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Watch on Wrestle Universe - 1,298 yen per month.


10.13 TJPW LIVE TOUR 2024 AUTUMN @ Kasukabe Fureai Cube, Kasukabe (VOD)[13:00 JST]
10.19 TJPW LIVE TOUR 2024 AUTUMN @ Yume Messe Miyagi West Building Hall, Miyagi (VOD)[13:00 JST]
10.27 TJPW LIVE TOUR 2024 AUTUMN @ Ryogoku KFC Hall, Tokyo(LIVE)[12:30 JST]

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Tanuki BTFO'd
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I look forward to seeing the confidence inspiring games of Shino Suzuki
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Andreza's harem
Kneel before greatness
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Pom touching Wakana inappropriately
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I love this photograph.
Andreza has good taste
GIWTWM getting my butt punched by Pom
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slutsao being a thotsao
based panda
shes hot
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Tell me about the green one. What does she know?
I'm a yukicker
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Why does she hide her tum?
I want to rank every single TJPW gaijin by overness/value. Obviously Max should be at the top and probably Lana Austin or that Finnish moomin beastwoman at the bottom.
hey op, why didnt you wait until after the thread reached bump limit to make new? funny how there hasnt been an android op in a long time too.
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As of today, Yuki Arai has finally surpassed Thunder Rosa's historic seafoam belt reign which lasted for 276 days. Today is the 277th day of Arai's tenure as the new longest reigning seafoam champion.
Casual beauty player
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The duality of /tjpw/
the thread was at bump limit for 5 whole minutes before I made new
Longest title reign, most defenses, Itoh in the mud
That's not nice she has a broken hand
I'm looking up cagematch now to compile every gaijin that worked in TJPW and I see Arai had a match against someone called "LA Taylor". I have absolutely no memory of this person. Can anyone tell me anything about that match?
wasnt at 310 and you were clearly trying to reach bump limit faster with your previous posts. let others make the ops for once.
It was forgettable. That match was booked solely because LA Taylor is tall. That's it. The tag match she had after with Vert is better but she was hard carried by Vert and friendly girls opponents
Your new thread post was 310. How could it have been at bump limit if it was at 309 before you posted NEW? Please at least try to lie more convincingly
>A towel is said to be the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have.
dumbass op thought we wouldnt catch on. had someone else made the op, he wouldve split the threads like before.
any post after 309 doesn't bump the thread, so it was at bump limit. I hadn't posted anything for 2 hours before that either
I request sexual interactions with this woman.
kek, I'm not your boogeyman. I made the previous thread and before that I made the one with raku/kenoh/pom op, and that's it
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You're under arrest anon! Put your hands up!
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Looking through cagematch, I came across this match
>Miyu Yamashita & Mizuki defeat Maho Kurone & Marika Kobashi (10:15)
>TJPW Let's Go! Go! If You Go! When You Go! If You Get Lost You Just Go To Seijo! - Online Stream @ Seijo Hall in Tokyo, Japan
and realized this was the first ever TJPW match I watched, after youtube searching Maho Kurone and finding a youtube channel back then which had hundreds of early TJPW matches just posted on there, the youtube channel didn't last long, but it was long enough to get me into TJPW
I also never knew about this one
>26.08.2017 Meiko Satomura defeats Miyu Yamashita by TKO (10:47)
>TJPW Brand New Wrestling ~ The Beginning Of A New Era ~ - Online Stream @ Korakuen Hall in Tokyo, Japan
the deep lore of Miyu and Meiko
The most recent Setup show with Raku, Pom, and Kenoh was livestreamed on youtube. Maybe that was done specially because Kenoh was there and this next show may not be livestreamed, who knows. Stay tuned
The Oba Femi of TJPW
I like her face but her gear shows off the body so it gets extra points. She has this current one with the hip strings, and also the set that was just a bra under half a band leader jacket.
>(23.12.2017) TJPW Thanks, Merry Christmas - Online Stream @ Shin-Kiba 1st RING in Tokyo, Japan
This was the first show I watched.
Shinkiba is such a legendary venue even though its a crappy little room
Hardly "deep lore". They were mentioning it constantly and posted the full match on youtube last week
So it's deep lore
That match was the entire lore behind Meiko's recent return to the friendly ring. She beat the shit out of Miyu, then left for 6 years, came back, and beat the shit out of Miyu again. It's great. Miyu is a shit wrestler now but she's rarely booked like this anymore. We have to savor it.
I like the intimacy of the venue but it's annoying to get to. And the area doesn't have much.

