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Shinno a cute edition

10/12 Kyoto KBS Hall (1:00pm JST) (VOD 10/15 @ 5:00pm JST)
>MIRAI & Mai Sakurai vs CHIAKI & Bozilla
>Chika Goto & Kouki Amarei vs Nanae Takahashi & Kizuna Tanaka
>Utami Hayashishita vs Nao Ishikawa
>Natsumi Showzuki vs Misa Matsui vs Victoria Yuzuki
>Miku Aono vs Rea Seto
>Komomo Minami vs Myla Grace

10/13 Shizuoka (1:00pm JST) (VOD 10/15 @ 6:00pm JST)
>Miku Aono & Natsumi Showzuki & Kouki Amarei vs Utami Hayashishita & Nanae Takahashi & MIRAI
>Mai Sakurai vs Nao Ishikawa
>Chika Goto vs Bozilla
>Misa Matsui & Rea Seto vs Kizuna Tanaka & Victoria Yuzuki
>Komomo Minami vs CHIAKI vs Myla Grace

10/14 Shibuya (1:00pm JST) (VOD 10/15 @ 7:00pm JST)
>MIRAI & Mai Sakurai vs Utami Hayashishita & Victoria Yuzuki
>Miku Aono & Chika Goto & Kouki Amarei vs Nagisa Nozaki & CHIAKI & Bozilla
>Natsumi Showzuki & Myla Grace vs Misa Matsui & Rea Seto
>Kizuna Tanaka vs Nao Ishikawa
>Komomo Minami vs Yuuki Minami

10/20 Nagano
10/24 Korakuen (Live @ 6:30pm JST)
10/27 Shinkiba (Day) (Live @ 12:00pm JST)
10/27 Shinkiba (Night) (Live @ 5:30pm JST)
11/2 Sapporo (Day & Night)
11/4 Nagoya
11/7 Yokohama

Watch on Wrestle Universe (¥1,298 per month)


