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This is the destination for all based webms, brother
On tonight's docket: Blue Justice XIV, GLEAT, Kaisei Takechi in action and more!
I didn't get a ton of stuff from Blue Justice XIV, but I'm going to start off with that show anyway.
God DAMN this is fast.
Glad to see your back brother. Hadn't seen you in awhile.
Keep it real my dude
>making Kanye wait with his hand out to shake some random bitch's hand first
I've been staying pretty consistent, last break was a month ago now. Glad to see you here!
He's working the marks, brother. You gotta make them want it.
Who the hell is this red haired idiot?
Atsushi Kotoge, NOAH's resident headbutt retard and junior who writes checks he can't cash. His last matches against Akiyama have been him getting his ass handed to him for 15 minutes because he's pulling a mid-2000s KENTA and refusing to work within his weight class. It's fun, and I'm pretty sure Nagata wanted him there to relive some of that.
Holy shit that landing looked painful
Yeah, it's wild. Shiozaki always does his superplexes like that though, so I figure it has to be somewhat safe.
can you do The People's Elbow at 4:35

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Here you go! Thanks for the request.
Next up is one out of three major GLEAT shows I'm behind on, this is GLEAT ver. EX from 09.06.2024, starting with, weirdly enough, MMM's Japan debut.
Fucking based. Thank you!
As someone who only knew about MMM from the shitposts on here before this, I was pleasantly surprised. The crowd loved them, they've got charisma and they can work. This combo is also pure dimes, the mid-air suplex catch looks awesome.
Can't tell if this is murder by spear or a great bump. Or both.
>kills your company's ace in an undercard tag match
Gotta love the BEASTster, ya just gotta!
Good shit.
Such a good bump from Lindaman.
Wild catch. Love this little nigga.
Absolutely fucking preposterous landing on this one.
I still don't love the suplex version of the kinniku buster but I think the running version is a lot better. The airtime he gets is great.
Why did the corner of the ring explode??
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The whole ring was rigged too, though I'm pretty sure that was a misfire.
Kino way to go out.
Next up is GLEAT ver. 12, at least part of it!
timeless shitters upon timeless shitters
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Everything in this looks great. I love the flying knee, the transition into the buster and the switch into the armbar. Also that vile straight-for-the-head lariat.
>wins by facelock in 2024
I love that Lindaman CAN grapple, but Aoki just shuts him down completely.
I love how Lindaman only lost this match because his pro-wrestling muscle memory made him go for a pin where Aoki saw a submission opportunity.
That's going to be my final webm for tonight! Tomorrow I'll have more GLEAT, as well as DDT and some King's Road to keep that streak going. Thank you all for hanging out tonight! Goodnight, bros.
Can you make webms of this lol
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Where are the Parker webms? I heard Inoki approved of him.
only good shit is made into webms, and sadly Parker is not good
That wasn't on the show he posted
But also yeah he was really bad
I'm back! Thank you all for keeping us bumped. Here are the final webms from Ver. 12 and then I'll post Ver. MEGA as well.
I can do that, but it'll be a bit later tonight.
Yeah, like other anons said he really wasn't great. I'll have a couple of webms and my thoughts later on!
This head kick sell is SO GOOD.
Onto GLEAT Ver. MEGA! Once again their biggest show of the year feels overshadowed by the shows around it, strangely. Filled with indie guys and weird bookings.
I really love the way he pulls him down into the suplex.
Such an elegant powerbomb bump. Looks perfectly safe and still an eight foot drop.
Jun Tonsho turning heel, getting a bootleg bosozoku SANADA gimmick and wrestling as BRASS KNUCKLES JUN is probably a good thing for him, he was kind of identity-less as a face, especially after being broken apart from Watanabe. I'm not sure how I feel about GLEAT getting ANOTHER heel stable though, especially when none of them are all that standout from each other. Weirdly enough becomes The Most Heel too, one-upping BGI. Strange overall, I feel like more time should be spent on actually developing the stables instead of creating more, but I think the gimmick itself is good.
