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>A 9 minutes segment that isn't even wrestling mogs everything done by HHH
now post some angles from that era that didn't have steve austin or the rock in them and you'll appreciate the level of consistency happening in today's WWE because hoo boy some of that shit was retarded
as a kid every time i went shopping with my dad after this i would start hitting him with shit and he'd joking throw me towards the stock room was good fun
Remember when Austin walked out the night after WrestleMania 18 because he didn't like his place on the card?

Remember when Austin skipped the brand split draft in 2002 because he wasn't going to be the first pick?

Remember when he no showed a bunch of Raws in Fall 01 because he had to put kurt angle over for 9/11 reasons and he didn't want to?

Remember when he walked out again because he was seething over lesnar and vince was trying to move on from Austins old ass?

Remember when he didn't want to put The Rock over at WrestleMania 2000 so he got his neck surgery faster than he was supposed to?

Remember when Austin came back in 2003 and got embarrassed by Triple H for being a pretend sheriff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuNAYdcgRcc&t=41s
>remember when austin was based and big-leagued the WWE?
Kino. Trannies seethe.
Zayn "feeling Ucey" is literally some of the best shit they got yet I'd rather watch stupid storylines like Godfathers hos going on strike. Wish this wasn't the case
I dont like nu vince but id rather have vince back than triple bypass. Or just give everything to hbgay and rock
He could have been the biggest draw of '00s when Rock went to Hollywood if he wasn't such a petty bitch. He's even worse than Hogan who at least agreed to lose sometimes and never no-showed.
He was right in all of those cept Kurt.
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This 55 seconds segment mogs everything that gaytch ever did.
Time for Last Monster Shopping
Shut the fuck up faggot. Modern wwe is boring and sanitized trash
>independent contractor tries to get the best deal for themselves
Oh my God.
No, I don't remember any of that.
Lol, you pathetic faggot
>No, I don't remember any of that
what a forgetful faggot you are
>Austins old ass

Austin in 2002 was younger than Cody & Reigns are now.
lmao Austin had no political juice in 2002 and had to walk out.
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>Austin in 2002 was younger
And unlike Cody or Roman, austin was a crippled up has-been already by then. Kek what a weakass bitch
Austin was bigger than the WWE, so big even legacy media kept talking about him because he became a global phenomenon you obsessed tranny.

Cody and Roman are just 2 fucking nobody who cannot even become relevant outside of their shitty storylines.
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>Austin was bigger than the WWE
never was, never will be. He wasn't even the biggest star of attitude era, because Rock surpassed him by 2000.
he was 100% right about the lesnar thing though, no reason to not save that for the ppv
>Revisionist trying this hard
>It's a triple cumguzzler fanboy
Even Vince and everyone else in the WWE said so, his merchandise was the best selling one in the history of the company and he literally saved Vince from getting his shit pushed in since 97 you retarded tranny. The rock was big because Austin was there, in fact the only reason why the rock became what it is was due to their friendship.

Trannies and kids like you need to go back.
Incredibly based post
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>Even Vince and everyone else in the WWE said so
Vince literally said in 2011 that Rock took wwe to heights never seen before, so kys

>his merchandise was the best selling one in the history of the company
Cena surpassed him kek

>he literally saved Vince

>The rock was big because Austin was there
LMAO. That's why in austin's absence WWE hit its peak ratings and PPV buys in 2000 with Rock as the Top guy. With Rock gone in 2001, ratings went down the toilet, since simpcuck steve failed as a top guy in Rock's absence.

KYS faggot
It's just one retarded brown pushing this bullshit. Austin is still beloved, while people are sick of Dwayne. He pissed off Hollywood and had to come back to wrestling
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1) Vince literally said on multiple interviews that there wasn't a Rock without Austin, and even the Rock mentioned that he could not figure out how to became as big as Austin, bit since they were friends he helped him.


3) Braindead tranny take your meds


You were not even a spec in your daddy's ballsack during the attitude era tranny, kys.
your pic doesn't provide any citations, so kys tranny

>Vince literally said on multiple interviews
Carny being carny. For him, GOAT changes with seasons.
However, facts and figures don't lie. Rock's PPV and live show records are still untouched.
So, go kys, reddit-spacing tranny.
>Gets his shit pushed on after posting bullshit that never happened
>Not a single counterargument
Stay mad underage tranny, go back to your Rhea threads you faggot, only real men are allowed here.
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only real men are allowed to cum in austin's ass
Is that all? jesus you're a sad fucker.
>you're a sad fucker
your mom called me a happy fucker though
Austin is a faggot because he beat debra. Not because beating a woman makes you a faggot, but moreso because he was a legitimate household name and 1? He didn't have the hold on his woman to where if he said "give me a blowjob" she wouldn't immediately drop to her knees and 2? He reacted by throwing a childish tantrum instead of going out and finding a younger hotter girl that would throat him that very night
You forgot to say that you will vote for Kamala, you gigantic faggot.
this thread wasn't on their plans
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>wasn't on their plans
We had concepts of a plan
Who's plans?
Why do ESLs always mess up on/in
Based Austin
this OP is /pw/'s version of Chikaner. What a KWAB
Reigns is a literal cancer patient kek
If this was Shawn or hogan you would never hear the end of it.

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