Give me Shinjuku FACE any day.
Damn what a stiff player
Great lean body but she could probably work out more/lift heavier.

I wish Shoko had a spicy page.
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Max the Impaler
Masha Slamovich
Su Yung
Billie Starkz
Thunder Rosa
Alex Windsor
Unbreakable Rhio
Janai Kai
Trish Adora
Zara Zakher
Vert Vixen
Priscilla Kelly
Xia Zhao
Nyla Rose
Sawyer Wreck
Willow Nightingale
Millie McKenzie
Allysin Kay
Viva Van
Stephanie Vaquer
Candice LeRae
Alexis Lee
Gisele Shaw
Heidi Howitzer
Lana Austin
LA Taylor
La Jarochita
Laura James
Rhia O'Reilly
Solo Darling
Veda Scott
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Kira Summer is not included as she is an honorary nihonjin, but by the next show her sister will be eligible for inclusion on the All Time TJPW Gaijin List.
I was with you for the top 4. List quickly became trash after that.
In making the All Time TJPW Gaijin List, the senshus for whom I previously did not know existed were La Jarochita, Laura James, and Solo Darling. Perhaps the most obscure of all TJPW gaijin. Also Rhia O'Reilly but she was just there as a tag partner for Fackin' Noightshade.
Kira Sommer (Austrian)
You can hate Rosa but she had a long belt reign and got Miyu onto Dynamite which is historically significant. The rest of the list is difficult to rank due to the generic nature of the talent and their relative lack of impact. Putting Veda last is also a meme since she did a lot more than the people above her.
Terrible list.
Sex with miyu yamashita's bum
>but she had a long belt reign
only because she couldn't get to japan to actually defend it
>and got Miyu onto Dynamite
to have a highly embarrassing but mercifully forgettable match where she sandbagged her throughout. definitely not a point in her favor
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keep my shart burning
Billie Starkz and Rosa should be way way further down
A gaijin who was a TJPW champion is for the most part more important than those who were not.
dip my nuggets in honey vivid mustard
Oh it's a PWI autism list and not one that means anything.
All lists are autism lists that don't mean anything
Ranking by attractiveness, friendliness, or wrestling ability wouldn't be.
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She's stealing Uta's gimmick!
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What jam are we going with?
on a recent X space Haru said she makes more money than her father
keep my おなら burning
I'm choosing to believe this without actually looking into it
this is now immutable TJPW canon
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I really liked Miu's recent WU livecast. I had no idea what she was saying but she did spend 5 minutes trying to pronounce 'orange' in English
how is haru able to stream at 3pm on a weekday? my no study senses are tingling
she did her homework early
I played a vidya where you play as a group of high school students and one of them is an idol and she got time off school whenever she had idol activities so I assume it's something like that.
you gotta state on what criteria you're ranking them in
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How do I get a woman to look at me like this?
Thunder Rosa didn't have an IP belt reign.

She got the belt off Maki, and then COVID lockdowns happened two months after and she wasn't able to return to Japan to defend, and then relinquished the belt 9 months after getting it.


