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It's already over Tribalbros. He needs to be a heel or just never talk as a babyface.
How is this guy still so fucking bad and why does WWE keep building the company around him lmao
he was literally stumbling over his lines. Just give LA DIMES the world title
>complaining about bad promos
>brings up a guy who’s fumbled multiple times and got BTFO by Carmelo and Logan
Tbf logan logan moggs most of the roster, he is the only real challenge to cody not counting raw
We need The Big Dog back not the tribal bitch
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they could build the company around doink the clown and people would still watch and talk about him like he is actually good
no yeet board, seethe more
Doink the Clown was good though. If he stayed in ECW he'd be remembered very fondly
>is liked as a heel
>is disliked as a face
many such cases
Rhea and Bisexual Taker go in that bag too
Rhea works as a face but Priest needs to be a tweener. He looks too edgy to be totally face. At least for a wholesome face. Book him like Stone Cold where he's just an aggressive, abrasive face.
Rhea doesn't work as a face because she's big for a woman so the matches just look weird, like you're supposed to be cheering for the much larger woman bullying these smaller girls
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jimmy was good
Duh no shit, the Usos have always been better than the big bitch Roman Gaynes and were held back by the fact that they're identical twins and that Vince is a homosexual

The entire bloodline saga was carried by them, Paul Heyman and Sami, you could replace Roman with a statue and it would have the same effect
>roman is bad at promos
welcome to fucking 2018 bro
get this bro it's a 4chan post that hates popular thing!!!
Well it's because her gimmick is the "dominating bdsm inspired" woman and she still kinda acts like a cunt, though granted, I'm pretty sure the ONLY people she's interacted with since WM on screen has been Jey, New Judgement Day and Priest. I think she's only fought Liv too.
fuck no bloodline was actually good way before triple h ran wwe the whole sami zayn stuff was cringe making it a comedy act with the ucey shit
it fucking sucks dude if you only watch wwe you're obv gonna say it's good
And this faggot still wasn't doing shit, it was still all the usos and Heyman carrying it
His promos blow it's obvious Paul E Dangerously is coming back as the guy they need.
more like 2014
>Duh no shit, the Usos have always been better than the big bitch Roman Gaynes
wrong, jey is fucking worse on the mic somehow. he stole jimmy's whole persona but doesn't have the personality to pull it off beyond saying yeet.

if jimmy swapped places with jey it would be so much better
The vibe was off between those two, weird as fuck
While obviously he's gonna be worse as a face, I watched it and it was just fine? Didn't mess up any lines, charismatic delivery. Sure the material was lacking but it wasn't his fault. He wasn't even a full babyface, he was giving tweener vibes to me
Holy copium, this thread REEKS of Cody cultists.
You reek of shit from the streets.

Its not rocket science. There are lots of people online who have opinions. There are also lots of people who attend WWE shows and buy WWE merchandise that have opinions. WWE only listens to the 2nd group.

Vince gave him the blue print, just act like like he was when he was a heel but attack other heels, keep the same energy, that's what people enjoyed.
>the 2nd group that will buy into anything provided they look really, really strong
He's not going to be a babyface, he's just going to be back in his Big Dawg tweener self until he gets booed by Dwayne

Dwayne will beat him up like he did against Cody but he'll get cheered

Roman should show up in the Rumble to work the smarks into thinking he'll win it
Yes and they're more worth than some tranny (You) with an opinion on an anonymous image board
It was good and then it was fine. It's a story that ran for like 3 years total, so it had a lot of ups and downs. Also you're stupid if you think Sami Zayn made it a comedy act.
It's not his promo work, it's the material. He needs to be an arrogant prick demanding acknowledgement.

It's not tweener. If it was, he'd still be in their demanding shit for him, not trying to pump Jimmy's tyres.

He can't deliver babyface material. It's just wrong. His matches are boring as fuck, it is literally being a massively arrogant prick that wins all the time that keeps him hot.

I get it, it'll play out with him vs The Rock. And then that's it, who cares about him beating Gunther or Logan Paul or whoever. FFS they had him fight Logan Paul during his heel run.

Keep him the same and if he's over beating up Solo's shitty Bloodline, great. But don't take away what actually elevated him to what he needed to be. Big Dog Roman is shizen.
Smarks are retarded. They will complain about Cody, then the second Roman cuts a promo, they complain about him, then, if they ever do it, the second they turn Cody it'll be 'AWWW MAN WTF ARE THEY DOING!? CODY WAS A REAL CLASSIC WHITEMEAT BABYFACE! HE HAD THE MOST SOULFUL RUN IN DECADES! THERE GOES THE GOLDEN AGE!' Then, if they turn Cody back face, it'll be 'AWWW MAN, NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN!'
They just want to complain, because besides empty criticism, they have nothing to contribute.
>you're stupid if you think Sami Zayn made it a comedy act.
he did
the people that only complain about cody are bloodline meat riders
yeah the whole segment was fucking weird, i thought maybe it was just me
It’s just a seething Cody fag. He’s a little mad that Cody is feuding with fat boy Kevin.
Yeah he was awful last night. He's likely doing all this Bloodline shit, Rock match, the third match with Cody and then he's done. He needs a bunch of guys, Heyman and a years long story to be over. If he stays beyond all that, when he has to start from scratch he'll kill the business all over again.
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>face of the company for years
>still has to have someone write his promos
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Some people do, some people don't, some people prefer it
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it's true with like 80% of wrestlers, because of hyper diverse fan base it's incredibly hard to get a babyface over now, how can blacks, whites, indians, and mexicans self-insert to one person?
the usos used to job to khali and fucking hornswaggle and sucked ASS for YEARS and only survived cuz nepotism
its hard to make the roid monster whose double the size of the other girl the face, same problem chyna had

