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I'm actually convinced that a mass exodus of posters have left this place because its nothing but console war bait and schizos like rovert, bitchtit, ojama and joshiwaifu simps ruining every thread that the normal posters couldn't take it anymore and fucking left this place thats why the board is so dead these days and the only threads that gain tracations are console war flame threads
Just filter all of those things you listed, and /pw/ becomes usable again.
People dont respond to your spam threads. Surprising I know.
this was never a particularly fast board. you can't schizopost on other boards because it'll fly off page 10 in five minutes, but if you do so here it'll survive a couple hours and some other schizo will bump it at least once.
It’s because the jannies are uptight pricks. No one comes to 4chan to have serious discussions constantly. Sure it can happen, but the point of this site is it’s irreverence. There’s literally no point in frequenting this website if you demand rigidly discussed topics. Go elsewhere.
jannies = trannies, it's that simple
there have been some sad pathetic power hungry jannies on asp and pw for sure
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/pw/ is dying
Yeah go to Reddit or something OP and shut the fuck up
It’s not that they’re power hungry, they want to contour the board to their personal opinion through their moderation. Picking and choosing what is “acceptable shitposting” and what’s “off topic spam” shows a clear bias. Things can sort themselves out without intervention most times.
I made my debut on /tv/ recently, those motherfuckers don't know how to let a story breath, dudes posting like its osprey vs riccochet

Remember how Bitchtits originally seethed about "WOS"?
>this year's mania was the biggest one to date
kek what an active and successful board
on /pol/ when you type "onions" you get "onions". do the same thing here, but for rovert, hogwheels, et al. change these names to "rainbow" or something equally silly and innocuous.
As a poster, of the board is reflecting a sentiment I disagree with, that gives me an angle to address with my posts. I don’t see it necessarily as a “negative”. Unless I’m being silenced for it.
They've left a literal pedo thread up for days
that must've upset quite a few newfags
Izzy is over 18 you fucking retard.
I genuinely think despite the large amount of posts here compared to other boards, it has a low amount of users. 10 or so almost daily regulars, and 20 - 50 more people who check it out once every few days and make one or two posts.
Maybe people left because AEW sucks ass so there is nothing to talk about? nah couldnt be that
I truly have no idea how many people post here but I think the daily users is more than ten. Maybe like 25-30 posting every day. But idk. I've been posting regularly for a year and have never made a thread, maybe we have a lot of posters but very few thread makers.
>admitting that AEW is the only draw on this board
E-drones just can't stop self-owning kek
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I’d rather have decent conversations but I’ve become convinced that that can’t happen until AEW and all its simps are literally dead, so I guess I need to keep shitting on the troons for another 3 years.
no she isn't
Without AEW they’d have fuck all to talk about, they can’t talk about how shit WWE is because it goes against their edrone programming
No i said complaining about wwe is the draw. smarks cant shit on wwe anymore because aew is worse now
Oh for sure it's because of muh console war (/asp/ was always anti outlaw mudshow btw) and not constat gay interracial fanfics
>conveniently leaves out rape fanfiction spam as a part of the problem
Not fooling anyone


it's hilarious how all it took for WWE to stop getting crapped on was for e-drones to have an enemy
>reddit spacing
Sup Ojama yours and Rovert’s bitchtits boogeyman will never be real no matter how hard you force it like the wrestling figs that you force up your asshole. By the way Rovert is WOS, and you were WOS’s gay boyfriend
>he’s still outing himself
Buenos Dias Xir!
Bitchtits woke up seething as always. Time to abandon the board for a few hours.
>immediately rushes to respond
Wrestling fig status?
>Bitchtits woke up seething as always. Time to abandon the board for a few hours.
you mean necrobump a two week old thread every half hour
kek Bitchtits literally cannot envision more than 2 people finding him intolerable