Thunder Rosa defended the belt exactly ZERO times in her 276 days of having it.
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Finna coom to her in celebration
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>Thunder Rosa didn't have an IP belt reign.
>She got the belt
I would've loved to have seen her vs Reika
Why is Raku selling towels and not blankets or pillows?
Feral player
Buy enough towels and you can use them as a substitute for both thus bringing Raku more money she's truly a genius.
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Many people are saying Maho and Reika are coming back! I'm so happy bros
No ones saying that
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Finally kino has come back to TJPW
Already happened. It was even posted and discussed here. How did you miss it?
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>when he has a season pass to Tokyo DIsneyland
cagematch has a page on their All-Time Roster tab where you can see which players attended the most number of shows for each year, this is the page I used to find all the obscure gaijin, but an interesting fact is that Miu Watanabe has the most attendance out of anyone for 2024. and then Hikari and Suzume were tied for first last year. before that it was a 4-way tie between Miu, Neko, Suzume and Moka.
Based workhorse Neko
Moka had the ice cream gimmick before Uta. Uta can’t say nothin’
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Bonk strong
Man... If what I'm hearing is true... poor Luna
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cutie pie
papa shoko drive me loco
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Su gave Maho an unintentional yet symbolic end to her career
Max is a ton of fun especially after she dumped that main character syndrome shitter she dragged along here
Thunder Rosa facefucked Mina her first match in Japan and it was very hot then had an unexpectedly good match with Kamiyu 2 days later

Max > Su > Rosa >>>>> everyone else
Any new pictures of this semen demon?
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Pom enjoying a treat.
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chinese player
Haru will be streaming in a few hours I can't wait to ask her questions
No. Best I can do is a dancing YUMI
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>Hey guys. How are you doing?

>Today I want to talk about my wrist!

>I suffered a broken wrist in mid-August.

>That didn't seem like a big deal (first image).

>But the doctor told me to rest and take a break from the games, I had a set schedule in the US until Sept 14, but I had to cancel everything.

>However, since I was in Japan at the time, I pushed through only the GCW Japan tour (not really a good idea) and had no choice but to take a break from my US tour.

>When I was resting, the progress was good. The doctors told me I was almost healed! At that time I thought a broken bone was a piece of cake!

>Yes, this is how it all comes full circle.

>I was wearing some kind of cast, but I wanted to get used to normal life as soon as possible, so I took it off on my own.

>“In September I'll be back in the ring!" And my September schedule, which I had cancelled, is all back.

>I took an x-ray just before I left for the US, just in case. Then it was worse than when I first got injured

>No wonder I was in pain. I was stupid and thought it was my imagination. I wanted to punch myself for thinking it would heal better without the supporter

>The other worse part is that they informed me that if I break a few more millimeters I will need surgery

>But the US tour starts the next day, and a tag team title match is scheduled after that, so what was I supposed to do? After worrying about it, I decided to force my way through.

>But of course it was not easy...

>Before the game I wanted to run away so bad because I remembered the words "if I break a few more millimeters, I'm going to have to have surgery"

>In fact, the Minneapolis show with the Dannhausen makeup was so scary that I really wanted to run away!

>And even though I survived the match, my arms hurt even more

>It feels like a sign that it's getting worse again and I get anxious and can't sleep

>Still, I managed to finish all my matches and made it back to Japan
>I thought I was really lucky, or rather, wildly determined to live no matter what

>It's interesting to go back and read some of the posts around here

>Actually, I was still in this state of mind for the recent tag team title match.

>I can't sleep because I'm always anxious about my injury, negative because I can't sleep, no appetite because I'm negative, ribs because I have no appetite. And then the fear of another fracture swirls around

>After spending about 2 months like that, I got an x-ray yesterday and wow! It was healed so much!

>I'm too strong after moving around so much well I'm not 100% healed lol.

>The doctor gave me the green light yesterday so I'm out of daily life supporters.

>I still need it for games, but this is like, well, just in case.

>This period has taught me not to underestimate my injury

>Yeah but I'll be back to full health in November and my performance will be different since I've been eating well and training with the pros lately. I'm confident I can make a big jump next year

>You all should not imitate me! It will destroy your spirit! If you get hurt, take a break! lol

>thank you, fuck you
>maki x
[Sad news]
Haru's internet sucks
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>I was wearing some kind of cast, but I wanted to get used to normal life as soon as possible, so I took it off on my own.