What the fuck is it with STRONGHEARTS guys and beating the shit out of each other whenever they face each other?
Ridgeway in GLEAT is interesting. I like him, but I think he's a better fit for the LIDET division. The G-pro roster is kinda bloated as is and I don't see him slotting in perfectly with any faction except BGI who already has far too many members.
Ibushi may not be able to wrestle anymore, but at least he can take a bump. God damn Ito's German is beaufidul.
I don't care about these guys. Kinda typical indie-flavor MOVEZ tag team and on top of that they got the win. Not huge on that, and given how long the Saito bros had the tag belts they're clearly willing to keep outsiders as champs for extended periods.
Was that botched?
I don't think so. It certainly doesn't look comfortable, but I can't see how it would have gone any other way aside from a nicer bump for CIMA.
This looks decent because he's a big body to slam into and Tamura is giving it his all. A huge issue with Parker is that he doesn't go past shoulder tackle gear for the entire match so it just doesn't go anywhere.
Here is what I could scrape together.
And for some reason he was selling his ass off the entire match, but only his JAW for whatever reason? He was taking suplexes and DDTs and kept selling it like he'd just been hit with some pure strikes. Really weird. Apparently he's already been booked to wrestle more for GLEAT, so they clearly see something in him that I don't.
>almost endo's funaki
Good match, right result. Sucked that there wasn't a challenger confirmed yet because I'd like Nakajima to wrestle regularly, but if the LIDET challenges are going to stay as sparse as they've been then we'll get a couple matches a year at most.
Next up is Takechi's debut show! (Also this one webm from Mao's title match)
The reactions for Takechi are actually fucking insane. I haven't heard people scream like this for someone just enter the ring since fucking Misawa. It's wild.
This was the second match of his I watched, because I found this show after I had already watched the one from a couple weeks ago. I was actually more impressed by his performance in this match, he gets a lot more babyface sympathy spots and some of his sells (this one especially) are really good.
The sync is crazy impressive.
I like this headbutt to the nose. Seems safe and looks better than the usual thumb-on-forehead way, in my opinion. Takechi's sell is really good too.
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The fujo pop for this is wild.
Takechi's got the intensity down, and he knows how to play to the crowd. (Or rather, it comes for free with him.) His moves are where he falters, in my opinion, but that's the easiest to teach and can easily be excused with two matches of in-ring experience.
I like this move. makes more sense than the chokeslam he also uses. I wonder what his finisher willbe once he gets to that point, because I think this fits perfectly.
Pure fujobait yen.
Some real good air on this for a debut match.
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Here's the second Kanye interaction, I somehow forgot to post that before. I didn't have time for both Takechi shows, but I will round us out with the final request!
Here you go! I'd only heard of this match beforehand, but watching it, it's almost hilariously brutal. Poor Jado.
Christ, man.
>goes limp
>jadomania lives on
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That's all I've got for this week! Unfortunately no King's Road this week, but I might have time for that next week now that GLEAT is mostly caught up. I'll also have this weekend's NJPW and NOAH shows and hopefully whatever else the week throws at us. I'll see you all then! Goodnight, bros.
got any Ender Kara Gleat/BJW gifs?
I was sure there was some but I can't find them in the archive, maybe ask next week or check back in tomorrow
thanks as always webmCHAD
based as fuck
I'm glad I checked the thread today! I had to check and I had apparently skipped this show entirely. He's wrestled a couple more matches on other smaller GLEAT shows that I had to skip over to get the major shows I did this weekend. I might get to those, at least part of the matches later if I have time.
This is good. Real fast, great landing.
I'd seen very little of this guy before, and he kinda gave me the bad indies first impression of little guy who does too much, too fast. He really impressed me with this match, though. He's really intense, things like the chop in this just look really good because of it.
Really good combo, but also just a good sell. Was surprised by how convincing he was as an underdog babyface.
I really like Kawakami's kesagiri-style lariat. Final webm from this match. I'll try to get the rest for next week! Thanks for the request.
very based brother, love Ender, probably one of the best gaijing BJW brought in
can someone do Randy Orton dropkicking Khali


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