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>Daniel Garcia
i still dont know or care about this turbo midget because i don't watch warehouse fed bullshit.
And NXT dwarfed his announcement. Perfect mission statement indeed.
Kek AEWtist have to pretend tranniel fagcia is good kek lmao
>trannies still have to pretend Daniel Garcia is good
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>Daniel Fagcia
Edrones seething like always that they have to make a thread telling us how glad they are that they don’t have him
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I was legit scared that Regal and Haitch would get obsessed with him and have him fuck up Obas incoming reign
>"...when there was a good possibility of him leaving to go to NXT."
There was no possibility of this geek going to NXT. He probably put that rumor out there so he could fleece Tiny Con out of more money.
how many viewers did he draw?
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Yelled at the screen while typing so hard he dizzied himself out
He would have fit right into your faggot fEd
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>Anyone giving a shit about Daniel Garcia.

Yep this Tony's alt.
Perfect mission statement is right for a dimeless bitch to sign with a 302k company LMAO
I love Garcia and have no idea how he rattled all the E-drones on here so much. Never seen so much heat and hatred for someone before
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>Perfect mission statement.
Yeah and it's a suicide mission
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>you're laughing at this guy?
>heh you must hate him
You want to mock him because you hate him. Why you hate him, I don't know. It's probably like Trump derangement.
Im glad I lived long enough to see Drainmaker eat shit
Theres plenty of reasons to hate both those guys though, despite your delusions
I know we didn't need any more proof that cockdrainer was Tony's alt but this is just fucking pathetic. do the trannies not have any self respect? I guess not since they wouldn't have transitioned
>you hate him
We're just laughing at you for betting on the wrong horse, Danny. Then again Tony's probably paying you 5 million dollars per year or some shit so maybe you chose right after all kek
Only if you're an E-drone
Delusional narcissism
And the effect it had on the ratings?
>Delusional narcissism
But enough about your psychiatric diagnosis
Tony not even trying to hide that this is his sock puppet
>You want to mock him because you hate him
Nah. He's mocked because he's a twink, who tries to cosplay as some bad ass, but gets paid by his boss to gyrate and hump the air in front of him. Garcia's biggest claim to fame is that he almost died in a car accident and people (clout chasers specifically) felt sorry for him and gave him a handout. He won the lottery essentially.
Where the best WRESTLE not get 900,000 legitimate retards to cheer for their barely able to run the ropes side show.
You are an E-drone, and Garcia rattles you for purely console war reasons
from a power bottom
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>perfect mission statement that literally no one saw
>You are an E-drone,
You didn't refute a single thing I said. I'm guessing you go GIWTWM every time he humps the air.
you see a clip of wwe and think "yep, that's shit. no biases here, just pointing out facts". yet you find it incomprehensible someone could think garcia of all people could suck. i don't think you should be calling other people out on consolewarring
I don't see clips of wwe or watch it or talk about it
>I don't see clips of wwe or watch it or talk about it
Why's that funny
Garcia playing 5d chess, Tony made him give an I LOVE AEW speech and he chose to do it opposite
NXT so the fewest people possible would see it
Where did the “it’s Tony’s alt” meme begin? I know he’s a huge AEW dickrider but is there anything credible or is it just a fun meme?
In the deranged minds of paranoid E-drones who think everybody online who doesn't hate AEW is Tony. I've been called Tony hundreds of times on /pw/.
kek you're so mad
What am I mad at
so you don't know
Why does every aewtist statement always backfire massively? You know what. I don't wanna know I just wanna laugh HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I haven't paid attention to wrestling since summerslam?
is AEW really doing sub 500k now??
Holy shit LMAO
Laughing at All Tranny is hilarious & we do it daily on /pw/
Give Christian a new angle and fire garcia please
No wonder I didn't hear about him resigning. I wasn't one of the 292K watching.
Trump and WWE won
An audience almost the size of Lincoln, Nebraska (Pop: 294k) really enjoyed this power move.
292k people are willing to watch Daniel Garcia on their television. That is 0.084% of Americans. You are more likely to win Powerball than encounter somebody willing to watch Daniel Garcia.

So it stands to reason that if you encounter such an individual it is far more likely to be Tony Khan than not. Because the amount of people willing to watch Daniel Garcia who are not Tony Khan are a fraction of a fraction of a statistical margin of error.
e-drone's greatest fear: the black man losing his push.

take your meds

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