Please tell me this is a mistranslation.
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kek based
Does the chat auto translate? I want to say something but I'm scared.
How is it possible for someone in Nippon to have internet this bad?
No, sadly she really is that retarded
Haru makes more money than her father but will waste it all on nerd stuff
Only Premium Bandai KR products
Oh very cool, there's an AI translation toggle and it seems pretty accurate.
God I wish I was in her class.
The app as a whole is really good. It's amazing to me that Bushiroad hasn't made something similar for NJPW and Stardom.

I hope these livestreams are successful enough that they keep doing them.
Venue issues please understand
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What the fuck am I gonna do with all these Real ZONE 1/Michinoku Pro-azz fuck niggas on my Wrestle Universe 3rd anniversary smartphone wallpaper?
How come the AI translation option is on the app but not on browser?
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I left that stuff blank but did put Mio Momono under Sendai Girls because she was a tag champ recently.

The thing is none of these companies have strict rosters so I wasn't sure who counted.
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+1 new fan
But people were so sure that the photos going viral, (usually) tagging Mizuki and TJPW wouldn't lead to anybody discovering the company at all. Not one. In fact, going viral would somehow LOSE viewers. Damn Takagi.

You can't rely on virality but it probably doesn't hurt.
that doomer who always posts "viral pics don't lead to new fans" is just getting dabbed on at this point
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I thought Nao and Arisu went to the usual Disneyland in Tokyo, but they actually went to the one in Hong Kong
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Mahiro in a barhiro
I'm glad that one new fan was generated from millions of views. Great turn over.
Based Yuki Arai the best.
>Thank you so much for the delicious food!
>Sorry for being so stressed out the whole time!!!!
Why was Mahiro stressed? Is her cat ok?
I'm a Mahirokicker
No one said that, Ramos you fucking idiot. We're saying how going viral isnt an accomplishment, nor is it a sign of growth. It's just a part of the social media ecosystem of getting adverts thrown at you

If you look at their business, you will see how virality has done nothing for growth
>No one said that
Want to watch them make love
>If you look at their business
You mean if you pull headcanon out of your ass
Ramos is a weaboo lunatic and I hope he catches a stray bullet
Shinya Arino (yes, that one) reviewed a gravure magazine and said that Wakana was mentioned in it, so there might be more Tanuki gravure in the future
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I bet they overcharged her for drinks
Bovine players
I never noticed before but she a perfect square of freckles on her left arm
Maybe, but if Wakana was featured in a magazine that’s been published, she would’ve already mentioned it. There’s a jav actress also named Wakana Uehara, so it might have been her instead
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Make Arai Gay Again?
the name is written 上原わかな, so it can only be referring to wakana
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need to be nestled between Moka's thighs
She's red white and blue, she's clearly french
miu is practicing eigo on her stream
Great! Time to try to make her say orange again. O-lan?
Gonna put "TJPW Shareholder" in my Twitter bio and start caring too much about TV ratings.
Just keep track of how many tickets sold due to a fan account. So far it's a grand total of 1
Great job!
Nah she usa.
Nah She Know
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konatsu has a big head
You know what they say

Big head big titties god bless
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Looks like the owl from LOZ:LTTP
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go to bed already bitch damn
>Why does she hide her tum?
Because then when she shows it it has impact. Smart move.
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>Suzume desperately trying to create some chemistry
>Yoppy too clueless to notice
NGMIWTB (Not Gonna Make It With The Bee)
Yoppy more charmimg, she makes bee stutter.
himawari and yuna manase for tag team champs
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Spooky Szn:
Day 8
I never thought I'd say this bros, but I miss Manase Yuna
Love batowl
nobody has ever said this
i saw someone who said it not too long ago
I miss her beautiful smile and her fat boobs and her mid matches, but mostly her fat boobs
We need more Ami Yumola
Ami Yuckola never had the makings of a friendly player
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toga if she eat lemon
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>Don't you get it, Marigold? It's over! You lose!
Cauliflower ear? This chick a shooter? What do we know about her?
>Cauliflower ear?
She just has attached earlobes. Neko has the same thing
>What do we know about her?
She's a sneakerhead and loves Suzume

