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>aew 329k
>nxts rating didnt move

how is this even possible? is every aew watcher just an edrone?
Actually NXT gigaplummeted. Both ratings and demo dropped from last week.
Are you telling me is Sasha Banks got demoted to NXT she would have 2.5X greater audience than being at AEW flagship show?
AEW is garbage with no sign of getting better
Only the first hour competed with NXT so theres barely any correlation.
Its just that people didnt care
If Sasha Banks showed up to Smackdown next week and was advertised for a match with someone like Bayley she would do 5-6 times what AEW did last night. Hell several years ago those two did 8x what AEW did last night.

It is what it is. AEW is ice cold as a promotion. Roman Reigns could show up in AEW and within a few weeks Tony would have killed the momentum.
is every aew watcher just an edrone?

>Roman Reigns could show up in AEW and within a few weeks Tony would have killed the momentum.
>Reigns debuts in a backstage segment when Jericho says he should be acknowledged for all he's done for AEW
>Roman passes by and lifts an eyebrow
>following week a battle royale for Okada's All Atlantic title is announced
>Reigns debuts in it
>Loses when Wheeler Yuta tosses him out
>Wheeler wins the bout
>Okada backstage watches the event and laughs and calls Reigns a bitch
>Sites Yokozuna as being the reason he was forced to be a stereotype in TNA
>Because of this he says he will face Reigns in a match with the stipulation being the belt is a one hour iron man match where only the first five minutes have the belt on the line
>Yuta meanwhile is forced to face the winner of a #1 contender's tournament for the All-Atlantic title the following 3 weeks
>Yuta enters that tourney
>Reigns can't pin Okada in 5 minutes but wins the iron man match when Tony comes out and extends it by an additional hour
>Reigns and Okada shake hands at the end
>Yuta wins the tourney meaning he has to face himself for the chance to face Okada for the title
>He loses when Reigns interferes on Okada's behalf giving the win to Daniel Garcia who comes up out the ring to pin Yuta
>Reigns is then off TV for the next 8 months
>>16023859you forgot the trios match where he jobs to pockets
That's the big comeback after the 8 month lay off.
>NXT will see a milly before AEW ever sees another 800k
both are terrible shows that barely make it over a milly combined
Kek, it do be like that.
>Last Week: 895,000 viewers
They only lost 20,000 after the debut show AND going head to head with AEW for the last hour. That is amazing for NXT
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Don't engage with those AEWcels. They lost again to NXT. They need to leave our board.
If NXT gigaplummeted what would you call what happened to AEW?
And I have a feeling
This is like the 1-16 Carolina Panther fans trying to dunk on the 14-2 Kansas City Chiefs for losing two games
>is every aew watcher just an edrone?
The aew core audience are the worst e-drones of the past, factually. Go back 6 years on any aew mark twitter and they'll be creaming themselves over wwe
Their rating popped by 30,000 once NXT ended, which is more than what NXT lost between this week and last week. Obviously we can interpret this data to mean more AEWtroons watch NXT than Dynashite.
That’s unironically more kino than whatever shit Tony would come up with. This is funny as shit, I would watch. Tony’s booking is just sad and boring
This! Lmao!
No one cares about Niggerball 2, This is a PW thread. NXT the developmental is killing AEWs flagship show and all you AEWtist got is cope
not even aew fans watch their own shows
I think there's a decent portion of people who watch both who haven't fully succumbed to the "EVIL RAPE COMPANY FED BAD" mindset. People forget that people can like both. I personally do not watch AEW but there's definitely more people watching than just the rabid online fans. It's a promotion with a high smark fanbase but without a doubt there's just some people watching it because it has more blood and people they remember from wrestling as kids.

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