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who could have predicted how right Based H would be proven to be?
Everyone with a functioning brain.
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Paul fucking won
so that's why Tony Khan and aewtists didn't believe him.
>AEW Dynamite: 329k
>AEW Collision: 269k
>AEW Rampage: 216k
>Total : 814k
>WWE NXT: 874k

why did Tony Khan ever think he could compete with HHH?
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*bows down to the*
*bows down to the king*
Another AEW backfire? Surely not
he's learning from the greatest wrestling promoter of all time, and he's running the greatest wrestling promotion of all time.
if you doubted him you weren't really paying attention.
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they got too cocky
When did TNA say this?
you just know that Paul and the boys laugh at Tony pretty often in the back kek
Like I said in that other thread, they decided to make it a "war" themselves, they could have just enjoyed their little show and not bothered anyone, they deserve all the backlash
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pretty much
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>it's a marathon, not a sprint
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>it's a marathon not a sprint
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tranny you don't want to go down that road with us I promise you
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>it's a marathon. not a sprint
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Why? AEW has consistently had empty arenas all year long. Their ratings have been trash. WWE is the one talking about being in a "boom period" and "white hot" and "IN CASE YOU LIVE UNDER A ROCK". Yet slowly and surely their attendance is creeping down more and more. No more sellouts. Empty hardcam sides. Even last night's NXT whose rating you're jerking yourself off over had to move buildings and wasn't even actually in St. Louis because they couldn't move enough tickets for that arena. Since moving from Fox to USA, Smackdown's ratings have dropped an entire milly. Both Raw and Smackdown are only around 500k away from joining the no milly club themselves. Is this the marathon?
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ya seethe?
promo's good. even if you are an aewtist
Cock drainer should be a comedian. He's got the funniest Twitter account
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It's Tony's burner
They just had another sellout last PPV.
This year is giving them the most sellouts of all time.
Smackdown is off FOX so now available on streaming platforms, reminder WWE has over 3 million unique viewers on Peacock alone
I wish there was a way to 100% confirm this
>They just had another sellout last PPV
And? So did AEW
LMAO uh no they didn't
>Smackdown is off FOX so now available on streaming platforms
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All Out? Yes they did
sorry, but no
By this logic WWE hasn't sold out all year either. Arena setup and arena capacity aren't the same thing. They need to have a ring, and a stage, and a production area. If x amount of tickets are made available and that same amount of tickets are sold then it's a sold out show
right so when aew sets up a 20,000 seat arena for 6k people, it's because they need the space for the ring? is that why they set up wembley for less than half of it's capacity? Tony needed all of that space for production equipment?
this if we're being fair
>Bad Blood attendance: 16,902
>State Farm arena capacity: 21,000
If x amount of tickets are made available and that same amount of tickets are sold then it's a sold out show
so you're saying that Tony needs 14,000 seats of a basketball arena or 50,000 seats at wembley stadium or 15,000 seats at Arthur Ashe for his ring and his stage and his production equipment, right?
wow the cord did NOT like this thread
I'm saying if x amount of tickets are made available and that same amount of tickets are sold then it's a sold out show. Not sure what part of that isn't getting through to you. If there are no more tickets left available then it's a sold out show
no no, you said
>Arena setup and arena capacity aren't the same thing. They need to have a ring, and a stage, and a production area
so you're saying that Tony needs 80% of the seating space in the venues he books for his ring and stage and production area?
>Those 12,000 empty seats don't count. aew sold out... Okay?
people don't even want aew tickets when they're basically free, which is what happens for literally every aew show
yo you gonna answer >>16027191 or what
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kek it really do be like that doe
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>is that why they set up wembley for less than half of it's capacity?
>Paul smoking

lol he physically can't
kek this was right before this year's mania too
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Tiny KWAB got what he fucking deserved.
it's hularious that 700k is (was) AEW Dynamite's regular viewership now 3 years later

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