I'm Johnny
People can’t shit on WWE anymore because Edrones are deranged and it becomes DEFCON 1 very quickly
No, he's right. You're a faggot and you make this board unusable. Kill yourself.
admitting to being scared of e-gods lmao
Same place as Bitchtits Sr's dick: up your ass.
The hypocrisy of this post is amazing. Also Ojama pretending that he isn’t Ojama is just funny as hell
Ojama and Rovert crying about WWE in every thread and spamming “still Vince” and BBC cuck scat porn threads isn’t the problem?
My post struck a little close to him didn’t it?
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>bring up bitchtits unprompted in every thread
>bitchtits responds
Where everyone go during Christmas?
the 'cord doesn't like being called out
>Ojama and Rovert crying about WWE in every thread and spamming “still Vince” and BBC cuck scat porn threads isn’t the problem?
They're the only ones going "it's fine everything is normal!' while eating and drinking themselves into a sad cuckold's fate. Since the janny won't sort them out, the place is pretty much half their posts and their samefagging. They really think people can't tell the difference with their boring posts.
admits to making the board unusable because of mental illness lol
It's unusable for you because you are fucking petrified of getting demolished by e gods lmao
nothing interesting happens in wrestling anymore so we only get a bump around mania and the rumble unless the rare story like the vince shit drops. it is what it is we are comedy midcarders who get a pity run once a year
Who is behind all the Iyo posting?
>I'm not the problem it's everyone else

Still (You) Bitchtits

>a sad cuckold's fate.

What, like being publicly outed as the sissy BBC scatslut and getting ostracised from his family?
you forgot the bbc spammers. its more quiet today since theyre all at the memorial but on normal days its bad
He has gyno you can't fix that with weight loss
He needs surgery
clap clap clapclapclap
>a few sit-ups.

Spotted the issue Bitchtits would take with this.
The console warring is the problem. There are few original takes here anymore. Everything revolves around "lol AEW sucks" or "WWE is for kids and retards." It's almost like there aren't any actual wrestling fans here, just schizos who are looking for something to complain about. Except this place is even worse than Reddit because there are no normies to balance things out.
The cuck and simp posting doesn't help either. This isn't supposed to be a circlejerk of simps arguing about waifus. Or cucks trying to spread propaganda.
>still being a hypocrite
The lack of foresight on you is amazing Ojama. All you do is accuse others of what you do every day
standard leftist tactic
now that /tv/ stole our gay rape gimmick there's no reason for people to come here sad to say
/wwe/ belongs on /tv/ unironically
The janny regularly bans people if they insult AEW so people are probably getting sick of that.
the console warring namefags have rendered the board boring
schizos are fine when it produces something funny - 92 posting was funny for a while because of wolfie's spergouts (though this has gotten old), sashaschizo was genuinely funny
this ojama/bitchtits/roverts/whoever the fuck nonsense where they just say the same things to each other over and over is fucking BORING
there's no wit, no panache, no creativity

