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Sad news Dani Palmer “fans”
Oh for christ's sake. Well, luckily she's not very attractive outside of having a cute ass.
Reddit is NOT going to like this one!!!
lol what a loser
Kek what a retard
Are they practicing chairshots to the head in NXT these days?
Is "cloud seeding" the new flat earth. Just absolutely nonsensical rambling
rightoids are so fucking dumb and easily manipulated
yeah, never question anything right ya fuckin sheep? not like the US government has ever lied before right?
Unfathomably based.

Thanks for your input, Professor Reddit.
>government is incompetent
>but they are also competent enough to create not one, but two hurricanes in a row
>which no other country except China, which is also incompetent, has
Similar to “Jews are subhuman, but also control everything” argument
You should question the laws of gravity by jumping off a bridge
The government lied about the vax
They don’t make hurricanes.
Just because the government does something very bad doesn’t mean every fucking thing they do is bad or everything that happens bad is a result of the government
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People like you deserve to be weeded off by nature. Zero sympy for you retarded fucks. Good luck getting 92’d by the fucking hurricane.
you're a faggot foreigner, why would any American give a shit about your gaywad nonsense
Ah so we're going for the flat earth strategy huh?
>Let's make a conspiracy so retarded that we make all others seem insane by association
Hehe yeah, shlomo, that'll get those goyim to stop questioning us
I'm in northern Canada.
>the massive, sprawling bureaucracy that is the US federal government has to be equally inept or capable. there is no room for nuance.
you fuckin retard.
I can just look at your fat, saggy mantits for proof of gravity
The irony of this post is incredible.
see >>16014787
>smarks getting worked by the schizo spot
Based reddit canceling another NXT chud weirdo
I think your brother in new york is looking for you
What "government"? You faggot. Stop speaking on the US like you live here when it's clear you don't.
Thanks for your input, Professor Chud.
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My little brother mentioned this to me yesterday (jews controlling the weather).

Have I lost him forever?
Why are American conservatives so stupid? Other countries have normal righties.
this just means the man she fucks is a Q boomer
I thought Elon would be the one to write shit like this. This bitch obviously took this take from/pol/
>not like the US government has ever lied before right?
Nuh uh
pathetic. I'm sorry that you surrendered your critical thinking abilities for reddit upvotes.
Nothing in that pea brain of yours is doing any critical thinking kek
>n-n-no u
please go back
>devastate states which will vote red anyway
Solid plan
pathetic. I'm sorry that you surrendered your critical thinking abilities for 4chan (You)s.
blumpf lost lmao
I feel bad for these kinds of people. Can't imagine having brainrot so bad you think every thing links back to election interference.
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lmao wtf
look at how hard you're seething. ask yourself why you care so much? could it be that you're a brainwashed retard that is a slave to West's unofficial social credit system?
Because Watergate happened, now and all flights of fancy are possible!
Please explain using your critical thinking skills how the government is able to create hurricanes at will and why they chose to make this one.
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>durr u spell word rong
So.much for that commitment to critical thought
>the last time the US government lied was when Nixon was president
you can't be this stupid
>believes in craziest conspiracy theories
>right wing conservative
Every single time lmfao
I just did my own research and turns out she’s a fucking retard.
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what a retard
>the government is able to create hurricanes

