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>botches a run-in
Is her career over? Will this botched run in tarnish her legacy?
She didnt. Once again Giulia has em seething
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she's fucking garbage
yellow fever fetishists be spamming 500 threads about a woman who can't even get in the ring lmao
She's still a little sore from my BWC
Oh no… this is sin Cara tier
Every week you try to nitpick something. She went to WWE. Get over it buddy
literally nothing
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she isn't much better at getting out
Giulia sucks LMAO
Someone from the crowd grabbed her I was there live
I get the intent behind your post but posting a deliberate powder and calling it some mis-timed botch is something an eastern-descended creature would do
japanese players don’t do run-ins
they are talented and get it done face to face in the ring

fuck americanos for watering down the business
No refunds droneies
ELITE TITANS, I think we dodged a bullet.
Ghoulia sucks
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But how? It's literally just sliding into the ring. I could understand someone who's never wrestled before not being able to do this, but someone who actually does wrestling? That's just embarrassing.
Seriously, how the fuck do you mess this up? Ring too high for her compared to what she's used to? Hasn't practiced? Is just shit overall? What was the issue here?
>but someone who actually does wrestling?
nah it was julia
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>Ring too high for her compared to what she's used to?
Pretty sure one of the great wrestling constants has always been the sheer size of a WWE ring compared to most indy rings, and how it is something that takes time to get used to. Being a short little Japanese girl def doesn't help.
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>botches a run-in
she learned it from the best
WWE ring is significantly bigger than the joshi rings. to put it in perspective, IYO and Kairi are legit average sized for joshis
Stop crying Tony
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>IYO and Kairi are legit average sized for joshis
not really
if it wasn't for natsupoi holding the belt right now kairi would literally be the smallest champion in stardom history
Did she hurt her vegana?
KWACB (kek, what a clumsy bitch)
But enough about Mina Shirikawa
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All the dronie Giulia bandwagoners right now
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Paul should have went for the real star
Imagine being married to such a clumsy wife. Full of laughs and giggles
can I get a YEET
Yeah, but she's hot, so your argument is invalid
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it was a tribute to hana
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And unlike AEW, who also have botches, the camera wasn't plastered on her the entire time so it looked fine on TV.
aew outta absolutely nowhere at all
AEW won.
Ok im convinced now that Giulia has brain damage from all those headbutts to Tam
after all Giulia has always been sloppy
Until someone posts the fancam of Vaquer's debut on youtube
Stardom has quite a few that are 5ft 4 to 5ft 5 or bigger
Iyo is 5ft 1 and Kairi is 5ft 2
Roxanne's fault with the lazy ass scissors.
I remember when it was first announced she was going to nxt I posted itt that she is a botch machine and multiple people said she never botches lol
these posts do not agree. also I'm pretty sure if Kairi is taller than IYO its by less than an inch
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kairi was always billed 1-2cm smaller than iyo. they're basically the same height but she is slightly shorter
she's also just smaller in terms of body mass, iyo has a bigger frame and like 10 pounds on her
What head scissors? She's not even touching her at that point
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>the tranny cope tonight is off the charts
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Why the fuck did WWE want her?
they listened to xitter mutants
No refunds piggies
Yet Iyo looks like a dwarf next to Utami who is 1.64m
Don't care. Still love this hapa autist like you wouldn't believe
I am afraid that was from Punk.
>it looked fine
yeah didn’t look strange at all when both of them ran to the ring and only one showed up in the ring kek
The ramp is super close to the ring for what it's worth, but it kind of looks like she got her stupid ponytail caught on the rope.
Holy fucking cope
Over with the crowd, can't get over the apron.
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She can't even take off her jacket without help
>the teleporting Giulia incident
This performance center show should be taped so the green wrestlers don't get exposed on TV
So she's just another shitter that joshifags hyped up
Rent fucking free
She didn't botch ratings like Moneigh
it's like your first day here you fucking retard
cumbrains overrating women because they goon to them has been a problem for the last 10+ years
Typical Italian messing up a tag team
Jesus the second hand embarrassment is strong. Are all Jap promotions this bad?
All the joshi that people brag about being better workers than the WWE girls will never leave Japan. Tam Nakano and Mayu Iwatani are probably never coming over.

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