shitposting is fine if it's at least funny
Lmao this guy is still crying about console wars.
but enough about AEW trev.
The Jannies are bossed around in a Discord by the retards who moderate it. Schizo spammer retards are also in that Discord and beloved by the p3døphile mods there.
Yeah the schizo shit and boogeymen posting is incredibly played out. Which is why most of the funny people that used to make funny shit for the board left
The board would improve tenfold if anyone that said any of those nicknames got automatically permabanned
they all get banned all the time but they keep evading
No Shit faggot you slow brain are only Realizing This Now
Verification not required.
WWE and AEW have both been really bad lately. Between that and the retards who shit the board up 24/7, it's not worth coming here as often.
Based. OP is a faggot.
Promos good
no shit i havent left but i come here out of habit sometimes and almost immediately tune out. 100+ page posts arguing about ratings and profit.
We lost at least 65 percent of /asp/
-One of the original five Carters of /asp/
I am still here
Ever since Rovert discovered this board this time last year the quality definitely has plummeted
As long as the game threads are still good though who really cares, this place has always had unfunny annoying schizo losers who never leave
I don't mind bants, it's the Nash/Bryan/Rape/Slopdown/Etc. posters spamming the board, that's why I hardly come here anymore.
>Ever since Rovert discovered this board this time last year the quality definitely has plummeted
It was the same shit before that except the boogeyman was named Ojama.
Anon. You are the chosen one! You will bring /pw/ to glory and unit all the top shit posters. Save pee dub
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My only goal was to make AEWfags HATE coming here. Whatever happens beyond that, is just collateral damage.
you HAVE to go back.
This applies only to things that aren't real. Both those faggots are real and post constantly. Ojama has been here for years, but the anon you replied to is right in that it was rovert who killed the board. He literally never stops and has been at this in the "IWC" for a good 20 years now. He's the biggest fucking loser I've ever encountered on the Internet.
Ojama fit in, I never really noticed him. Rovert just spams the same shit no matter what the context is, I have no problem with liking AEW and trying to defend it here but post like an actual human and not a spambot
You should join them and GTFO
the 'cord hates threads exposing them like this
there is a vast difference between the type of harmless playful shitposting that has defined much of 4chan's history and the kind of absolute brain rot autism that has flooded /pw/ for the last few years
no, you're just severely mentally ill, and fat
AEW doesn't do house shows, even NJPW, AAA and CMLL all do untelevised shows. AEW is a TV show, not a serious wrestling promotion
You're fucking retarded.
not an argument
NJPW, AAA and CMLL have to do house shows because that's their primary source of revenue. AEW doesn't because TV jews will throw 9 figure deals at even a declining tranny fed just to have 3 years of consistent live content on their networks. Only reason Tony isn't profitable is because he blows money on stupid shit
These bitchposts are worse than everything you mentioned tbqh.
Where did all the waifu posters go? its just Iyo left it seems
Used to have generals for Mandy, Lexi etc
They've been replaced by le "anti woke" fags who complain about anyone posting women for some homo reason
>not mania season
>not even summer slam or survivor series
>nothing to post about other than game threads
there are only 6 hours of wrestling per week, 9 if there is a ppv. /pw/ should be a thread on /tv/. why are you shocked people don't post outside of the show hours?
these boards were never meant to appease to normalfaggotry
go back to your discord and subreddit and cry about it bitch ass
Don't forget nash posting
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These console wars have been going on for more than 5 years now. It got old years ago and the only people left are actual lolcows who make fake fighting their entire personality. When's the last time this place actually came up with a new meme? /asp/ memes used to become site culture and eventually become normie memes. This board no longer offers anything of value and to anyone who still posts here regularly, you should probably fucking kys.
Even the most obnoxious of degenerate 4chan faggots still find two retards arguing with each other in every thread every day really fucking annoying
>AEW sucks" or "WWE is for kids and retards
Where's the lie?
Wrong, we LOVE being validated.
More threads like this please!
There are occasional hope spots. My favorite thread of all time had a wide ranging discussion of sexual blackmail in the wrestling business, Mortal Kombat lore, the Shang Chi guy being in a weird gay snuff fetish YouTube video. /pw/ can still be the most compelling discussion board from time to time.
Nah you can find good posts in some threads it's just that the schizos immediately spam replies at them to kill the thread every time.
The board has gotten to a point of no return though. Online wrestling discourse in general is pure shite because of all the tribal shit and all the internet talking heads just encourage more of it.
rovert IS bitchtits. "bitchtits" is his "heel" persona he created so he can feud with someone in WWE threads. rovert aka hogwheels did this because he's a such a fat, stupid retard that nobody ACTUALLY wants to feud with him, but he knows you need a "heel" to get you over so now we have "bitchtits".

the full name is "rovert bitchtits". also, becky lynch has a restraining order against rovert, which is why he hates WWE so much: he can't stand being reminded that his wrestling waifu had to get the fucking cops involved in order to keep him away.