Who's claiming that?
She sounds like someone who spent too much time in /qa/
fuck all of you commies in this thread. The exaggerated theories about extreme rain control don't deny that the government is obviously interested in delaying whatever is back-to-normal for the counties that they need to keep not allowed to vote.
Why all the illegal immigrants are sent to key counties?
Why did California just make illegal to request voter ID?
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I assume that all of the fed bootlicking itt is from eurofaggots
Because the democrats are cheating evil trash that are engaging in white genocide.
What does that have to do with cloud seeding?
she's just trying to stop the steal from ((those)) evil weather manipulating democrats
milton reminded me of some wise words from the hulkster
>In the storm I release control,God and his Universe will sail me where he wants me to be,one love. HH
just go to hogan's hangout in clearwater and i'm sure everything's going to be fine brother
The dumb bitch in the OP's pic
is she really? DISCUSS.
But she has to take down the Jewish space lasers said Marjorie taylor green said the country was building. Give her a space shuttle and send her on a suicide mission Elon.
>posts le epic reddit wojakster
please go back
>le epic reddit wojakster
KWAN (Kek What A Newfag)
>something is gishy
yeah your stank vagina
keep self reporting.
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Are americans getting so retarded they literally dont think natural disasters are real
I don't think so. "nothing is a conspiracy and nothing has ever happened unless I say it did" people are everywhere. its the reddit npc standard operating system
she deleted it kek
Under trump they wanted to launch nukes at hurricanes yes they're stupid.
Just Chuds
Lol no balls
>all these redd*tors desperate to stay asleep ITT
Research cloud seeding
Research weather wars
Keep note of the states being affected (solid red states)
Study Cagematch
someone should post it on /pol/ I bet they'll love it
yeah you're right anon /pol/ for sure isn't already talking about this and definitely needs you retarded wrestling fags to tell them about weather conspiracies
It's been a thing for a while. I don't understand why they would think that the extreme weather that hits the same places on the planet every year in recorded history is now a conspiracy but some people are just too retarded
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When it comes to the weather, I'd rather trust the professionals on tv
climate change doesn't exist, but we can control the weather
the human race is absolutely finished and its all because of the internet making idiots think they know more than thousands of scientists with decades of experience. you even see it in every day jobs, i work in coding and i have to deal with this one stupid nigga who will google shit after i tell him i can't do something in (x) amount of time.
Do I even know who she is
I am glad these people have segregated themselves and made themselves easy to identify with their little red hats. Literally just 1 more month until we never have to worry about their shit or hear from them ever again.
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the fed is broke too
I'd cloud seed this fat hog if you know what i mean
Why the fuck is NXT filled with literal retards?
QanonXT is alive and well I see.......
this is the catch 22
yes: man made climate change is real, because the men in charge of NEXRAD are changing it
this is why democracy makes no fucking sense. this idiots vote counts the same as a nasa engineer. and this is a fucking 1st world country, imagine what democracy would look like in a overly religious 3rd world country..
Their votes count more thanks to the electoral college and gerrymandering
she didn't seem the type
Are you suggesting blacks shouldn't be allowed to vote?
These people are legitimately mentally ill.
most overly religious countries are not black but okay
This is why nxt is the best. Wrestling needs more based retards and less reddit virgins
Why? HAARP, NEXRAD and foreign countries like China are fucking with the weather.
HAHAHAHA you absolute retard
and I mean folks......where's the lie?
How does Reddit cope with the fact that most wrestlers are chuds and not le heckin wholesome commierinos? It's only the bongoids that are like that.
They dropped their entire lives to move to shithole florida to take bumps for 500 bucks a week with no guarantee they ever become successful(with NXT's track record it's actually highly unlikely they do), of course they're all retarded.
i don't get what you're saying?? if you're talking about overly religious 3rd world countries? i already answered you on that. are you assuming that the girl is black? because she's not.
North Carolina has a Democratic governor and has for eight years.
>place that is regularly hit by hurricanes is hit by a hurricane during the annual hurricane season where hurricanes happen regularly
>It must be THE GUBMINT!
Phil is going to stay quiet because she's a woman, but if this was a male wrestler tweeting this, he'd be all over the replies talking shit. Like when Lexis King questioned the narrative.
>(with NXT's track record it's actually highly unlikely they do)
Everyone comes from nxt unless they were pre 2012 so that doesnt make sense
>imagine what democracy would look like in a overly religious 3rd world country
You said it. What do you think black countries are, big brained atheists like you?
first when people think about overly religious countries they think muslim countries so your race realism bullshit falls flat because those guys are not black
Assuming this is a new girl in NXT? The profile image in OP doesn't look familiar, but obviously the name implies some connection to the company.
Every country in Africa is overly religious, including muslims. You want to insult people for being stupid religious voters, at least own that you're mainly insulting blacks.
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>cuckservatives are so mind broken in 2024 they legit think the government controls the fucking weather
She just came back from injury and is already basically Sol Rucas jannetty. Lvl up talent essentially
She made her debut in May last year and recently came back from a double hip surgery
>extreme red states like Texas and Florida are bussing migrants to other states
>a storm this strong hasn't hit this particular area in 100 years
>happens all the time
ok retard.
how's that federal boot taste, ya fuckin mindless sheep?
why are the republicans so shit? they don't even have their own weather controlling device what are these retards doing
imagine thinking that these hurricanes are caused by the government instead of being sent by God to punish the United States for gay marriage, trannies and abortion.
Does anyone else not care at all about people with out there beliefs? Like why should it bother me? Any time somebody says something like this, redditors chime in with "Ugh, it's so disappointing." Why? How much of your life revolves around Dani Palmer not thinking that powerful human forces control the weather?
Tampa has been hit by like 4 hurricanes in the last like 3 years bud, and yes I’m from Florida

I couldn’t tell you what the boot taste like. But I’d sure would love to know how it feels to be a colossal retard. Can you share your struggles with being so fucking dumb? So we can continue to point and laugh at you.
Because there are droves of people who think stupid shit like OPs pic and they are also allowed vote.
>Tampa has been hit by like 4 hurricanes in the last like 3 years bud, and yes I’m from Florida
you can just say that you don't know shit about this particular storm.
There's also people who wore cloth masks to protect them from a disease that kills almost no one who gets it, and took vaccines that don't work. Those morons are allowed to vote too.
>people taking precaution from a potentially deadly virus are just as stupid as people who think the government controls hurricanes

If you legit think these are equal, you are just as retarded as the weather control freaks. Just into traffic asap bro. Your brains already rotted to shit.
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Not surprising from Gigi
I don't think you did your own research. I think you are accepting what you are told as the truth, assuming they're not lying to you. Which is fine, you're probably right in this case, but don't claim you did your own research.

