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Genuine talent or just another pretty face?
She has that man face that makes her look like she could be voiced by Patrick Warburton
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>just another pretty face
Hey Bipper
she was cute when she wasn't a fatass
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Luv Pam
Talented for a woman
She's thick for a white chick. But that face needs a bag.
>white chick
Just one sniff of her ass is all I ask for
>Pretty face
I genuinely don't get why she is considered good or a horsewoman, she isn't that good in the ring except for a few good matches in NXT and in her heel title reign, she absolutely sucks on mic too
She made the choice to wear those pants not me
Probably smells like a casserole dish and other shit white people eat.
Bayley smokes. At least she did when she was Davina Rose (eyewitnessed).
Bayley isn't white.
That was over 12 years ago
She has been acting like a bitch since the pandemic and she can't turned it off. Now she is doing babyface stuff whilst talking like a bitch. It is unbearable.

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