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Next shows
October 11th, "STARDOM in OSAKA 2024 Oct.", Edion Arena Osaka 2nd Stadium, 6:30PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241011_osaka/?mc_id=1104

October 12th, "STARDOM in KOMATSU 2024", Ishikawa Suehiro Gymnasium, 5:30PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241012_komatsu/?mc_id=1105

October 14th, "STARDOM in TOYAMA 2024 Oct.", Bolfert Toyama, 12:30PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241014_toyama/?mc_id=1095

Previous >>16004019
Mayu is so beautiful
Momo vagina bone makes me diamonds
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why the fuck would you edit Mayu's smile
Lazy Mayu
I want to talk about players who have nice pleasant voices
I like Ami's voice
I wish I could marry Mayu.
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They dont talk much anymore so i forget what they even sound like
Maika sounded nice on commentary last PPV
>Portrait/Acrylic Stand Plate/Acrylic Keychain TOP 10 Shinjuku store total
>1. Natsupoi
>2. Anou Saori
>3. Starlight Kid
>4. Kamitani Saya
>5. Nakano Tam
>6. Iwatani Mayu
>7. Kashima Saki
>8. Maika
>9. AZM
>10. Kurara Sayaka
You gotta love Poi, you just gotta.
I unironically love Kitto's voice
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hey remember that big heel turn Saya had and people swore she was going to get a big push then she became just another heel geek?
This is so explicit that it could be a joke, I hope not
they'll probably do that and have him almost lose to her mma choke finish
You are literally retarded
tam will pull a double swerve on kamitani using kurei as a spy
e o que te faz pensar que ela ainda não vai ganhar o empurrão?
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This was mine that she drew a sloth for.
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Cute sloth.
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Holy shit, is she a demon?
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black eyes, like a doll's eyes
Also sorry guys at the meet and greet I declared that I'm Aya Sakura's first American fan. She confirmed it.
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nah we fucked her first
I don't speak Mexican, sorry.
>implying people in /Stardom/ weren't immediately fantasy booking Saya as a top level heel
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sex demon
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>"pretending that the thing that is clearly happening isn't happening so you can get an extra month of being annoying and wrong" gimmick
I am never wrong
Sup Jesse
I need to know the smell
Ranna is enjoying that too much
Sup bro.
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Love Ranna
Rannaschizo is one of the worst posters here
ratna filled midrai spot in here
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light haired miyu aint it, bros
Its not edited.
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i'm just happy to see mayu's tum again
You're delusional if you buy Mayu not leaving for a second
agreed, why would she stay in an obesity-worshipping fed
Fat Momo has a voice like that.
birth control kicking in, you hate to see it
Need Mayu to do this to my AWC.
Maika and Kitto have great voices
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>Yes! Thank you

>I want the goods you buy to shine even more so that they become treasures for you all

>I'm really looking forward to the upcoming event with Tamu in Nagoya

>I don't have any photos to post, so I'll post one I took a while ago, blown away by the wind on my way home from the hair salon
Fucking hate her
stealing lady c's copyrighted facial expression
there is nothing great about fat mike
They're both hot so it's fine.
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Perfect and angelic.
>[Severe pain] Top 5 shocking moments during a match
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>If I'm going to do it, I want to be the top, so I'll work hard in practice and on social media.

>I can accept it if I've tried everything and it still doesn't work, but if not, I don't want to give up.

