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Dynamite title tuesday: 329, 000 Total Viewers - 0.09 P18-49 (also their lowest ever attendance).
dear oh dear
>Half the audience instantly tunes out of that gay shit

holy grimeola
Oh dearie me
Bryan Cuckielson is an anti-draw
50k NXTitans embarrassingly turned on Dynashite after the better show ended. Shame on them
its all bad
>overrun actually gains viewers outside of their normal timeslot
That just confirms that people actively avoid it on wednesdays
At least the crowd was packed right bros
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>Garcia lost them half the fucking viewers
Wow that sure was worth the 7 figure contract for Daniel Garcia
>niggas saw Daniel Garcia restore the feeling and said "I'm out"
what was the lead in..
always has been his whole career outside of the yes chant
150k saw Neo Moxley and then Daniel Garcia and said fuck this shit
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>Jungle Jack kills the ratings
daily reminder that Tiny picked him over CM Phil
young sheldon
311k without the lead-in and overrun
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What no BBT does to a mofo
also OP you missed jungle goy tanking the ratings too
>show starts
>150k people, 50k in the demo say fuck this and turn back to nxt
>nxt ends only 50k people and 20k demo tune back into aew
holy shit what a brutal mogging
>What no BBT does to a mofo
BBT aired during what would have been Dynamite's first hour.
That's what people aren't taking into account. The treasonous Sheldon betrayal. NXT had a full Sheldon bump leading in to their show.
It's not just no Sheldon, they still had a 450k lead in and they dropped immediately and couldn't get close to it again
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AEW fans too poor and retarded to remember Dynamite was on Tuesday
Rampage: 216,000
Collision: 269,000
Dynamite: 329,000
Total: 814,000

NXT: 874,000
I thought maybe BBT airing with the AEW logo in the corner would help them
>mfw its tonys birthday
i miss seeing pockets, the bucks, danhousen, kingston, mjf, action andretti tanking the ratings
what ever happened to those guys
holy fucking grim, how do you drop instead of increasing when 450k is the start point, 33% of the audience leaving after the first few minutes, without the bump from NXT viewers after 10pm this shit would've been under 300k
>About 50k tuned to Dynamite after NXT ended
I thought there were more. Or it just passed their sleep time?
aew fans watch wwe
wwe fans dont watch aew
Daniel Garcia is ratings cancer. Holy shit. Obviously the whole night did dogshit numbers but percentage wise the women carried hard this week
>wwe fans dont watch aew
And yet they all seem to know every match, wrestler, angle, feud, and results of every show. So either that's not true or there are more ways to watch it just as effectively that aren't through cable tv
Or they see it posted online by the very few but very loud AEW fans. Are you genuinely stupid? Wait, you’re an aewtard, that answers itself
So they pretend not to watch AEW. Got it.
i dont even think aew fans know that stuff, i never even see aews actual storylines or matches discussed on here, or even after shows. im not sure if thats because nobody here watches or theres just nothing to discuss
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only time ive seen actual unironic discussion about what happened on aew was after brawl out
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>We got him Edrones!

Hahaha! Enjoy faggots.
Jake Roberts still works there?
These AI are getting out of hand

He has lived a lot longer than he supposed to. Bless the man. Good for him still having a job too.
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That is...wowee
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>329, 000 Total Viewers - 0.09 P18-49 (also their lowest ever attendance).
at this rate they will fade away before the end of their new tv deal
>Or they see it posted online
Exactly. They see it. So they're consuming AEW content even if they're not watching it on TBS. Thank you for exactly proving my point
>Are you genuinely stupid?
A bit ironic kek
If you're telling me you don't ever watch a single thing happening in AEW and then go on a four paragraph rant about how dumb what they're doing is then 2 and 2 sure aren't adding up to 4 there
>i dont even think
You could have stopped there
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AEWs worst ever segment in its history

>Daniel Garcia
Even hardcore AEWtists have been rejecting him for years

>The Conglomeration
>Mark Briscoe
Hillybilly Jannetty brother
>Kyle O'Reilly
>Orange Cassidy
>Willow Nightingale
>Rocky Romero

>Isiah Kassidy

>Colt Cabana
Literally Colt Cabana

bogged ex WWE

>Nyla Rose
That's a man

>Willow Nightingale
still fat

>Jamie Hayter
Disgusting ginger
I was one of them. AEW was the better show. NXT fucking sucked.
Had a higher demo than the second quarter with the Gacia promo which only had 6k more people watching. I'd lean towards that as the lowest
>450k immediately drops to 292k in 15 min
without the lead in quarter this is a no threeie holy shit
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I thought Nyla and Willow are the same person
Where is the "do not share" watermark?
Facts arent copyrighted libtard.
young sheldon saved tony
>dimeless shitters
>the whole roster

I think this year instead of Tony the trannies will be KWABOTY
Why is Statlander no longer being managed by Stokely? Why didn't Hangman show up to confront Jay after he attacked him last week? Why does Tony insist on making Garcia a thing?
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>Show starts
>Instantly lose 150k viewers
Dear God.
Probably something happened between those two behind the scene.
I've watched a few videos reviewing Joker 2, which contained some footage from the movie. I have not "watched" Joker 2, despite your mentally ill gymnastics that would try to forcefully position me in that category.

