjacent countries. That's kind of his whole gimmick.

But he could never really make any friends in India or connect with people on a human level (as he does in his other videos all over the world, the Eastern Bloc, Afghanistan even, Dagestan, etc), because Indian people are just subhuman street-shitting savages who can do nothing but stare and try to rip him off.
It's really embarrassing for Indians to watch his videos and see the state of their own people and their country.

Hell, he went to the worst slum in Pakistan and it looked like a paradise compared to any of his like 100 India videos.
>Meltzer opinion
isn't this the retard that gives aew several 5 star + matches a week?
No he's the guy e-drones celebrate when he gives Jay Usho 4.5 stars for his superkick spam
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cope, seethe and dilate, you urine drinking mujeet abdul
Don't worry, I wouldn't live in any of those thirdie shitholes.

But it's pretty funny that Indians and Pakistanis really believe they're different.
You guys look exactly alike, you sound alike, you're both gross, you both throw your trash everywhere, you both have no infrastructure.
cry harder mujeet abdul
>has to strawman because he can't find anything good to say about his country
Just sad, man. Like I said, I respect your plight, living in that shitty part of the world but don't get fucking uppity.

Learn to build a sewer first, or maybe provide electricity to the people in your main cities before you start talking shit to white people, kek.
don't be jeally, tranny. you'll probably join the 41% population soon
>No he's the guy e-drones celebrate when he gives Jay Usho 4.5 stars for his superkick spam
they did? where?
I'm really sick of motherfuckers trying to rewrite history to make Hogan appear like he was never "that big", all just because he got caught saying some no-no words during a private conversation
If you don't personally like the motherfucker, that's fine. If you want to highlight how much of a shoot asshole you think he is, that's fine too
But don't fuck around and act like Hogan's star power in his prime was something that was exaggerated in retrospect
Dude was in a Rocky movie. Starred in/was featured in several other Hollywood TV shows and movies despite being a garbage actor. Had his own kids cartoon. His presence helped usher in not one but TWO boom periods in wrestling, one of which began with a heel turn that transcended the wrestling world. Everybody at least heard of Hulk Hogan and knew what he looked like, even non-wrestling fans
But now you wanna try to argue that Austin was clearly a bigger national star than him, as if it's not even debatable? Fuck right off with that bullshit
Hogan was huge, massive, a household name

But from like 98-00, Austin broke into the level of fame that is rarified air. He was as famous as people like Michael Jordan or Michael Jackson, famous as anyone in the country, the kind of fame that transcends everything.
damn right, Hogan is GOAT. austin is not even in the top 50 greatest wrestlers of the 20th century. Comparing Hogan to austin is like comparing the GOAT action star Sylvester Stallone with the Miz from Marine movies.
he only got that famous because hogan made the heel turn and gave the whole business the rub.
no hogan heel turn. no audience. no stone cold.
simple as.
>He was as famous as people like Michael Jordan or Michael Jackson
That never happened.
That's probably true yeah
You had to be there. And in a western country that's relevant. But yeah, it did happen.
Yeah, no, tell me you weren't alive during the 80s without telling me you weren't alive during the 80s.
Hulk Hogan was absolutely iconic like Jordon or Jackson.
That's still true. Even in Europe Hogan is occasionally on headlines whether he's supporting Trump or said something people can take badly. Everyone still knows who Hogan is.
>Austin made wrestling transcend into the pop culture zeitgeist of the late 90s

hogans heel turn did and kick started the 90s boom

austin heel turn tanked the biz lel
In the 1980s Hogan was the 4th most well known American on the planet. Ronald Reagan, Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, and Hulk Hogan. Simple as.
Nope, this never happened.
When did Hulk have his face on cereal boxes that weren't produced by WWF? When did he have Nike sponsorship? When was he invited to the white house? Hulk seemed like a big deal because, if you're not larping, you were dumb child that knew nothing. What's your excuse today?
Austin was not that big in Europe. Hogan was huge in Europe.
Hogan greated TWO fucking wrestling booms. Austin rode the coattails of the second one.
>Austin was beating Hogan
No, good booking was beating mentally ill Russo booking. Austin was loosing badly to NWO until they started majorly shitting the bed.
>Let me compare two things from different generations as if they were not from two different generations.
A segment of fans base their logic skills on someone with shit tier logic skills.
Meltzer hates Hogan, and cannot be trusted as a neutral party concerning Hogan's career. He has spent his entire career burying him and spreading rumors about him.
Ask yourself why he was on the McMahon documentary laughing and burying WrestleMania 3's attendance with that low-balled 78,000 estimate, when it hasn't been their biggest announced attendance in eight years? 32 was 2016 and their worked attendance vs. shoot attendance is a much bigger stretch than 3's.
It's also very clear that a sold-out Silverdome's built-in seating plus the thousands of seats on the floor meant Hogan/Andre drew easily 83,000, which would make it the actual biggest verified show outside of Korea. but Meltzer absolutely refuses to investigate any deeper.
Meltzer will propagate that 78,000 lie forever. And when he says 78,000, he means exactly 78,000 on the dot. What are the odds that's true? Use your head. Hogan/Andre was the biggest drawing main event of all time even if you just settle for the crowd being at 83,000. It could reasonably stretch to 86,000.
>Ask yourself why he was on the McMahon documentary laughing and burying WrestleMania 3's attendance with that low-balled 78,000 estimate, when it hasn't been their biggest announced attendance in eight years?
Probably because they were discussing WM 3 and not something more recent. Now a question for you anon, why haven't you been taking your meds?
I like Austin more, he reached a higher peak, took the WWF from the verge of bankruptcy to going public, but it's retarded to say he was a bigger name than Hogan. Even from a strictly wrestling point of view Hogan had the better career, starting 2 different wrestling booms in 2 different decades, both times on top.
Rock was a shooting star that was only massive for a few years before he headed to Hollywood.
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The Hogan/Andre rematch on the February 5, 1988 episode of The Main Event had 15.2 Nielsen rating and 33 million viewers, which is still the all-time record in any wrestling company over 36 years later.
Thanks for playing.
Nielsen rating is still the record but 33 million viewers obviously isn't, unless you're just counting non-PPV
that wasn't an incredible rating for 1988, btw, there were fewer channels and more viewers
Nice troll, too bad it's completely disconnected from reality.
Ask any normie over 40 if they know who Hulk Hogan is. They will.
>He was as famous as people like Michael Jordan or Michael Jackson, famous as anyone in the country
No, that's Hogan retard. Furthermore Hogan is still a household name. Austin was big at one point, but not that big, and he was that big for like 2 or 3 years. Hogan is like 40 years and counting.
Wasn't Austin's run only like 4 years? Hogan was a draw for decades.
>his return in the early 00s

