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Spoiler Free Edition

(Iyo and Kairi pre taped a Tag Title match against Kween Jade and Bianca, which will air next week on Raw... The results are out there if you want to look.... Also Iyo and Kairi might be making some appearances on NXT very soon, for various reasons.....)

>We hope Asuka and Dakota can come back healthy soon too!

previous: >>15979882

>The longest running daily wrestler general on /pw/

Social Media:

IYO photobooks:
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I love iyo sky
prone boning IYO and cumming in her butt
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>The results are out there if you want to look
The results are Iyo and Kairi losing thanks to Lash Legend and another black chick from NXT interfering. So the Sky Pirates probably get a rematch at a PLE.
Did iyo ever talk about why they changed her name from io Shirai when she went to the main roster? Been wondering that for a while
Clarification on the Lash + Jakara interference, they were getting in the face of Jade and Bianca ringside, then Iyo did a move to the outside and told them to stop getting involved, so they grabbed her and knocked her out when her back was turned, and then Bianca basically picked up a semi unconscious Iyo laying on the apron and KOD'd her, (interestingly, Bianca and Jade were doing some pretty aggressive, almost heelish moves at times)
Why was it taped a week in advance?
Daily reminder that Iyo lost lmao
Afraid so. Pinned again
WWE are doing a UK tour
So they did two full shows one after another?
Yeah, both were 2 hour shows, so technically it's only 1 hour of extra filming lol
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Imagine simping for this! the state of you!
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Only homosexuals can't imagine admiring attractive females
All cute!
this is true and rossy lost as well
Why did the other nigerus interfere though?
This broken black buck was rejected by his own race so hard he started simping for ugly japanese women who would run away from him irl.
WWE said it would be easier for fans to understand.
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Huh what you mean?
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Iyo blesses us again.
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How long has she had that bruise on her right thigh? I can nurse her back to health
she lost weight and looks great
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imagine the state of you antiIyo microdicks!
You think about other men's cocks a lot, pedo?
are you guys watching the dodgers game tonight
Nah, that's you and your bbc addiction
I’m attracted to Iyo but I’m in love with Masami
No I’m a Mets fan
You're the first person in this thread to mention black dick, weirdo.
I stopped watching baseball in 2020 because the mets canceled a game and put a blm shirt on the field in support of a convicted woman beater and alleged rapist who kidnapped the 2 young black children of the woman he beat and raped presumably to kill or sell to a pedo for drug money
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well the mets/phils game starts at like 5 eastern and the dodgers have the primetime spot so you could probably do both
all antis like you have microdicks and suffer from bbc addiction.
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i meant to attach this pic to my post btw its not off topic baseball chat its related to the OP pic and iyo's love for the dodgers/ohtani
just making that clear
Still thinking about and talking about cock?
Now post the real pic, anti! This is the edited one to make her look thinner.
Zero black cock in the picture so it's confirmed that she isn't addicted to BBC. She's able to control her urges unlike liceman who needs a black cock photo around him 24/7
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No. Fuck you. We are NOT doing this here.
Ok lice
Reminder to join r/GeniusOfTheSky! Best place to celebrate and spread the word of Iyo
Otani means “large valley” so he’s actually related to Jim Valley
So this is where Diddywheels has been hiding since last Thursday. Kek you got btfo so hard you came here to shit up a joshi thread because you can't not be on /pw/ because you are a crippled loser. Lmao at your life hoggers LOL
AEW does baseball now too?
>makeup and filters
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>Best place to celebrate and spread the word of Iyo
Nah that's /pw/ which is an Iyo board.
The best place to celebrate and spread the word of Iyo is in real life.
Got Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses coming to your door? Let them in and turn the tables on them by spreading the word of Iyo.
Fraid so
Shut the fuck up, retard. You're so lame.
You're in your 40's, obese, bald, and you babble on 4chan like a teenage girl. You're so gay.
an Iyo thread without a single foot picture
are you proposing starting an Iyo Cult?
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This is what she really looks like btw.
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>I have less hair than the last time you saw me...so half right

0.5/3= .167 Avg, not Post Season material
>So the Sky Pirates probably get a rematch at a PLE.
The tag titles aren't sniffing a PLE under H
Only the first pic is good. She looks fat in the second pic, plain in the third, and walled in the fourth
Iyo and kairi pulled off raw
Giulia pulled off nxt

Does triple h not care about Asian representation on his programming?
why doesnt iyo ever post about yoshinobu yamamoto
after all, theres more than one overhyped japanese dude on the dodgers
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>7-2 in 18 starts
>3.00 ERA
>missed like 3 months
>doesn't hit moonballs
Not a once in a century Ace
Because Lash and Jakara think they are the only ones who should be getting tag title shots or be the champions. That's been their story in NXT for the past several months, getting tag title shots and then losing.
Well it seems diddywheels has awoken
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Iyo is fat
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Iyo's pusy is phat!
I appreciate the free bump
I need to kiss that boo-boo on her thigh to make it feel better for her.
Looks like she took the tour of the ballpark. I wonder if she took it in the hopes of seeing Ohtani at BP or on his way to the clubhouse so he could get a photo op.
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imagine simping for pig vag
I like IYO, but I hope the Padres win because I cannot stand the Dodgers and Ohtani.
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>this was 5 years ago
did IYO and Kairi show up on NXT?
Nope, there was just a set up angle with Lash and Jakara, so I would expect Iyo and Kairi to go to NXT next week
They're Sexyy Red's backup dancers. Get ready to see Kairi throw that pancake butt in a circle.
At least she didn't say MUFFUGGIN this time
Lash and Jakara have a tag title match against Jade and Bianca on Smackdown this week, Iyo and Kairi might be ringside based on what's happening

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