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Watch on Wrestle Universe - 1,298 yen per month.


10.13 TJPW LIVE TOUR 2024 AUTUMN @ Kasukabe Fureai Cube, Kasukabe (VOD)[13:00 JST]
10.19 TJPW LIVE TOUR 2024 AUTUMN @ Yume Messe Miyagi West Building Hall, Miyagi (VOD)[13:00 JST]
10.27 TJPW LIVE TOUR 2024 AUTUMN @ Ryogoku KFC Hall, Tokyo(LIVE)[12:30 JST]

Previous >>16006498
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the yop
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What’s so special about that DDT show that it was able to sell out? It looks like a typical card except for the TJPW feature match
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I look forward to seeing the confidence inspiring games of Shino Suzuki
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Someone needs to tell Shino that a proper lady crosses her legs.
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Takagi actually puts effort into booking shows and Takechi brought in a lot of new female fans
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I wonder who this could be
Thank you Moka thighs for drawing the house
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are Moka and Haru are the first tooj players to sell out a show?
no saar
Solely because they have the Jpop boyband dance guy on. Look at that fujo audience
i hope we get a cute female ref that ends up being more over than most of the players
Yop makes me pop
Fucksake, another Mizuki OP? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
based viral OP thank you anon
Shut up
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Sex with Making Itoh!
Hey she was a double champ that was completely overshadowed by yuka. Show some respect
We haven't had a mizuki op for like 20 threads, the last one was over a month ago. Are you the Mizuki anti who gets mad every time a picture of her gets popular? We already have enough schizos here thank you very much
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mizuki anti in the mud, can't count higher than 3
more like peedookie
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More like fuck youki
I like Mizuki but yes, maybe my memory is short, I just remember something like 6 Mizuki OP’s back to back to back last month. So I was just thinking maybe get a Mahiro, Kakeru, Pom OP going or something. Freshen things up a bit.
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That fucking bluetooth ᛒ. Did the original get knocked out like former Mina player?
who is this
Mahiro a fucking cute she really is deserving of more OPs
based hanazono
i keep getting older and shoko nakajima keep getting sexier
When does Wakana find out about the Costco Guys and the Rizzler?
So Himeka comes back?
We're Family Mart guys, of course we have mugicha with our Famichiki

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