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Even if you love the WWE, you have to admit this is pretty epic...
Aren't you supposed to do the big flips before the superhero pose?
Speaking as someone who spent years of his childhood watching cruiserweight matches in WCW.....this shit just pissed me the fuck off
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Imagine watching this flip flip wahoo shit instead of Oba Femi vs Tony D'Angelo
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>that one asshole that stands up
Everything about this is absolutely terrible
It's like Dynamite Kid vs. Tiger Mask 1982, if Dynamite Kid and Tiger Mask were both kids with a learning disability.
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Damn. That was almost as good as this
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The compelling narratives told in the ring by AEW's luchadores are an art form clearly beyond mortal comprehension.
He doesn't look excited though he actually looks a little incredulous and a bit pissed off imo.
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I'm drunk AF. Wtf is going on in the webm? These burgers I made are good tho.
Meanwhile E-slop had Braun Strowman running the ropes in slow motion with a busted groin, lmao!
>These burgers I made are good tho.
Stale as rolls. Kraft singles. Anon it was over before you started. No shit you're drunk if you think that's good
Flippy shit is gay
OP is gay
That's genuinely the worst thing I've ever seen happen in a wrestling ring and I've seen people actually fucking die
>Stale as rolls. Kraft singles
First of all, I toasted those roles because it makes it taste better and it holds the sauce (subway chipotle sauce) better so they weren't stale.
Secondly while I did go cheap on the cheese, it was sharp cheddar slices from Walmart.
That was 100% pure Angus beef seasoned with the GOAT seasoning brand which is Chupacabra and with pickles which only niggers hate.
Picture screenshot because it exceeded the file size.
OK seriously what is the kayfabe reason for doing a pose after that 'sequence'? They didn't do any big moves, and If you wanted to take a quick break because you gassed yourself, why not stand up near the ropes or at the corner? Why are they looking away from their opponent? Even rolling out to the floor would be better because you take a quick break for yourself, and you open up additional spots, like a dive to the outside, a fight as you try and get back into the ring before the count-out, etc. What is the point of the posing?
>150k viewers missed this
Im not 15 anymore
those poses fucking kill me every time
>"I was able to counter all my opponents moves and I am so confident in my ability to do it again that I will pose so the crowd can praise me"
Epic botch LOL
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it really wouldn't be half as bad if they used it rarely but it feels like the superhero pose landing is used at least once/twice per every fucking show
the superhero poses are better than that stupid finger wag they used to do whenever they cartwheeled out of a hurricanrana
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Those burgers are acceptable at best, ive eaten like two boxes for lunch this month. Id rather get the fresher patties any day, plus you wont need to bury the burger in sauces and spices. Also those are wal mart buns.
>do thing
>ok now i do a similar thing
please die
I’m not the biggest fan but it’s nice that AEW has actual little people representation without them being the butt of a joke.
where even is vikingo? months ago he was hyped up as the best wrestler in the world but i barely hear anything about him these days
>Manchildren love it when Ospreay does it for some reason
>Lets have a go
I liked this simply because of the way Randy just accepted it and stood him up for the RKO again.
This is the shit that makes it embarrassing to be a wrestling fan.
great back and forth action
are they retarded?
not the fans we've established that
imagine watching either or these
The guy who gets up because he's so pissed at the awful spot and posing.

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