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Previous: >>15968708

Giulia teamed up with Stephanie Vaquer to demolish AEW in the ratings, kek what a pair of primary players!

Next show: Tuesday 8 PM EST
They should come out naked.
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How did she get that scar on her belly
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very beautiful Woman.
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Looks like fun
Chile has brappers?
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she'll be a bad influence on giulia
Ghoulia sucks
That's not where wombs are anon....
I think Giulia is great
Are those cut scars on her arms?
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Let me get this right Giulia appears on NXT and then they decisively beat AEW in the ratings
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Just a scar she got at some point in Stardom.
What is cause and effect?
The Donna won again
w/ Dredd (manager)
Who asshole is darker?
You can tell Stephanie not managing her social media herself by how her account reposed hundreds of instagram stories related to her in those couple of days.
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>jerry fish
love Jerry
It's in South America so yes, it has brappers
I never realized how nice Vaquer's tits are
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She knew exactly what she was doing during her NXT debut.
Dredd bros we're so back
Dredd be swimming on latina , white & Asian cake like a gigachad
wonder if being.black is an advantage on current era
U get to plap plap plap cute girls..
take your meds
Oh we shan't be sliding this ratings draw
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>don't pet the Jerry Fish
pets the Jerry Fish
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troublesome woman
The Jerry died later
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Roxanne is not a wrist locker.
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Apparently, Giulia wrote in her column that NXT wrestling is really fast paced.
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What is she plotting
cookout with the gurls of NXT
Literally putting my penis into Giulia's vagina, if you know what I mean.
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'fraid so
I have non.
So anon thinks Giulia didn't wrote in her column that NXT is fast paced. I will consider that.
You dumb fuck.
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Don't pay the porn sick dogs and seething troglodytes any mind sweet Giulia!
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When will the queen of peedub star in her first Hollywood blockbuster, the people are waiting.
Too pure for Hollywood.
She will be in Finding Nemo 3 and she will play a Jerry Fish
Giulia and Steph should challenge Rox and Cora to a tag team bra and panties match. That'll get the first milly on CW guarenteed.
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there's so many fucking giulia threads
even though spammer anti got banned
Does Guilia have nice feet?
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most expressive woman on earth
They're an acquired taste
>americans find out about Giulia
>knee jerk reaction is interracial cuck fantasies
Why are they like this?
Insanely naturally cute.
their friendship is cute af
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giulia loves little boys
ghoulies wants to be a mommy so bad
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not more than she wants to be a superstar
Fucking HATE Tamu
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yikes giulia
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razor bumps, wrinkles, and pimples
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lots of pimples
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making 75% White babies with Giulia
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>too young to have seen hogan
>too immature to have appreciated lesnar
>just in time to witness Giulia
fraid so
they don't love her
ghoulia jobs to big yen shotaro
Sharing wisdom with the young guns
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>jerry fish
gotta love the Giuliaster and her ESL moments
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love love love that little butt
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Himeka's honkers
New to me, very cute
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need to lick her delts
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Giulia Gravure Video in full

it was posted there month ago
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Giulia is to ceramic tiles what The Sandman is to Singapore canes
No idea what you mean.
Giulia is so effortlessly cool
so italian and japanese just makes a good looking mexican. weird.
Giulia is the one on the right
Frankly speaking Giulia is the best wrestler in the history of the world
Many are saying this
my god youre so right
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I thought the same.
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thoughts on this?
busted many a load to this
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That's what it looks like when I'm POUNDING her
jerry berry
That's an illegal weapon
Love her hair when it flows like this
Who am I kidding I love her hair any way she wears it
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This is one of the hottest things I've ever seen
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>respect your elders
love u /ddm/ <3
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What a cast of characters
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love these women of the world
Hold hands with Giulia. Love Giulia. Buy Giulia a bunch of flowers. Hug Giulia. Go to church with Giulia. Invite Giulia to a nice restaurant for dinner. Offer to take Giulia fishing. Make Giulia a tasty stir fry in a wok. Invite Giulia for a weekend getaway at Yellowstone National Park. Offer to pay for Giulia's next tank of gas. Teach Giulia some new judo throws. Turn Giulia's head to the side and whisper romantically in her ear. Help Giulia train in the gym. Curb stomp a degenerate for looking at Giulia and having dirty thoughts. Build a sand castle with Giulia. Take Giulia's trash out to the curbside on garbage collection day. Shout Giulia a nice drink at the pub. Lightly breathe on Giulia's neck on a cold morning. Cook a nice meal for Giulia. Lay in bed with Giulia. Massage Giulia's head gently. Roast a turkey for Giulia on Thanksgiving. Play a round of golf with Giulia. Watch a romantic movie with Giulia. Go to the beach with Giulia. Put a blanket over Giulia when she's fallen asleep on the couch. Carry Giulia's groceries in from the car. Take Giulia on a trip to the Florida Everglades and see alligators in the wild. Throw a surprise birthday party for Giulia and give her the first slice of cake after slicing it with a samurai sword.
I do all of those things
Outstanding post
What a sweetheart.
Didn't get nearly enough Giuzuki
Marthoned this post hour ago. Still thinking.
Your beauty is beyond compare
With flaming locks of colored hair
With caramel skin and eyes of emerald green
Your smile is like a breath of spring
Your voice is soft like summer rain
And no one can compete with you, Giulie

I talk about you in my sleep
And there's nothin' I can do to keep
From cryin' when I call your name, Giulie
And I can easily understand
How you could easily get a man
But you don't know what you mean to me, Giulie
Giulia has sexy 80's girl bod, she should get the big fluffy hair and pastel swimsuit to really tie it all together
Timeless look
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The savior of professional wrestling
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I want to cum inside Giulia.
Every day.
She's not like that
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Giulia already off NXT TV? What a failure
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It's over. Giulia is definitely not going to be on NXT tonight. Touching the jerry fish led to her termination.
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you said this last week, autist

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