>I'm going to take advantage of all the opportunities I'm getting right now
i have an opportunity for her
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Sad and desperate player like Spud C
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Sad Ranna
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tsukiyama's huge b
her face is like that all the time
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Kurara really likes the Mary Jane, doesn't she?
Is it possible to Uber Eats Waka a bagel from America? Cuz, I would.
Really cute.
I heard rumors of there being Texas Miyus
Having big, angry sex with Hanako or gentle, tender sex with Rian. Not sure what option is the best. Maybe watching them go at it together and mixing in those styles is the wag to go.
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Hazuki taking shots at Twitter trannies
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Need Phenex thighs wrapped around my neck.
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The cute, buxom goldfish visiting her natural habitat.
Kurara is so fucking over with me
I feel called out
The glow of sex with a man
That shit is turbo illegal in Japan
I will NOT say the things I am thinking about here
Which makes it all the more impressive that she always looks baked out of her cute, little mind.
I think HANAKO is probably a very gentle lover. She only does the big, angry scream after she has an orgasm.
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taking the jail time for kurara and saying that its my weed
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i dress like that
I need to fuck this granny
I need to fuck this femboy
>all the girls buy insanely overpriced brand name clothes
>Ranna goes out in short sleeves and a buys a cool jacket at a second hand thrift shop
She is the one
ranna plays drums
Cocky Rinko when she’s standing behind HANAKO
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how do you get rinko from rian?
Good question, ask the auto translate
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Sexy bitch
Rina thighs are insane
Sexy underage babe.
Pissed off rina
red belt rina
japanese is a full retard language and the same symbol can mean a bunch of different things with a bunch of different pronunciations with no a priori way to tell which one it's supposed to be
so google translate just guesses
Rina should start her own unit to reach her full potential (which is enormous)
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god damn, what a woman
Piss on rina
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Yes, specifically, she is a succubus.
The only reason she beat Rina was due to being powered by the most potent semen in New Japan.
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I was stunned that Dump was able to get up after this
What is this garbage. Where is the finisher spam and kickouts at 1. I rate it it 1 out of 10
an immobile fat old lady beating up people more than half her age is bad, just like finisher spam and kickouts at 1 is bad
Rian took sick bumps for Dump
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I appreciate the 1-count
Pouty, sultry minxes
for many fans seeing momo watanabe, tomoko watanabe and dump matsumoto standing side to side was epic
Mina is indeed quite a few years more than half Dump's age
It is in fact garbage
they almost killed my skelly...
Tam is jewish.
bushiroad fans don't know about the peak eras of any of those
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Nah you are
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cant be
Poi would never hang out with a Jew
Cope with it.
Dump reminds me of my grandma in both appearance and demeanor
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Oh really? Google translate or shoot
How did they make mayu look half decent in this photo?
I miss sohrei-chan so much bros...
hank better
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A shoot, I’m afraid
>bare lightbulb
No backstage footage in the new We Are Stardom :(
forgot she existed desu
I must sex Tekura
>Perhaps Suzuki Suzu's massive weight gain is due to the fact that she doesn't do death matches, so her blood is accumulating and there's too much of it? So, to get the blood flowing, let's have a hardcore or death match with someone for the right to challenge for the next belt.
I love this obasan so much.
the uncles would go ballistic if spudzu did a real deathmatch in stardom
Master Blaster and the Blaster Master.
If Star Bomb and Crazy Star are in the tag league, who should team up with Miyu?
Rina thighs are insane
Thekla's humble apartments.
is the one shagging miyu red shoes son
Is she moslem
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She offering you sake.
>>I don't have any photos to post, so I'll post one I took a while ago, blown away by the wind on my way home from the hair salon
I like this gimmick of 'I'm not taking a shit photo, here's a good one' Kurarararara's got going on
I accept.
they don't call her turkla for nothing
i like yunamon's boulder shaped aging woman ass when she squats in leggings
we don't announce our pronouns here
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hananko is built for it
I’m glad she has a fan, and a self aware one at that
Well she is from Europe
the moment tarpo re-signed cringela was when rossy won
I think the ultraMAGA-level of retardation on display here has been overlooked. You’ve gotta cut your forehead open to lose weight
georgia isnt in europe its next to florida alabama tennessee etc
sometimes I’ll walk around the house doing ranna’s fist pose gimmick
I’m praying for theklas family during this terrible hurricane season
>Rian's bump
Top kek
Rian is the only rookie who wrestles like a rookie. She has it upstairs where it counts
Is this recent? Is she now injured?
here's hoping
Starlight Kid has figured out how to show her boobs in every match, now she needs to find a way to show butthole
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She wearing that thing after Nagoya.
For what?
It’s it (what is it)
Love the Hanako bum.
>flipping off the camera
>the finger out
i didnt think it was possible to be this cringe and dated in 2024 but the mcgregor ripoff here gosh darn did it.
Momo has been having wild sex with Driller Mulaney
they don't call them cringe gaijin shitters for nothing
The only way to get heat in 2024 is to be a dweeb so people can't cheer you for your Excellent Heel Work
They still cheer for Kamitani.
I've been missing NJPW. Haven't watched it since like 2020. Is it worth getting back into?
Serious question, not bullshitting you.
anyone have this in better quality? i have to be able to get so close i can smell it.
Pity Assman killed himself. That brapper needs serious inspection.
Cumming inside of the Mayu!
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a fucking travesty. i just want to use her ass as a stress ball.
Assman was front row at Marigroom yesterday with his creeper lens camera glued to his face
somebody needs to hurry up and get on with that
she's already 30
none of you limp wristed bandits could handle big hank
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I rabu
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Mayu sneaking Marigold incognito.
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oh i could. trust me. it would take 43 strong men to remove my tongue from her butthole
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midgeo seething because hazuki has shoot tits and not work tits like her
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Always thought she was cute and had a great build, but that ass is perfection.
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shoot heat players
You should drop E in those.
spudlike midge
spudzu suzuki
midyu notthatsorry
mei seiraously stinky
nobody has ever called azmidget ratzm
sausagelike limb
blimpzu blimpzuki
piyu amisucky
mei sera sera whatever will be will be
yall got any more of those big juicy hank asses
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glad anons are finally appreciating the greatness of hanako and her ass
brings a tear to my eye
hanako's horse-like vagina
sumoo dengzuki
Watanabe Momo has never talked to Thekla once outside of business hours
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>tfw you're shackled to Thekla
we have sparse information about momo watanabe's life
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twitter machine translation has started translating black peach with brad pitt
sparelike tire
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I am booking my flight to Japan right now
nobody takes this little kid serious
going to the merch table and giving mei seira anal bleaching cream
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my dream to repopulate japan with sumire will finally be realized
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>Crushed Brad Pitt and Ruth together
love cute jumbo players
very sexy
shes a vicious little bully wrestler
The AZM/SLK photoshoot has been reuploaded in better quality on reddit
>better quality

>its all washed out and white-light blasted
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no one cares
I care
Lots of gooners care
the honokaschizo seething as usual
If` they just kissed it would be perfect gooning material

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