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Discuss ChocoPro, OniPro, former Gatoh Move wrestlers, and Darejyo here!


Last thread >>15973363

Next Shows
Watching Party tonight 9pm est
10/13 Chocopro #401
10/19 Chocopro #402
10/26 Chocopro #403
10/29 Baka Gaijin+Friends vol.17
10/30 Chocopro Halloween special
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Love Miya
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emi deserves to lose for disfiguring miya. she still has scratches on her back from their match
erii got some pipes
Rubbing cream on Miya's sore back
new logo is bogus
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Kaho is so kind even after being bullied by Emi so much
Kaho bullied Emi as much as she was bullied
>Sakura desu
>Kaho desu
>Chocopro desu
erii is hiding some monster breasts
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Shouldve gotten /ourartist/ to design it

Watching Party. Mei loves Darby's jacket
Oh god Emi is in the chat and she's still heading to the venue
mei still loves luchadors
She's just like me
Mei is right.
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>Saraya ganbare!
No Mei, Saraya should just leave
It's time!
this bitch better go at least 10 min
theres only 2 matches left
No crown interesting
Queen Aminata stole it
i was moved by erii's interpretation of o mio babbino caro
Is Emi face?
At least Emi gets to beat up Kamille
Fun match
good fun match
bad ending
It's aew like wwe it's 90% interference finishes
ive missed akki asking dumb questions like which three women group would emi lead lol
mei going back home to sleep
sucks for akki
no mei to hang out and chill for the rest of the day
wont be much sleeping going on sirs ;)
you working another shift at lawson, akki?
Nobody thought Emi would win, but she pulled out the key to getting audiences to react ... the chop.

Really good match, would have liked them to get another 5 minutes, but women on Dynamite never seem to get much more than 10 minutes.
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Nonoka is having a coffee with lunch right now
I love her
And now she's watching the mone match apparently
Yeah I think she's finally fine tuned her gimmick enough for an audience to get more easily invested. No crown, keep the evil laugh, no we will rock you, lots of hard hitting moves. Being a queen isn't as cool as mauling your opponent with chops
AEW is absolutely forbidden
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Give her back the tag belt. There's zero tag teams in Marvelous anyway
not choco
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Chie and Hiyori stream
Sounds about black
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Hiyori say she didn't mean to punch Shin's back after their trios match
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two of my top three
Hagane is coming back
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hand size hiyori
handjob hiyori

Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh? Chocopro Mone?
Do it then?
Only YMZ matches so far though
Right as she does her TJPW totally guys it's going to happen believe me

Best bros English streamu
Tony wouldn't allow it. People on Twitter would use it to make fun of AEW/Mercedes. "Sasha left WWE and now AEW has her wrestling on a dirty cum-stained mattress in a basement!" Sad but that's the world we live in.
Shida wrestled in Ichigaya whilst women's champ. She even referred a match whilst women's champ. I don't think he cares that much
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I must buy many sour skittles for mei chang
I think Mercedes cares though. She'll show up and train with them as she's done with many women in Japan, but she's not actually going to wrestle for them. At the end of the day, she's going to want to be paid and they can't afford her and even if they could, as the previous poster mentioned, it would just attract more mocking of Mercedes as everything she does outside WWE is a lighning rod for X/twitter geeks.

It's her throwing a bone out ... just like she's just with TJPW before. It won't happen.
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Kobaton san is so lucky
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I wish I had a cool older sister
those are stretch marks from being a fatty
Turn your monitor on
Darejyo stream
Alice-san died on the way back to her home planet
Nozawa and Marina didn’t show up for work
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plz halp hiori
Bring back Kotori
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Wa will never make her debut
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She seems happy enough just watching >>16031397
She isn’t Wa/Nozawa
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I guess you're right Emi basically confirmed Mone has a crazy high excursion fee, unaffordable for chocopro
My suspicion was that they could only get Shida in chocopro in exchange for working the AEW women's tournament, since I doubt they could afford her excursion fee
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Emi saw The Substance!
Sayaka is lovely
>Last Thread
>97 replies