>Entrance music

Previous >>16006991
That's a 16 year old girl, you fucking freak! Why do the mods just allow this?
because you're the janny and you delete all the reports you get?
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>gets rid of this for Aladdin cosplay
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Is it safe to post Seris?
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This is messed up. Why do marigold supporters sexualize kids like this. Why do people like scott and lice keep defending this trash
Marigold's biggest supporters like peps are pervs that harass underage players in their DM's
You should consider suicide, pedo.
I find Shino ugly btw
I don't mind when people post Seri since she's 18 but people posting Shinno gives me the heebie jeebies. Like bruh why you got pics of a 15 year old girl saved to your shit?
i think i could get a japanese girlfriend, she probably wouldnt be that attractive, but i think i could pull it off
Same guy btw
You deflecting and projecting again?
Jealous because Peps is a bigger Maika fan than you and is followed by the companies?
Dude, you saved hundreds of pictures of underage players. YOU are the pedo here.
Consider suicide, pedo.
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She's 17. Underage.
And the guy posting her is in his 30s.
its sad that dsfm is relying on twitter accounts with less than 5,000 followers to promote them
very angry this morning. go jerk off to the same matches you plagiarize reviews of yannik
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Try harder.
Edited screenshot and posting from phone and Chromebook or as you call it your underage coombook. We are into your sick ways. I hope they throw you in jail instead of deporting you back to Pakistan.
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This gonna be one of those threads isnt it?...
It's even more sad that you let them work you into a terminally online seethe and have you doomposting, spamming and samefagging in rage.
In such a short amount of time?
Just because you're a FOMO retard who pays to post doesn't mean we all are.
It's always one of those threads.
Because of you.
You fell into the polices trap licey. Now they know which posts are coming from your government subsidized phone and which are from your coombook. The walls are closing in.
if i was in shino's class i would bully her over her mom naturally brown pubic hair
Anyone can check my shit at any time. I welcome them. I've got nothing to hide.
You on the other hand... Have a nice time explaining why you've got hundreds of pictures of underage players saved to your devices.
The saddest part is when banned schizo confessed that his means of entertainment are: an old hag coombook, a crazy taxi guide and /pw/
Thats his/her life, no medication.
this loser does this shit all day every day in every thread on the board
>The Seri poster and I are two different people!!1
Yeah, dude. You've once again outed yourself. Lmao.
Boring as that shit may be, at least I'm not a pedo like you. Crazy Taxi is a GOAT tier game though.
Daily reminder that rossy lost lmao
He also admitted to being black and a self-hating racist in the iyo thread when he got worked into a sperg rage by the oinko memes.
is it true that licelad is a fit spanish bloke?
We know you do. That's why you're called a schizo, schizo.
Wait, is Seri schizo a planted glowie to bait banned schizo's chromebook IP?!
Why is Kouki allowed to compete in a women's wrestling company if they're not a woman?
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No, that was you. The same unfunny geek who was utterly ruined and exposed by the Iyo general for liking blacked cuck porn.
Stop deflecting and projecting.
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bushido? more like cookido
the misassassins have weaponized the seri poster psyop to take down licepaki
>more twitter shit
>guy who posted this is a console war faggot
>bot followers
can you just stay on twitter instead of posting here?
Getting angry when someone calls shinno cute is more a sign of being a pedo than actually calling her cute
So the schizo was totally ruined in the Iyo general and is now doubling down in here.
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According to Rossy and Sonny they drew the same amount of people to Korakuen Hall as pic related.
Real bath towel would never post something like this
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I think Rossy and Sonny are liars.
Yes i would.
good thread
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You need to stop forcing your shit gimmicks on us. Nobody cares about your lame attempts at giving your hollow life meaning, pedo.
Bat owl is cringe and was never over.
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A narrative is forming.
red belt bo and matsupoi push will save dsfm
We love batowl here. We love seri here. Simple as that
>another literal who
>bot/bought followers
Seethe more, pedo.
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Just, please
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Seri gets the most twitter engagement and she hasn't even debuted yet. Her first photobook will make a killing.
Ur trans and ur dick never worked.
haunted computer
Left your name in there.
Because she's a kid and you're a nonce?
Remember to subscribe to Seri's youtube! Her first video will be posted later this month! https://x.com/y_seri_1113/status/1843659203967365152
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>Why were the fans so far away at Korakuen Hall. Did Marigold start using a smaller ring or something?
Who is that? Your daughter?
i love seri-chan
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Id gladly buy Seri's PB
Cook his schizo ass bat
Instead of three rows of expensive chairs on the floor Rossy opted for one. Very nice of him to give up around $20,000 USD by doing that.
It's only for Title matches. (I hope)
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Need more seri and the other younger player.
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Batowl is not like that
Who would have thought that having iyo sky at summers destiny and setting unrealistic expectations would kill the company. I wish harada let Rossy book more shampoo and coffin matches. Now he's going to die a joke and broke.
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TJPW Wrestle Princess drew more 人 than Summer Destiny.
dsfm never recovered from the first bait and switch and fans will only come to the venue if a wwe wrestler is announced
>Now he's going to die a joke and broke.
And he's never getting into the WON HOF! KWAB!
All teen girls think about is adult peniss all day.
nao ishikawa and midrais breasts.
i was not into teenage dick when i was a teenager
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The results are in, the fans are excited for the return of the Mask Fiesta
Rossy just needs to run fewer shows desu. He's trying to schedule a shitty little indie heavier than he ever even scheduled Stardom before the Bushiroad boom
I hope a piano falls on your head.
I agree. Would have helped early on too. Went from the korakuen show to multiple horrible cards because of bad wrestling. He's already recycling singles matches a couple months in. Problem is the roster is so big. The other feds who run 3-4x a month have 4 or 5 regulars and fill it out with freelancers. Ice ribbon only one with a big roster and they pay their wrestlers nothing.
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now lets bring back the costumes switch battle royale
Imagine thinking anyone told the truth of attendance lmao
ewwwwwww that tranny is just as bad as peps
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the T-HEARTS invasion will reinvigorate the hype
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genderless but also a woman's pro wrestler! holy fucking mental retardation lol
She's an actor playing the part of a woman pro wrestler. It's not that hard to understand, chud.
how is she a woman when she's genderless?
Xe isn't a woman. Xe's playing the part of a woman wrestler because that's what Rossy hired xer to do.
Ok makes perfect sense
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built to receive hard cock
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So true
hummigbird must have impressed in training to debut in a title match
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who is this mysterious masked man?
love rea
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CHIAKI is being introduced to some important people in this industry
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Super delfin
My friend, this is the legendary Hardcam Hall! The reported number is correct since the majority of fans sit on the other side.
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It's so cool that IYO SKY has MIRAI's number on her yakyū jersey
did she take one of Kitto's masks and slap an M on it?
Starlight Middleage
i wanna see utami fit into mai's gear
Hummingbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise
it would surely break apart and Utami would be left with nothing to wear, how embarrassing
Too bad it shits the bed. Neither can wrestle.
I think it would be beneficial for more feet to be posted in this thread
okay Sonny
has Hummingbird been revealed yet? I don't think she's a brand new wrestler
Giulia off nxt tv already. What a failure
u taking the piss m8
Roxanne and Cora are going to have a talking segment. You're dumb if you think Giulia won't interrupt.
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Shhh CHIAKI is sleeping, don't wake her up :)
off topic licecuck. go talk about your pig slop with the other e-drones. we don't care.
Isn't marigold nxt Japan? So it's practically the same company.
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no it isn't you stupid fat bitch. we worked pedo paul to get io back for a night. now fuck off.
jim cornette called giulia a midget wrestler
what an uggo shitter
maybe she is on stilts, it would explain why she is always stumbling about the ring
Based Jim is always right.
Can I get a recap on the Rossy Ogawa grooming allegations?
If we aren't nxt Japan why would anyone watch? There are so many shitty indies in Japan. The only reason I kept watching was to see all my WWE and nxt superstars in Japan
he refers to every woman wrestler not named Rhea or Charlotte as a midget. He even tried to claim that Bianca is a midget.
NXT is the worst of the worst. As bad as Marigold is right now, NXT is far worse. Since Giulia arrived, she's been laughed at for shit knees and botches. She's also jobbed to literal bean shitters. Fuck WWE. Fuck NXT. Fuck AEW.
yuuki the turtle minami could be the worst joshi wrestler
she isn't even visual, rossy better deliver with the other gravure drop outs
you dumb tribalist cunt
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Discuss Kouki (They/Them).
Hot (Gooned/Coomed)
let's see Kouki's kouki
sonny has perky little tiddies

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