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What do?
what's with the schnoz
this broad jewish?
>madness going on
how’s her foot game
"goth" and it's just some south american hooker dressed in black
i fucking hate how zoomers ruin everything man
Kindly stop posting my girlfriend here.
Is that an Adam's apple?
kek what a BBC fiend
No, those are breasts you dumb ass
>He doesn't know about the Big noses the Spanish gave South America when they BKEACHED the Indigineous cuties
I'm so happy the current top NXT girls are actually attractive. Back in my had we had to deal with Bailey, who had the face of a foot, Sasha Banks, who looked like a horse, and Charlotte Flair, who looked like a man.
this. rhea isn't goth either, like they see a black outfit and freak out
When's her match up with dredd?
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That was pre-recorded for an OF release as soon as her career starts to do a Mandy Rose.
>"Here's that Gothy Latina Gooner GF you wanted anon."
I specifically requested a gothy WHITE gooner GF. Send that goblina back over the wall.
Zamb! BLACKED and Bash posters look like thay
at least rhea listens to heavy music even if it's whiny emo shit
this is just some mamacita with excessive eye shadow
Fine I'll send you a PansexualFucktoy gf instead then..
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did she get implants? her tits have never been that big
madness personified
The eay they jiggled didn't seem fake
Pushup bra methinks
Imagine how Dreddful it would be to have your head caught between those thighs.
have sex
I feel for her social media manager that got fired for his big mistake.
do you understand how bras work?
Streetwalker lookin ahh nigga
Her face is so painfully mid
I ordered an Asian one
I don't want one that's going to wall at 30
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>It was the social media manager
YOu'll finna know it!
Mediterranean europe is basically 50/50 semitic and moorish.
I want Wren tho
Damn imagine getting absolutely mogged by Ghoulia. Latinos do hit the wall at 20
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>A woman of any notoriety definitely runs her own twitter!
>pov: you've attracted the interest of a lesbian couple in the club
That face is fucking revolting tho
wtf now i love ai
if wrestlers had twitter managers they wouldn't be constantly getting arguments with random fans with 15 followers
The way that she doesn't even like to smile?
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They didn't get it from us retard,
I want to violently rape this bitch
calm down sammy
That is a man
I want this woman to violently fuck me with a strapon.
Well you guys got your noses from the Moors
She does walk like a man. Look at her walk, she walks like a person that has a meaty set of balls and a fat cock between her legs.
Sexy bitch, can she speak english though
why does she walk like that?
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If only she did....
She got a big meaty set of balls and a fat cock between her sexy thighs
I fucking wish
Haitch is gonna love her like he does Rhea
>What do?
Demand a refund.
I'm fan of Vaquer but here in Chile you can find hotter girls everywhere in any street.
Chilenas look like THAT?
Even onlyfans girls don't run their meager accounts. These simps are talking to Andrew Tate lol
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Why even live, thigh bros?
Brb setting my Tinder to Chile
Retards. Vaquer is goth as fuck.
Her whole gimmick based on Satan lol.
She comes out in devil horns you stupid fuck.

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