Nobody cares. Let it go.
Looks like you care
Emi Sakura is an anti draw tbqh

There's something about an older performing trying hard to stay relevant and failing at it which is endearing and sad.
Nobody asked about your life
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fearless haruka
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that guy gives me the creeps
I’m surprised her big tits didn’t pop out
Mei & Sayaka vs Miya & Nonoka
Kaho vs Mochi
Obihiro, Chie, and Shin vs Takanashi, Otoki, and Hiyori
>Kaho vs Mochi
Kaho deserves better
What a big breasted piglet
Kaho will carry Mochi to a good match
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Why can't Kurumi appear regularly instead?
Maybe because Obi is closer to Mochi
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tourist bump for kaho's naturally brown hair
Miya doesn’t call me darling anymore
I can call you darling darling
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sending your kid to chill with mei suruga must be less expensive than a babysitter
kaho has already achieved more than you ever will
White Moriyama is smart
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Eriko Iwasaka
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voice of an angel
Love Elli
i was deeply moved by erii kanae's interpretation of o mio babbino caro
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And so does all of chocopro
chie forgot to wear pants
Sayaka, Otoki, Akki, Masa and the trainees didn’t show up
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Kawaiild player
Mei and her right hand man
When will Kizuki Aoi (35) get pregnant?
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2014 eriko a cute
Kinda funny that the dude who’s always seething when someone doesn’t respect the Ichigaya rules is the one who doxxed Eriko
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lonely onions
Sight for sore eyes players
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Jump for the chocoroad
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This is the game.
Harukaze is one of the worst wrestler I’ve ever seen
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ancham got some work done
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I wish Sayaka was my right arm
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mei suruga is the most affordable babysitter in the tokyo area
Whatever it takes to get young trainees
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Nene is 11 years old and much taller than Kaho who's 10. Can we arrange a trade?
Nah Kaho is fun and she loves Mei
for me, it's kaho nene saran and miran
mase hiiro bros...
Go back to twitter Alfie
Chocopro#401 premiere in 2 hours
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ChocoProLIVE! 401
It’s KAHO!
What did Mei mean by this?
lolicon mei
Sayaka is lovely
Let’s go Miya
great main ebento
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kaho is simply the best
the amount of work this poor OP has to put in to keep this thread alive when the ChocoHole can't draw 25 people is...
kukku is live
I am recording the usernames of everyone watching that stream
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mmm that delicious belly in the back
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Love Yuko Sakurai
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don't care I will always support Sayaka
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Mei Suruga and Yuko Sakurai
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it gets bumpped by the phone poster. you can tell by his file name
I wish I could bend Miya
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Miya vs big booba Ozaki singles match in Chocopro please
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are the rumors about hiyori and nonoka true?
What rumors?
they are shoot lesbians. look at how they dress.
kuku fantia
Nonoka might be a lesbian Hiyori doesn’t know how to dress
hiyori had a funny post about erii showing her how important it is to keep hobbies at an old age
Did she post new pics?
poor Erii :(
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she really do be a babysitter
the hiyori yawata vs shin suzuki feud is sick
Shin is boring tbqh
Shin is only interesting when he's being bullied by Akki. He's the lowliest member of chocopro
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hiyori's recommendation
hopping side to side in excitement with hiyori
Gatoh Move canceled lol
the chocolate square has been on fire ever since mei suruga was given the book
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Dream game
>DIANA’s absolute center losing against Jobbo Watanabe again
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apple village
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Chie livestream in about 30 minutes
Late night quiet Chie stream
video issues
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Wow so cute IMO
Quiet Chie asmr
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Chie likes Jeff the Land Shark comics
Another Jeffu? Will no one rid me of these turbulent Jeffs?
I wonder why she likes sharks so much
When she broke her finger in 2020 she got a shark hand puppet to cover her hand for shows, similar to Honda's Gon the Fox. Probably just a random choice of animal for the hand puppet. She's been big into the shark motif since
Samezo is cute
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hiyori and nonoka are lesbians
nah you are
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Book MomoRingo
Cuddling with Hiyori
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it was better when she wasn't aware of why the uncles liked her
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Hiyori live stream
Get the fuck in here
Hiyori English backstory? This is one of the rare times I'm willing to tolerate Akki
Wasn't this stupid whore crying about having pictures taken of her
hiyori is an art student in college
hiyori likes to eat and sleep
hiyori doesnt like milk
hiyori doesnt like spicy food
just remembered anons saying hiyori couuldnt cook lol
akki talking about famous artists but he didnt mention the best one ;)
i can listen to hiyori speak about art for hours
it was quite evident that hiyori yawata has a very high iq
aqui x hiyori
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Gotta love TIEO player
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rurupencil new career
chochotan isn’t a stupid whore

Another Chie night stream in 30 minutes
technical difficulties
It's working! She figured it out
Sweatband Chie
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This is now a Chie and Hiyori thread
She's just like me!
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i don't believe in hiyori yawata's lesbianism
Hiyori is asexual
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Hopefully you can spam enough to get a new thread
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For me it's Sakura Hirota
she hitting that hyper misao pose
Masked player that has appeared in the chocolate hole with a friendly kaiju but went on to draw dimes
>went on to draw dimes
Why are you lying?
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Exploding inside sayaka
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Nonoka and Hiyori vs Chie and Mochi
Masa and Ken Ohka vs Mune and Shin
Mei and Sayaka vs Miya and Otoki
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darejyo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UldyAD1oyvs
Marina and Nozawa didn’t show up for work
Hoss showed up but she was late
Why did Yanagawa Sumika get invited back to Mexico but not Mei-chang?
>invited back
She never wrestled in Mexico before
choco mundial de lucha libre
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They should’ve signed Mana
Love Miya
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Sayaka is lovely
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She's preparing for Halloween
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Miya has got another altaria
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banned player
Why would babyface be banned?
Confirmed locker room thief
nah you are
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