Plenty of people who make fun of AEW are not sitting around watching the show and making note of all the botches or slip-ups like you do, you pathetic fucking weirdo. The numbers bear out everything I'm saying and NOTHING you're claiming.
>150k missed based Hologram vs Komander luchakino
>are not sitting around watching the show
See the part where I said
>So they're consuming AEW content even if they're not watching it on TBS. Thank you for exactly proving my point
Yeah. That.
>are not sitting around making note of all the botches or slip-ups
That's literally what 90% of this board is. You're so full of shit
Didn’t this thread have 300 replies like an hour ago?
>150k instantly noped out
kek thats funny af
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>wtf is this wwe rip off
There's been a few of them
credit to sashaschizo and knowing when to pack up the gimmick because his queen is tanking the ratings week after week
Dude they legit showed a replay of a fucking bitch where they both almost broke their fucking necks. Sloppy shop.
>not even 500k
>Dude they legit showed a replay of a fucking bitch
I didn't know they showed you on there
gee.. i wonder why the ratings were shit?
maybe because they forgot to fucking advertise that the show got moved for some reason
When I put it on last night the tv listings didn't have it on there either. Just a mess of a week for them
If you can't discern the difference between sitting on a couch for 2+ hours to watch a live show - vs passively watching clips/reviews hours later, while taking a shit, while at the gym or in line at the grocery store - then you legitimately can't be helped.

You either have brain rot or you're a miserable fucking prick. There is no line of attack for you here that works, and yet you keep trying to force it. "You saw the trailer of the movie, that's the same as
>consuming the movie even if you didn't watch it in the theater
"so that means I win!"

As I said, mental illness.
It's fucking over. 329k dude holy shit.
They ran away from going head to head with NXT and still got kwab'd DAMN
I explained my wording. You provided to give examples that fit my explanation. Now you're creating strawmen to try and make yourself seem right. For someone who you'd think would be celebrating today you sure are doing a lot of crying
Makes me wonder how many fans said
>I'll just watch NXT for an hour and then switch to Dynamite
>NXT is rookies and nobodies, AEW has all the stars!
And lost track of time (because they're enjoying it) and didn't switch an hour in

If fans had to choose, one or the other, no overlap.....imo Dynamite does much better
On the positive for the trannies (besides their AIDS results), ratings will be back to normal next week.
>You ate a bite of a pizza during lunch
>That means you ate pizza for lunch
>Yes, I'm aware that eating an entire pizza and eating a bite of pizza are different things
>I will still force my narrative that you ate pizza for lunch while withholding specifics
>I am very smart because I trade on connotations
>the rating goes up once they start the last hour and NXT is over
So is the cope that NXT stole their audience? Just wondering what delusions the troons have added to the pile.
>Even combining total weekly viewership doesn’t net them a milly
Should’ve told them it got cancelled just to see their reactions
this is the actual number of AEW loyalists (not including streamfags)
from feuding to NXT to feuding with RAW now back to feuding with NXT

That's some firey bants, Trev. Two decades of posting on wrestling forums has really paid off.
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Ease up now, this is like 9/11 for that disgusting fat fuck KEK. All that shitposting and sliding for nothing
>I didn't know they showed you on there
You would know what we're talking about if you had watched.
Remember to keep bumping and making new threads of this til next week so the stupid fucking trannies kill thenselves
Hologram vs Kommander sounds like something that would be on WCW Worldwide.
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Holy shit no one can defend this. Not even Meltzer. The defenders are running out of breath from all the mental gymnastics. Below 300k holy shit. They're approaching TNA Twitch numbers. MLW youtube numbers. NWA numbers

This is a massive red flag that the ship is sinking more rapidly than ever before. Anyone who stays in the company despite all the warning signs is just plain stupid, no matter how good their contract is.
It looked like Kenny Kaos vs Johnny Grunge at 1/2 the speed
Not even 330k???
This program is fucking shit, I'm not watching again. I thought the huge renewal announcement was going to kickstart this shit and now it's in life support
Fuck you tonikan!
It's not garcia, it's how long it took to people to find the remote after this trash started airing
Fuck this shit tonikan you suck as a booker, ket someone else save this program
It's a marathon, not a sprint bros.... we have been VINDICATED!
This what you get for overpaying retarded baldy niggers
It's pretty easy to follow whats going on through ratings threads, let alone other threads on this board and through podcasts shitting on AEW even without watching a single full episode. There's isn't any worth checking them personally, imo.
...and I tried, just recently I wanted to check on particular talents match so I tried watching Rampage. It was subpar, grating to watch. It sounds awful too, Tony Schiavones voice sounds like grandpa getting colonoscopy and he can barely call a match. I've seen old bing ohall ROH tapings with better production, not production value but production.
uhh dudes? why
So I don't care about modern wrestling, but wasn't that jack perry guy supposed to be over after the whole cm punk stuff? Also, how is ambrose the only guy still getting a good reception?
Wasn't okada supposed to help ratings? Whate have they even done with him?

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