I've always noticed this. The antivax movement is more well read on the subject than the people who mock them 99% of the time. Doesn't mean they're right, but they've thought about it much more than you.
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>potentially deadly virus
I'd say more stupid. If you took a brand new vaccine for a disease that we know is practically 0% fatal to a healthy person, and we also know that the vaccines don't actually stop you from getting the disease, or getting sick from the disease, and a lot of the people who got the vaccines already had natural immunity, yes I would say these people are unfathomably stupid and should not be allowed to vote.
Cool it with the anti romani sentiment
The US government can't control the weather.

What they can do is control your fancy, high-end, heavily computerised car and make you crash into a tree at ridiculously high speeds.
the flu is a potentially deadly virus. are you breaking out your chin diaper this season?
white american conservatives are in a first world country still say stupid shit that can affect the country's politics, if they were in a 3rd world country they will be no different the other people you mentioned
Giga based
tell your supervisor that you need more English lessons, Chang.
Why would they bother targeting Florida with a weather weapon? It would be much better off hitting the Trumpy backwoods inbred parts of Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina & Wisconsin and the other swing states. Getting rid of a couple percent of Trump voters in those states would ensure Harris wins.
it's not political strategy, it's punishment and murder for wrongthink
>leftists are braindead sheep
Wow good to know thanks Dani!
post pics of this "cute ass"
man I remember some guy saying this and then his state got hit by a hurricane, it was pretty funny but I can't find it anymore
he lived in the United States, didn't he? God is punishing everyone here.
then why are they punishing Asheville which is super liberal? why aren’t they manipulating the weather out west to prevent droughts and historic heat waves? why is the weather almost always miserable in the major northeast cities? why are mongoloids like you not shipped to planet retard where you can be functional members of a society without hurting actual worthwhile people?
>who wore cloth masks to protect them from a diseas
It has been 4 years and you people still don't understand what medical masks are for.
She's right though the Allies can control the weather
Eat shit faggot foreigner. Stop pretending to be American when you clearly aren't.
>why is the weather almost always miserable in the major northeast cities?
oh no did you have a rainy day in White Plains, you stupid fuck? what are you even fuckin talking about
7 million dead chud
dumber then the average pw poster what a fucking accomplishment
>>a storm this strong hasn't hit this particular area in 100 years
Hmm wonder what's caused this
>Santa Claus turns heel
I mean it's not mutually exclusive. The government having the ability to control specific parts of the weather like a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico is different from man made climate change which tells people that cow farts and their own individual use of a pickup truck is going to affect global climate and kill everyone.
>Why would they bother targeting Florida with a weather weapon?
Because it's not political, it's about pushing their climate change narrative so people more easily give up things like ICE vehicles in favor of electric vehicles and 15-minute cities (controlling how people can move essentially by limiting their options and range), forcing them to eat bugs and lab grown fake meat, etc.
Yes, this polchud theory is plausible or...OR...now hear me out: the scientists and all the data are correct
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>SC has no zip codes suspended
Yeah that is kind of suspicious if they're left untouched. That skips a whole ass state right in the middle of the path.
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Looking tight and now she's also based?
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Can women just shut the fuck up and show their tits and asses and that's it?
I thought MAGA chuds insisted voting by mail was cheating and you should only be allowed to vote in person on election day. Why's she upset about mail getting suspended a month out from an election?
Holy fuck!
What a butter face
She triggered the shit out of tranny DNC shills, huh?
It do be like that
Just mock him. My dad sent me the same bullshit
>disrespecting your father because he doesn't blindly trust the government like you
You're scum
kek it do be like that tho
You shouldn't trust the government for many reasons, not because they control the weather retard.
Finally a white guy on this show. Go Austin go!
It is VERY AND HIGHLY likely that weather control weapons are being used..

Read the bible
>Great Flood
Read a History book
>Great Flood
Read the Mahabaratha
>Great Flood
Where did the Mohenjodaro go?
>Great Flood

Yeah nukes are the meme, there have always been WMDs accessible to some elite group. None of this is wrestling related though
Your father doesn't deserve mockery from his own son just because he's wrong about something. Why don't you gently explain to him why he's wrong? Oh yeah, you have no idea because you haven't looked into it yourself, and you have no way to debunk it.
>The US government can't control the weather.