kek, one match then a DOA month long nostalgia run
>reddit spacing
Sup ojama
yeah they would know Geraldo and Richard Simmons too, because they're also artifacts from the 80s and nowhere comparable to Jordan or Jackson who are two of the most famous human beings to have ever lived
Comparing Hogan to Geraldo and Richard Simmons is really underselling how well known he was back then.
Not everyone watched pro-wrestling but everyone knew who he was. Pro-wrestling was much bigger at the time and he was absolutely the face of pro-wrestling.
He was such an icon of the 80's that Trump had him speak at his convention this year precisely to appeal to the 80's nostalgia demographic.
You're really to stupid to deserve more replies, but you're the one that brought up asking randos of a certain age about someone from their childhood, and that's not the popularity Jordan and MJ had or still have.
>He was such an icon of the 80's that Trump had him speak at his convention this year precisely to appeal to the 80's nostalgia demographic.
He is such a hasbeen that he took a check for a failing campaign and was roundly mocked for his appearance kek
You can't say obviously correct things like this on /pw/, you have to be a weird faggot about everything.
>You're really to stupid to deserve more replies, but you're the one that brought up asking randos of a certain age about someone from their childhood, and that's not the popularity Jordan and MJ had or still have.
Hey schizo, I'm not the person who asked the original question, you stupid fucking dumbass.
Learn how an anonymous posting board works newfag.
Then explain his merch sales?
>I'm not the person who asked the original question
What question? There was no question asked, retard, so looks you jumped into the convo without looking at what I was replying and now you're all hot about it. Not my problem, faggot
Citation needed and it must be from a unbiased source.
Again that's false and you fucking know it.
Hi fag
Man you guys are retarded.
>What question? There was no question asked
From >>16007967:
>>You're really to stupid to deserve more replies, but you're the one that brought up asking randos of a certain age about someone from their childhood, and that's not the popularity Jordan and MJ had or still have.
Jesus Christ dude. How do you have the utter gall to accuse others of being retarded you stupid nigger.
>Ask any normie over 40 if they know who Hulk Hogan is. They will.
Is a comment, not a question
>you're the one that brought up asking randos of a certain age about someone from their childhood
Is also a comment, not question.
brutal mogging. based Hulkster made austin thank him for drawing the house
So no response.
Dude, take the L and shut the fuck up.
Austin is a tranny-loving faggot. Hogan isn't.
Who cares. The industry model was so different you can't compare different eras. 80s was still transitioning from territories and 90s Raw was a thing and the shows were being booked for the television and monthly ppv instead of trying to draw live shows with a single feud.
Let's be honest: between Hogan, Austin and Rock, it's an insult to suggest that any of them is clearly a bigger national star than the other two
They might have outdone one another as it relates to certain measurable metrics, but all three are in the same stratosphere of 'biggest wrestling stars ever'. There's no huge significant difference between their fame/star power
Enlightened Centrist take
Remember when Austin walked out the night after WrestleMania 18 because he didn't like his place on the card?

Remember when Austin skipped the brand split draft in 2002 because he wasn't going to be the first pick?

Remember when he no showed a bunch of Raws in Fall 01 because he had to put kurt angle over for 9/11 reasons and he didn't want to?

Remember when he walked out again because he was seething over Lesnar and vince was trying to move on from Austins old ass?

Remember when he didn't want to put The Rock over at WrestleMania 2000 so he got his neck surgery faster than he was supposed to?

Remember when Austin came back in 2003 and got embarrassed by Triple H for being a pretend sheriff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuNAYdcgRcc&t=41s
>only massive for a few years
steve was only massive in 1998 and half of 1999 KWAB
This makes steve a flash in the pan
>Hi fag
stop talking to yourself, fatty
shut up you retarded tranny
nobody knew austin in antarctica and australia either. his popularity was limited to north america, and that too in southern USA states where hillbilly rednecks reside
>nobody knew Austin in Australia
personne connait austin en france
Hogan vs Andre was a 5 star match
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Hogan vs Rock was a 6 star match. An extra star for SkyDome

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