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Steph speaks some Japanese right? Otherwise the thought of them both speaking to each other in English while learning it is fun
I'm taking the picture btw
They had sex
They’re stuck in St. Louis because of Milton so they have to fuck to kill the time
Cute desu
wh...wha... what are they doing... on the bed...b...b...bbros?
It's All over again... Another mocha splash coming up
Fucking Dredd can't stop winning
Stardrones thought they did shoot belt shots after their match in March and there was real heat
hi guila
yeah this happens all the time in joshi when they're on tour. god you drones are insufferable faggots.
talking about Dredd anaconda
Do u think they will put theyre clitosauruses on each others pusseys
Dredd is a lucky bvll
Dam fr
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this is nothing like that
Like what exactly?
I bet that room smells wonderful
Reminder CM Punk is traveling with NXT and soft micro managing shit behind the scenes. He is most likely going to fuck these two

I bet they smell good
That hotel will never get the scent of freshly ground JapMex pussy juice out of the carpet
wouldn't be the weirdest thing if they were sharing a hotel room. IYO and Kairi used to do that when they were both in nxt, I'm not sure if they still do
>that one jewish homo obsessed with black and cm phill dick
No, the only common language they have is English, and neither of them are really good at it. But when you're friendly with people you can just use hand signs and translator apps and it's not really a big deal. Try traveling more.
Porn is the international language. They probably just watched naughty movies together.
Stop posting that Italian goblin, I'm about to go to sleep
Post more Giulia she helps me have sweet dreams
they’re going to snuggle up in bed and talk about cute guys
Did they?
Stephanie will have Giulia's asshole on her breath for the next three weeks
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quads suggest they do
>No, the only common language they have is English
Giulia can speak Italian to a certain extent and Steph speaks Spanish so I'm sure that helps
>Full can't speak goblin language fluently
*Full goblin
That room smells like feet and ass
Someone should ask Vaquer how Sushipasta tastes
>feet and ass
Sign me up!
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Did they?
any video recommendations for this genre?
Madness going on rn
Giulia's Italian isn't much better than her English, she's basically only able to communicate in Japanese
While Spanish and Italian share the same common root language they are not mutually intelligible outside of a few choice words. You can make inferences from simple statements but this only works if you're fluent, and Giulia is pretty fucking far from fluent
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I´ll tell ya. They are sitting there staring at their phones for hours like all women born after 1985.
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Im sure they also shared the same bed
How would they even do it? Would they like....scissor in some way?
are you asking how lesbian sex works?
They don't need to talk with a mouth full of pussy.
hmmm yes i would procreate with both of these player
Two girls can't have sex
Dream threesome.
>they smelled each others underwear
She's not like that
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yeah but I can goon to them trying
imagine the friction you could start a fire with it
>Vaquer and Giulia
>Cora and Roxxie
The other NXT chicks better pick a side.

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