Ever played command and conquer red alert 2 ? There is literally a fucking superweapon that controls weather
If we ever need one then it should hit the Isle of Samoa and free us forever in wwe
it’s down
the E has compromised to a permanent endo one daniel palmer
what caused it 100 years ago tho?
why? chik fil a is good
soft disclosure mah nigguh
you two sound like the kinds of faggots crying if someone wasn't double masked and maintaining social distancing lol.
It's like she's wearing a Halloween mask
global warming fags won't answer this question because they don't know the answer. they just regurgitate what some guy on CNN and Greta thunberg said one time. these aren't people who can think independently, anon, they're useful idiots.
100%. And simply because those people are part of the outgroup, and they get to feel superior to someone else for once in their worthless lives.
I don't understand why they don't simply use a throwaway account to post shit they obviously know will be controversial
they're like facebook boomers
They only started using the internet post-iphone and have no idea how it actually works.
Storms were considerably less frequent and less intense. Category 5 Hurricanes used to be a once in a generation type thing. There have been 10 Category 5 storms since 2016.
>we've tracked more category five storms since we've had the technology and ability to measure them accurately
wow amazing
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finally people are waking up to the shit that has been happening since the 60s, it only took them 60 years
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Based and red pilled
So much diferent than "men can get pregnant too!" right, faggot?
NXT lacking a don’t post retarded shit to social media class I see
What caused it 100 years ago? Do you even try to think past your programming?
no you don't understand - only today's reddit virgins are smart enough to understand our planet's 4 billion year climate history and they KNOW that the hurricanes are happening because you drive an F150 even though you live in the city, CHUD.
promos good
It's publicly admitted gouvernment policy.
It's like the incompetence of gouvernment is a work, just like live shows from music groups and popular bands are a backing tracked work.
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>the government is lying to you and trying to cheat!
>but not MY side of the government, they do no wrong
This nigga thinks c&c was a shoot holy fucking retard.
this guy thinks that presidential elections aren't a work kek
this is my favourite new conspiracy theory
what will they think of next?
kek got em
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Lmao more like Dani /pol/mer
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>cloud seeding
>for the last 20 years scientists have said climate change is going to cause more extreme weather
>climate change is fake bro
>a storm this strong hasn't hit this particular area in 100 years
>>for the last 20 years scientists have said climate change is going to cause more extreme weather
what caused the extreme weather 100 years ago tho
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Oh no no no. Tony asslicking faggot tranny sisters….
the climate is changeable. things happen. what has caused the measurable gradual heating up of the planet over the last 50 years? Why has that coincided with more extreme and unpredictable weather events? Are the Jews controlling the weather? lmfao
>what has caused the measurable gradual heating up of the planet over the last 50 years?
>the climate is changeable. things happen
anon are you fuckin retarded for real?
>it's not political, they're just doing it to make their political views that I just invented easier to implement, but not doing it in the most straightforward logical way, which would be killing off trump retards in the backwoods to ensure victory for their political party, because they will still need political power to implement those plans
Dems playing 8D chess.
>why are the states more responsible for damaging the environment receiving the most damage from environments?

big think
>overly religious 3rd world country..

So the US
kek gottem
You can tell it's fear motivating this shit by how angry the posts are. Keep 'em dumb, Keep 'em poor, Keep 'em scared.
That's a 20 minute podcast segment right there.
wtf are you talking about you fuckin retard
Right wing board, Plebbit tourists
>retard board
stfu newfag
it is funny though how fema gave money to illegals instead of americans in need
>it's a 100 year storm
>storm happens 100 years later
>must be the gubmint
The planet is 4-5 billion years old. How do you know what the weather was like 500 years ago? 10,000? 500,000? 10 million? 2 billion? Even if it isn't natural fluctuation and man could affect it to such a degree, it's jews/chinks/pajeets causing all the pollution. When are you going to start holding them accountable?
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>thinks humans have the ability to manufacture a hurricane
>stfu newfag
talking to yourself I see
Trump and rightoids soon to be the NEW KWABOTY
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>yeah, never question anything right ya fuckin sheep? not like the US government has ever lied before right?
why did you post a picture of a bong?
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>The hurricanes? Man Made.
>The climate change? Hoax.
>The election? Stolen.
>The virus? Fake.
>The vaccine? Poison.
>The immigrant army? Invading.
>The pedophiles? Dems.
>The puppeteers? Jews.
>"Former White House Staff testifies Trump did (blatantly illegal/corrupt thing #56)"
>Clearly a fake conspiracy theory
/pol/sirs are the biggest fucking marks in the history of the planet
how's that federal boot taste?

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