in short: rovert = hogwheels = bitchtits. it's all the same morbidly obese manlet who is confined to a mobility scooter because he's just so fucking fat.
Yeah, I often get bans for off-topic and I literally never post off-topic here. There is definitely some fucked up, autistic abuse of power from some deranged mods and jannies on here.
I wish we could get something like IDs to reset every day or two to reduce the tribal spamming without any of the shit that comes from actual IDs long term. Flags would just make them all call me rovert constantly and that would make the place even worse.
It's literally the opposite of this. There was WWE bullshit from the beginning. The board started out as /wwe/ on /sp/. This console war shit kicked off when the worst drones learned about New Japan when WWE signed Devitt and they kept spamming "make the switch" and bragging about how they are real fans for not watching WWE anymore. Now aew has made those people even worse. They are the issue. You get fucking freaks who love WWE psychotically too, but you don't see them derailing every single thread with the same shit every minute of every day.
I got a three-day ban for starting a thread about telling every day life stories but in kayfabe wrestling speak.
Everyone was having a good time - no console warring - just funny stories of terrible jobs, social fails and women trouble but along the lines of
>I jobbed to the Boss in a HR match after sending shoot dick pics to his valet.
Jannies are just anti-fun. 4chan is generally unuseable nowadays anyway. I only come here out of compulsion and 15+ years of habit.
No that's you. Rovert literally does post here, it's the only place that hasn't banned him completely for shitting the place up aside from twitter.
>sexual blackmail in the wrestling business, Mortal Kombat lore, the Shang Chi guy being in a weird gay snuff fetish YouTube video. /pw/ can still be the most compelling discussion board from time to time.
See that's the kind of shitposting that this website was built on. Just because someone objects to your particular brand of hyper-autistic spamming/flooding doesn't mean they want heavy moderation with only serious discussion and on-topic posts. There is an insurmountable chasm of difference between the meme culture of /b/ in 2007 and the meme "culture" of /pw/ in 2024, you cannot even begin to defend this pile of smoking dog turd by comparing the two.

>go back to your discord and subreddit and cry about it bitch ass
Funny you say that since all the shit being complained about ITT comes from Discord. It is literally a small group of people who know each other from Discord having personal arguments and trying to take over every single thread with it wherever possible. If you don't respect anon culture it's you who does not belong
The "Bitchtits" thing goes back many years long before Rovert allegedly started posting here (even before Ojama)
even IF that is true, hogwheels has made "bitchtits" his own. under no reasonable circumstances could "bitchtits" now be understood to be anyone BUT hogwheels aka rovert.
Ok bitchtits
How much of a sad autistic cunt do you have to be to know or care who any of these people are enough to keep track of who does what? I feel like it's literally all just one guy at this point, including any of the people calling him out and actively keeping track of him, yourself included
>hogwheels aka rovert bitchtits just couldn't help but reveal himself

