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What happened to her huge fanbase? Did they even really exist?
you expect her to gain 10 million viewers for aew?
There are no real draws in wrestling today
Tony's a retard for overpaying those shitters
aew is where fanbases go to disappear
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kek she really do be bald retarded sashit
Big Facts my nigga
No, but she's the owner of the lowest rated AEW segment of ALL TIME
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sashitnig will seethe hard over this one jej
She was on screen for 90 seconds of a 15 minute segment.
They moved on to the newer chocolate buttcheeks on wwe
Tony got a new TV deal, Piggaloo. Imagine having the hubris to type that out. Fraid so
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kek what a bald retarded sashit
here you go >>16026064
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jej he seethed
tony spends more than 180 mil a month feeding chris jericho and paying for the rosters HIV medication
She needed to jump to AEW right away. WWE fans will flip to another channel and follow you on social media, they aren't going to figure out how to watch Japanese wrestling.
She had a lot of goodwill and social media attention. But by the time Tony got her the rebrand to Mercedes Mone' is forgotten, and people just see her pop on on their feed and they think, "oh wow this is a more gaudy version of Sasha Banks why did I follow this rando? I wonder what happened to Sasha Banks"
bots i'm afraid
>social media attention.
she still does
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Nobody has ever cared about sashit jej
do people even talk about alexa bliss?
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I made the nig seethe again jej
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kek what a bald sashit who do be retarded tho
She never really had an actual identity. Retards on twitter who overhyped her when she left contributed massively to her downfall.
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lowest ever
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He'll seethe hard over this one jej
>She never really had an actual identity.
everyone was the lowest
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>She had a lot of goodwill
Goodwill? Once she really needed to pay attention to her presentation as an independent personality, without the WWE "babysitting" her reputation. She acted like a complete cunt to her most loyal paying fans. Her most schotzo fans will excuse it, but the general fan thought the fuck with her. Don't get me wrong, a lot of current women are bitches, but WWE cleans it up or they do something on TV to make the story forgotten. But for months & months there were documented encounters of Sasha being stuck up and treating fans like crap. Once she got on TV regularly her reputation was shot
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Update : He seethed jej
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dont blame mone for the daniel garcia effect
you're a mark
Garcia saved the quarter from tanking even further after Monke ran everyone off.
nxt was on when sasha had her match
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So AEW fans would rather watch the enemy Wrestling School than Sashit wrestle in a title match? YIKES!
Jej sashit is the biggest failure in wrestling
kek what a kwab
randy was on the show
Nobody ever had an actual reason to be her fan. Same goes to a LOT of women wrestlers.
So AEW fans would rather watch a 50 year old Randy wrestle a wrestling school jobber in a meaningless match than Sashit wrestle in a title match? YIKES!
are you new?
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are you a bald retarded sashit?
>What happened to her huge fanbase?
Did they even really exist?
Yah, they're watching WWE. the 'Krew' are a bunch of fake fuck faces bitches who love to talk but can't stand ten toes down on their declarations. They didn't stop watching WWE when Sasha walked out and they didn't tune in to AEW when she debuted there. Just like they didn't give two shits when she was working for NJPW/Stardom.
They are chanting CEO! CEO! CEO! CEO! everything she makes her entrance
She do be a horsedes, but them titties are AMAZING
You do know she gave Paul a blumpkin right?
what is this mark babbling about lmfaoo
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Congrats, you made sashitnig seethe hard jej
Wouldn't one expect at least growth? Instead 2024 with all these massive signings is AEW's worst year.
she gets zero interaction on social media.SAD!
b-but she was in star wars!
I like Sasha Banks, but I do it privately.

Her fans online are all pricks. They think she should never lose a match, they gatekeep who can support her and who can't. They're part of cancel culture and they all love CM Punk and Palestinian flags. They all have anime avatars and have a delusional sense of how close they really are with Mercedes.

I subscribed to her instagram chat and whatnot once but it was just the same 5 people dominating the discourse at all times.

Truly obnoxious people.
>she gets zero interaction on social media.SAD!
this has to be the biggest lie i've ever seen lmfaoooo
dude liv fans brag about being blocked by rhea lmfaoo do you only lurk diva stan twitter?
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You 2 made sashitnig seethe so fucking hard jej
>the same 5 people dominating the discourse at all times.
Yep. It's like that on twitter and reddit too. Loud but small fanbase
6 million is small?
Jej you made him seethe too

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