>She's a sneakerhead and loves Suzume
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Rika Tatsumi
Shoko Nakajima
Yuka Sakazaki
Saki Akai
Miyu Yamashita
Miu Watanabe
Hikari Noa
Hyper Misao
Maki Itoh
Reika Saiki
Yuki Arai
Nodoka Tenma
Maki Natsumi
Yuki Aino
Yuki Kamifuku
Arisu Endo
Nao Kakuta
Pomu Harajuku
Mei Saint Michel
Yuna Manase
Moka Miyamoto
Mahiro Kiryu
Haruna Neko
Wakana Uehara
Kaya Toribami
Kira Summer
Yoshiko Hasegawa
Shino Suzuki
Haru Kazashiro
Runa Okubo
Uta Takami
Juria Nagano
Mirai Maiumi
Mina Shirakawa
Maho Kurone
Unagi Himawari
Azusa Takigawa/Christie
Sena Shiori
Marika Kobashi
Pipipipi Pinano
List of women who owe me sex.
players I've jerked off to
hinano jackie chan tribute act
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How does Andreza actually work? It seems like he can deflate and re-inflate his innards at will. By what arcane power is this done?
I want to see barhiro I wonder what she's like drunk
I love that little kid freaking out in the corner. Jumping up and down with joy, sits down, then gets up again out of excitement. A true love of the game
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The whole thing is heavier and has way more electronics than people think. There's a plug in the plug to deflated and a fan to rapidly reinflate it
*plug in the butt
Bloodlust? Or just lust?
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Both. Like Yuji Nagata she can only cum when hurting others
its cute how excited she was to see Shino
even up-up uncle loves andreza
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after looking at everyones drawings, i think the best drawer in tjpw is misao
Getting his head stuck on the way out popped me hard.
wakana went to sleep well after 2 am and woke up at 6 am
I regret not having kids.
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I'm ready for team Red White and Blue Justice
they had around 30 seconds to draw the portraits. truly the best way to see who can draw.
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koda if he smiled
shoot impressive, ngl
I still haven't seen a single fan post a Kira speed portrait, which likely means nobody ended up buying a drawing ticket for her. That's gotta sting given that she's an actual artist and was practicing for it
i only respect intellectual players
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Nah she sold 2. Kira senshu just doesn't seem very popular, especially with presales for meetos, since she's not totally fluent in Japanese
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they can face suzume
>Toga halfway up the table

We're making it happen, bros
Now we can tell how much money she's making from this gig. Like how Wakana has expensive handbags.
>Who inspired you to start professional wrestling? If you trace the lineage...
>Antonio Honda > Rika Tatsumi > Suzume > Konatsu (NEW!)
>Conclusion: Anton is a god.
I can't argue with this logic. Honda-sama, I kneel...
Antonia Honda and Transam Hiroshi did give us Rika with their comedy wrestling troupe. But they also gave us Yuka...
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I'm still waiting for this teamup
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Misao's creative wave levels are maximum
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For me it's still Raku's dogshit sketches that happened to have just enough detail to be incredibly insulting to a sensitive fan. I've seen three and they're all mean. Like a kid drawing a picture of a teacher they hate. And people still happily upload them! Her worshippers are loyal I'll give them that. Raku truly is a god
I think it was because raku is usually super patient and nice with her fans chatting. She maybe just got a bit tired and decided to fuck around
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we are so lucky to have gotten haru
>Good morning! It's raining so much!! I was surprised because it was so cold... I can wear a sweatshirt!! Everyone, make sure you take precautions against the cold!!
>Today is DDT Asakusa! There's no special event, but will you come and support us for our first time participating?
she's way too happy now
Ehhh?!? Haru-san shotto on Runa-san and injured her intentionally to boost her career??
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Thanks for drawing the house, Cyclone-chan
42 going on 43 no chlidren in sight no real urgency to procreate right now, will I eventually job to depression?
I turn 36 in a couple weeks and jobbed to it a decade ago.
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kek what a talented player
>Maki Itoh isn't re-ACK!
don't say it... don't say anything...
She should come out on a unicycle during her entrance while juggling bowling pins and dressed as a french mime
She's white (Jap men fetishize foreign women but are also intimidated by them) and everyone knows she's married and has kids and doesn't look or act particularly moe. In other words, she has nothing to appeal to the wota uncles like Shino, Suzume or Mizuki do.
Chinese women like Rika
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If only /tjpw/ had not done their digging into AniTess then maybe Summer senshu would not have had to tank her portraito sales by admitting the truth of her motherly ways
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Yoppy pinned this bird brained geek at All Rise '24