lol you're confined to a mobility scooter and have jiggling pig tits you morbidly obese retard
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>How much of a sad autistic cunt do you have to be to know or care who any of these people are enough to keep track of who does what? I feel like it's literally all just one guy at this point, including any of the people calling him out and actively keeping track of him, yourself included
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Did some digging into this "Bitchtits"
It seems we were sold a lie
It was a one off meme thing that Ojama started obsessing over. Who cares about that detail?
It's become the schizo boogeyman where if you trigger one of them they start spamming it at you. It's not a person.
That's off-topic faggotry though. You got what you deserved
I don't pay attention to any of the schizo characters these losers created. It's all retarded shit and I just ignore it.
What's really hurting this website in particular, is this gay shadow banning of posts where it says it went through, but it didn't
get back to work, janny.
Brother I only post on Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and the occasional Saturday.
I'm not the one who made an off-topic thread and then cried when he got banned for it.
this board is a complete wasteland and i no longer enjoy reading or posting here which is a shame. it was always sort of like this but ever since like, wrestlemania it has gotten thousands of times worse
The fucked up thing about this picture is I actually went to school with the guy beside rovert. It's always so weird when people post it here.
Yeah you probably cried to the jannies about it.
>gay shadow banning of posts where it says it went through, but it didn't
literally doesnt happen, people just dont wanna reply to your shit posts dude
no we should be /home/ /sp/
Moshe please
It's fun getting shitty off-topic threads deleted. Even more so when the ones who make them cry about it.
There's a guy in the marigold thread named liceman who is constantly posting pictures of the underage wrestlers and posting his fantasies about them. It's ruining the entire board.
How is a pedo posting in a pedo thread ruining the whole board?
I just went to explain how it is real and how it happens and my fucking post got eaten. I thought you had to post in incognito mode/not have cookies, but I guess I was wrong.
if you write a long post with the t word it eats your post, you have to say troon or faggot instead
Pee dub is the greatest board on this site
maybe if you're retarded
nah you're are
I was posting here earlier and every third post I would make would not post regardless of what words I used
/g/ says its some user agent thing, if you get one post muted it sometimes will mute you for several mins
Sure seems like it. They are making this site as gay as possible
Based /pw/ giving sanctuary to the schizos
The jannies on /pw/ are unfathomably based compared to other boards
/tv/ is kind of like /pw/ on crack. They're also schizos and have built memes that became wide spread. If /pw/ was a bigger board it would pretty much look like /tv/. /tv/-jannies are massively uptight fags though.
This. I remember when AEW used to actually be good or at least better than the shit they show now, the board had alot more activity. I think the mass exodus is because of ex-AEW fans. The Dark and Elevation game threads were kino.
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That's certainly the case in the AEW Women's General. Most of the bros are long gone - probably because they're tired of TK's terrible fucking booking.
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Nashposting is over on this whole site, brother
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Is that Nash's Husband?
I fear that this is indeed the case.
>i can not refute you claim, sir

i accept your admission of defeat, bitchtits
waves? viral? culture?
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>frogspammer metaposts about posting quality
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The funniest part is when you realize that the jannies created and proliferate the schizo culture in the first place. One time I posted a thread and he deleted it and REMADE MY THREAD with similar typing style to someone I was schizo arguing with in a completely different topic. They coordinate with EU Discord joshipedos to push their own gimmicks and promote tranny engagement
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>haha it's just a shitposting website bro let me spam it constantly with my schizo ramblings
>What someone disagreed with my schizo shitposting and called me out on it? REPORT REPORT REPORT
>jannies um ok you ur right hogwheels I will ban them just keep sending the cp of your daughter to me on discord
It’s shitposting and jokes or poking fun at people who missed that memo
Bootlicker Reddit tourist who likes rules and worships authority. Can't get dopamine hit from updoots so resorts to being a little snitch for his fix. Many such cases!
Wow look at how the rumble and mania bumps grow considerably each year
I was here shitposting for a bit last Christmas. I’m not proud of it.
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See, this is the kind of ass hurt I love!
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This is the attitude of a culture that SHITS ON THE STREET by the way.

They create this false paradigm that /pw/ can onlyt be an utterly devastated wasteland of nothing but low-tier console war and flame posting, or it can be plebbit.
They ignore the fact that there are a ton of boards on 4chan that are somewhere in the middle of these things, where memes and shitposting are tolerated, even encouraged, but excessive and unfunny spam and schizoposting will be punished severely to keep the worst types of retards away, the type of people who just want to ruin things for everyone else, who want to be the center of attention in every fucking thread. You used to get perma'd for being such a MASSIVE FAGGOT, you didn't even need to break a rule.

Civilized people SHIT IN THE TOILET, anon, you fucking retard.
It's fine to shit or shitpost if you will, but there's a time and a place. You don't shit where you eat, where you sleep -- you don't shit all over your fucking house like a wild animal.

Maybe they do that in your country but if that's your argument, then you're arguing for /pw/ becoming fucking Bangaldesh.
Fuck you, you dishonest faggot.
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You nailed it
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Promo's good but unfortunately only a few of us think this way
rare two layered ironic post by a schizo complaining about schizos as he schizod out

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