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why are e-groids like this?
Corny is right. Womeme wrestling sucks.
and it doesn't help that one of the participants is a botch machine and the other looks like every other zoomer girl from socal
Based Giulia breaking the very fabric of wrasslin stateside
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She sure broke it
>her run is legendary
what the fuck are e-drones smoking?
simps take the most boring basic shit a girl does and enhance it in their head multiple times so to them a boring average run is legendary. the simp is so caughht up in his delusion of him and her together he thinks anything she does is gold and greatness itself.
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Why would anyone simp for this?
I fail to see where Cornette is wrong
rare L is zoomer/nigger speak for "this person is not repeating the approved talking points!"
"Rare L" means "you're a fucking loser but nowhere near as much of a spineless loser coward as me because I daren't say LOSER and abbreviate it to "l" instead".
e-drones actually got worked by joshipedo trannies into thinking giulia could wrestle and isn't a sloppy botching shitter
Is she the female Tonga Loa?
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How do people like this exist?
kek these troons are boiling
This ain't even the best ones from the same shows coverage.

Corny's went full fucking retarded and couldn't get in his head why a African man sounded African and not american because that's how all black people sound.

.. or get why get why Gabagool-man was popular by sounding like a two bit DeNiro so of course it was bad for Gabagool to get over like this.

Neither did he understand Trick being over, fan chants, or the wild convoluted "story" of the match that Trick was having a match and Punk was there as guest referee because he had cheated last time even though it was announced, had segments about it...

So either Corny just jerking off his hate boner for nothing and/or just baiting reactions like this because God knows he doesn't have much real criticism to say that people would actually want to hear, like how to improve some spot or how he'd do something he didn't like which is like actual worthwhile inside from a vet of the business instead of focusing on how this and that character trait is unpalatable for him.
he's just starting to lose the plot for real as his AEW takes don't tract as well anymore as people have become so jaded about the status quo about the no quality of that company.
Thats the only reason his channel ever picked up like it did. E drones are insane cultists who spend all day hoping and praying AEW goes out of business. As soon as Jim shits on WWE, they go ape shit and threaten to quit donating to the channel. So I'm sure Jim will recant everything before the end of the day
the whoop that trick was the worst its just dude there saying tricks gonna whoop the other guy
At this point he has milked them to the point where he probably doesn't have to suck up to them, didn't he say the podcast made him more money than working for WWE/Jim Crockett combined?
But I wouldn't be surprised if that's the exact reason why he stopped reviewing NXT years ago.
>haha Jim is great, he’s ripping on AEW!
>nooooooo he’s turned on NXT! Cancel this chud, he’s a piece of shit, time to end his career for good! Nobody cares about him and his life should be over!!!
Yah he milked the hell out of e drones by just shitting on aew. Now he's trying to go back to legit reviews and when he says something negative about wwe, they lose their shit.
>couldn't get in his head why a African man sounded African and not american because that's how all black people sound.
African isn't an accent, someone from Angola or Algeria doesn't sound even remotely close to that. Plus wrestling is a work so why make it his gimmick that he's from a country no American can identify on a map?
I honestly dont know anon she's mid at best. but to the simp she's a 10/10 and any insults on her will be met with sir simpington of the virgin clan fiercely defending m'ladies honor even when it's proven she's a whore or some loose type female. the simp defends his m'lady no matter what. why they pick such mediocre females is they think its more their level and they stand more of a chance. hence why so many 3-5 female wrestlers get orbited.
Thats cool, fuck man, its on tuesdays nights! Totally forgot lol. Anyway, i thought the first show was decent.
Breaking news: Jim Cornette is not living up to modern democrat values
In other news, a whale was spotted in the ocean. And a shark. And some fish. And a manta ray.
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>he visits channels of people he hates
>he browses the comments
>he finds something he can shitpost with
>he screenshots it
>he uploads it to a totally different site
>Drones when Jim shits on AEW
>Drones when Jim shits on WWE
>Fucking racist misogynist old man FUCK YOU

This is pretty funny. I think there's money in shitting on WWE like how Jim shits on AEW but no one has perfected it yet. Whoever does is going to get a shit ton of engagement
I don't hate Corny at all, and I love having a laugh with the good people of /pw/!
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>So I'm sure Jim will recant everything before the end of the day
He had to make a video telling e-drones that they could seethe and shit their pants and it won't change his opinion
>I think there's money in shitting on WWE like how Jim shits on AEW but no one has perfected it yet.
I'm willing to bet a lot of his audience post 2019 are cultists who took a liking to him because of the way he buried AEW, I think it might actually hurt his numbers but he's loaded for life in any case
They had Roxy run through the entire women's division for a reason. She's the future of women's wrestling and it's not even debatable. I think Cora Jade is the one who will take the belt off her though.
Listening to Corny is like listening to a cranky old man in a nursing home. It might be entertaining at times but there's no reason to take him seriously.
>Hickenbottom had this 4/10 chicano midget bury the entire division
Corny is a liberal cuck, but there's two things based about him. Him shitting on the tranny rodeo and him shitting on womeme wrestling.
>When he criticizes MY promotion he's always wrong, but when he criticizes the other one he's always spot-on
Jeez I wonder why
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There's genuinely a lot of people out there who hate that AEW exists because it threatens their childhood promotion. There's a market for hating everything AEW does because it brings comfort to people like this. They hate that AEW even exists.
Is he still shitting on Ethan Page? Any highlights?
Cornette is casually racist, but his vitriolic racism always comes out when talking about Asians. He barely even sees them as people.

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