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>Did you practice your forward rolls today?
AEW is legitimately terrible
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>DEAN everyday after Rene's cooking
I just watched the Punk Hell in a Cell match yesterday and comparing Punk and Drew trying to murder each other to this is insane. How the fuck is fragile Phil able to take a bump harder than the master of Death Jutsu? Hell Mox should be drunk and drugged up enough to no sell getting hit by a car.

Also Bryan looks like shit here. Dude needs to hit the weights and work on his cardio.
Bryan was truly the KWAB all along
AEW fucking sucks!
Moxley really is one of the worst wrestlers on Earth.
>that little jump
>forward roll
wtf lol
Who started this meme that Moxley is good? Is it a Meltzer thing?
didn't chicocuck say he's this generations stone cold?
>Dean wasn't the Jann -ACK
This is legit shitty and these are supposed to be the top reps of a company
What, you don't get Cody vs Rock vibes from this? I do
>here’s that red hot world title match build I was telling you about
Holy fucking KWAB
Thats wrestling school 101 this guy Moxley is one hell of hand in the ring.
But I thought there were both "WWE guys"
and its embarrassing to use wwe rejects 10 years past their prime
No, it's just a smark thing. He was an indy darling because he did a joker impression in CZW and most of the internet has carried that torch for 14 years.
I was buying into Mox's act again with this whole stable angle, regaining credibility as a top guy, and here he goes and pulls some good old bullshit to kill it dead in its tracks. There's no more appropriate term to describe this than Sloppy.
I really do wonder how they can be okay with stuff like this considering their vast experience. There must be some correlation between putting too much stock into being seen as an ''epic badass'' and brain damage.
I want to see Punk vs Mox now in MMA to see who can get their first win.
AEW isn’t even wrestling, it’s just terrible terrible acting
Was DEAN always this fucking shit or has he just lost all hope for gayew
aew has legit fucked with DEAN, what with cancelling his vacations/rehabs, ref allowing him to get dropped on his head twice, etc.
More like WWE releases lol
He's been listening to the wrong voices (in his head) for a while now. But a lot of things have happened that would permanently mess somebody's mindset up from 2020 until now. The least of which is his botched HebbyQ title run that started with a goddamned random defense on Dynamite against Will Hobbs of all people, with no build-up whatsoever, that ended prematurely with the latter injuring himself mid-match.
NXT black and gold cucks who are all AEW fans now LMAO
literal pottery
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If you are so deadly afraid of taking any kind on bump on concrete then why even have such a ridiculous scene?
Wait that's dean? I thought this was some old clip and that was Baron Corbin. lmao
lol, lmao
I thought the guy on the left was the miz LOL
That's one strong midget.
i'd shoot kick him in the temple for pulling that shit
Danielson is a ROH guy
Dean is just an indie shitter
Danielson is a backstabbing dick sucker but I always respected he was at least in shape. Now he has also sopped trying and is flabby af lmao
Yes, he was always shit
>HebbyQ title run
What the fuck is that? Don't speak like a faggot
IWGP champion by the way
Hebby Q is NJPW's top title.
If they did this shit in WWE Vince would book Brock to squash them the next week and then never use them again
looks like Mox is back on the sauce
No, those fags (you) went back to WWE, pretending Chef HBGay can heckin' cook and that they never liked Black & Gold or AEW.
did vince bury shawn for overselling
Where the best wrestle.
Grim. I'm sure the plan was Danielson-> Moxley-> Darby, with Luchasaurus costing Christian his "cash-in". But with these two, 320k, Luchasaurus ded, etc., Tony needs to call an audible and strap up Christian. It's long overdue.
Where the "best" forward roll
everyone who jumps ship to AEW just stop exercising and becomes a doughy slob
Dude thinks he's playing Elden Ring
yeah AEW just has no standards. If you look like shit and put on lazy slop like this there's no one backstage there who will yell at you, even the fans don't care and will pretend they're seeing the greatest thing ever
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indy shitter tape
FAG AEWTISTS said that is where the best wrestle though
This is based
lol jej kek
>a ROH guy
What does that even mean nowadays? Vidrel has two ROH champs in it. Two (2) and this is what they did in front of a live audience on camera.
Why do people pretend Jon Moxley is a good wrestler? One of the biggest mysteries in wrestling
Has there ever been a guy so determined to be a hardcore badass while visibly being the opposite at such a high level?
He had a couple of really good years when he left the fed
He was good on the indies and had a specific character. He wasn't doing this shit then. He also can't be the guy he was any ore because he's old and bloated, his character needed him to be young.
what a fucking joke of a promotion
if this was wwe there would have been a few guys in the back that'd say this looks like dogshit and not to do it but alas its aew and they get free reign to make themselves look like jokes.
AEW fucked him up
>spiralled into alcoholism twice because of what I assume to be is the result of earning a lot of money for barely any work, something that someone who grew up dirt poor has no concept of
>blades like crazy to compensate
>whenever he tries to take time off, 'has' to come back to save some dogshit Tony cooked up
>stressful fatherhood because first kid (and had to come back early from paternity leave unlike hangman)
He's leaner than any time since CZW right now
It's about his face, dude. Look at his face. Look at his stuff pre-wwe of even in fcw. He can't be that anymore so he's trying to be fucking Russell Crowe for some reason and Onita at the same time. And he can't do either of those.
And then he started hanging out with Josh Barnett
No he didn't
That's a pretty good point. He did start thinking he was a shoot badass when he took a couple of jiu jitsu lessons.
Asics Mox was his best incarnation.
can someone explain what is wrong with this and why you're so offended by it
Bryan's hair is so fucking stupid. I think British Bulldog is the only male who's been able to pull that off. Everyone else just looks like an asshole.
Is hard to believe this 2 guys were part of WWE someday.
This on the Ospreay level of anti-sell trash. It was illing the fucking business in tv part of the Tony's plan from the beginning?
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Same small dick energy
Shawn sucked dick too well for Vince to punish him
They both have a bit of a grudge against their former company and try to be as ostentatiously "anti-WWE" as possible. This usually manifests itself in being very try hard, which is what you see in the OP
im convinced 90% of people on here who spend all day bitching dont watch any wrestling
>mogged by women catfighting
He deserves every Bane mask weaein, proctologist visiting, Coney Island hot dog eating promo he was forced to deliver in the WWE. Brock has my eternal respect for bigfooting the plumber and leaving him in a heap at Mania.
Is that because he has talent and charisma, or is it because his body is broken down and he's an alcoholic wife-beater?