...but now...

this will certainly be a match
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Kana rode a ferrisat Cosmo world Yokohama
she doesn't look very pure
Eczema-chan kawaii
So I wasn't the only one who thought that. She looks like she'd go down the path of Maho or YUMI.
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Looking forward to Toga style cleavage shots when she debuts
sometimes I'll miss a few days of this general and find it exhausting going back through the threads. anyway all I gotta say is Toribami should win the IP next
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/tjpw3/ meetup
luv mahiro's matronly upper arms, me
mahiro's chewy body doesn't get enough attention
Do we have a set time to watch these vod shows together or what?
Nope. Hardly anyone posts about it
Trans woman
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A tiny hint of Namber booba
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>Maki teases new merch
>it's a fucking Cringehausen shirt

Come on bitch.
If you post about them on the day they come out, I'll try to watch them with you anon (so long as you live in an American timezone that is). I usually try to watch them on the day they come out anyway
what's her social media?
Danhausen is at it again with the bootleg merch, he really is evil
her twitter is @uug_p_r_kana
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menhera eyes
She honestly frightens me. Total psychopath. Even Wakana has more of a soul behind her eyes than her.
>not even on the design
>gets more than 50% split
Toga's little sister

Runa's older sister
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It's up!
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There's something about her face making her extremely sensual
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Kiso bros...
HIMAWARI-san, soon I will be able to at your presence at every show as an official employee of the Tojo girls!
I get to touch the girls? IT'S MY TIME
Nah I get it. Kiso's schedule is brutal for shows outside of Tokyo. He has to drive the DDT production truck for both DDT and TJPW, referee, and then drive it back. Man needs a break
hottodoggu and polite bow

Jimmy is back!
can they just move into disney land? jesus christ.
Yuki Arai's referee friend should be full time referee
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>being a ref is so brutal
JIMMY I was worried he'd gone like TIEO!
he was just busy taking commissions to pay for his bills bro chill
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What does the R stand for?
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When is Kana's yanmaga gravure?
She actually looks cute here. What's going on? Two Face?
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>What's going on?
She's wearing makeup
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Moka and Haru's match sold out. One of the DDT matches did too. I think this confirms that Haru, Moka, Harashima and Keigo are the four pillars of DDT.
are you actually retarded? the entire show is sold out. how would an individual match sell out?
You tell me
It would've never sold out without Moka vs Haru on the card, duh
so you don't know?
Plus he had that bicycle accident a while ago that banged him up pretty bad. I don't blame him if he's thinking about retiring. They need to hire Oshirin full time
rookie? That's my guess
a common Toga family trait
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[Live streaming] Limited goods now available!! Enjoy online crane games with players|TJPW×DMM Oncle
this was not the tjpw x dmm crossover I was hoping for
No, it stands for renshuusei (trainee)
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mmmake new
NEW >>16020837
Toppings look good but not enough cheese and sauce

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