What the fuck lol.. What's going on with Jon?
>smarks make fun of the forward rolls in NXT
>their god Jon Moxetty does a forward roll from a wall bump
Every meme that AEWtists has ever made fun of WWE has always come back to bite them in the ass LMAO
It's punishment for knocking over the photo and invoking the wrath of the spirits of the land of wind and ghosts. Including Inoki himself as well as the literal Fighting Spirit.
He was pretty good on the indies. The Shield gave his reputation a lot of momentum years after they broke up. Outside of that, he's been shit. We should have known when he was Ellsworth's Jannetty in the AJ feud.
Meltzer is still giving 5 stars to every one of his garbage deathmatches if its on a PPV. They're not even the type of match he typically overrates
Yeah, that's the solution. Putting the title of the 50 year old CLB. The most interesting thing about Christian is the blue dot.
I love laughing at AEW lmao
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>le blue dot
Good morning, saar. Vince is a homosexual with a fetish for black cock.
I cant believe he posted this cringe as late as feb 23
Wrestling companies love throwing their opponent against bouncy things. Just like that spot where they grab the neck of their opponent and slam it against the plastic part of the announce table
Your comparing a match to a backstage segment? Are all drones this retarded just to get a dunk on aew?
You can redo a backstage segment as many times as you want to get it right. A match is live

The opposite of what you're trying to argue is true
trips confirm
Compare the match tonight you daft nigga. That is a better comparison than what you are trying to get across like a dunk.
>carters favorite wrestler
Yeah he sucks
what the fuck are you talking about
never watched him pre wwe but in wwe and aew he's always been absolute garbage. i find it hard to believe he was anything but shit in the indies.
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This didn’t look that bad on tv. Wrestling is not meant to be examined under a microscope
Dean Ambrose >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>mox
lmao I thought this was a reversal before he hit the mat... what an awful looking move
Cody sold exactly like this when the Rock beat him up backstage at RAW and they went outside.
they don't want you to see this
Just marks who went "dude Vince was holding him down all along".
Yes he did. His first stint in New Japan was pretty good.
Something happened the past few years where he just dropped off a cliff.
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>Inoki died for this
I was a fan in his indy days and early WWE but post-shield exposed him as the midcard shitter he always was.
He embarrassed himself in New Japan, as I recall.
I actually like Chico but this is complete nonsense.

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