imagine trying to make brock a face
He's only good as a heel and only that was because all he had to do was stand around and look intimidating and say a couple of things while Heyman and the Usos did all of the actual talking. He's never been a good promo and after last night we can see that the SUFFERIN' SUCCOTASH BIG DOG wasn't purely on Vince.
The sami story stalled the bloodline from getting stale, if it weren't for him it would've been another pointless year of
>wins a one-month feud via interference
>takes a vacation
Really like how he just went back to being the BIG DOG. Wearing a stupid t-shirt, throwing Superman Punches on everyone. Sounding like the least intimidating guy ever. Next thing you know he'll be cocking his fist and punching a little crash pad.
Based. Way better than talking about his fat dad and crying about Kevin Owens.
Use a toilet
Good morning sir.
Remember when John Cena told Roman he sucked at promos in the middle of a promo lol
>OTC: over the counter
Coming up on 12 years now. Jesus christ.
>he was literally stumbling over his lines
It's almost like showing up to work 7 times a year doesn't keep someone on their toes and ready for such a demanding job that they were already struggling with when they'd be there regularly
Yeah Rhea is a great one. She works so well as a heel because she's a natural dipshit. As a face she comes across very unlikable. Priest is fine. He seems like a chill dude. Just not terribly interesting
sami was the only entertaining part of the bloodline for most of 2022
Kek and then he proceeded to suck throughout the rest of that promo as well. If it was anyone else John would've been crucified for that level of burial but it was so goddamn warranted with Roman
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shades of the big dog
Honestly? Yeah. Dude was the only thing that ever made the Bloodline interesting altogether. I think people forget just how fucking over it a lot of people were before he joined up with them. The story with him was where all of the big momentum WWE's been on started too. Cody was out injured for god knows how long and got to walk right into a white hot Bloodline feud and shift into Sami's place against Roman. That took you into Mania 39 which things cooled off considerably with the angle afterwards. But still his loss there carried him through the year and into Mania 40 as well
Some people just aren't meant to be babyfaces. It's like Triple H where he became infinitely less dimes when he tried to get people to like him
I blame a lot of this on the Rock. He got over by burying anyone and everyone and making fun of whatever he possibly could. People cheered him for it. Meanwhile if you actually look at his character's actions the guy is a complete piece of shit. He'd belittle anyone. Any tag matches he had he'd let his partner get beaten down for a bit just so he could get the big pop of his music hitting and making the save. Vince tried to replicate that with any top babyface he had. Triple H, Cena, Roman. All of them were complete dickheads as babyfaces. Very rarely has WWE had a top babyface that just tries to do what's right. I think that's why Cody had been so refreshing
Vince kept retrying everything that made previous top guys work.

>Hogan's American patriotism and way of life
>Austin's anti-authority rebel nature
>Rock's mocking and joking around

As you say about HHH, Cena and Roman, he tried all the previous tricks/gimmicks for them despite it not being who they are. Roman was best as an ass kicker who said little, his peak pop in the post-Shield/Big Dog days was when he whooped HHH's ass that one time on RAW. I think you're right about Cody too. He's a throwback, just a white meat babyface but that is actually something bit different these days.
oop the sami tard is here
>I think that's why Cody had been so refreshing
Cody has been a massive flop since he won the belt, the biggest story during his reign was Sami and Chad Gable feuding for the IC title on RAW, he had one good match with based AJ during his reign and that was it. AJ should have become champion, not him.
He's right though. WWE's current hot streak was a progressive bump of

>Roman's turned heel and has a stable with his family
>Crowds are allowed back because lockdowns are over
>Sami's joined Roman's stable and its entertaining
>Cody Rhodes is back and just wrestled a HiaC match with a torn freaking peck
That's why I said "had been" bud
Austin was an asshole babyface before him though.
Because the story has been retarded for years. Some of the most poorly written shit ever
well no shit thats when triple h started taking over vince wouldnt le sami in that group
did the bloodline need sami when cena and brock were part of the stories?
CFF needs to fuck off forever
Was anyone interested in the Bloodline when Cena and Brock were a part of the stories?
that match at summerslam with scena and the last man standing match brock yeah
Right now tell me about their actual stories. Not just the big blowoff match. What must-see moments were there along the way? What memorable promos were there?

Yes that's how you talk Rakesh.
I don't get it, he has a good look, a great voice and WWE protects him so fucking much and yet he still sounds so boring all the time.
Even his heel run only was succesful thanks to Heyman and the Bloodline
The build up to the brock/roman match with them feuding over heyman every week was much better than the sami bullshit where nothing happened other than sami saying ucey
I said memorable. Not just promos that happened
And yet show me one part of it that got a bigger reaction than this https://youtu.be/S88-Qp448Bk?t=17
>What must-see moments were there along the way? What memorable promos were there?
>memorable promos
Quit lying you delusional jeet. Cody has been a massive success and sells out arenas. He's also the kind of guy you want as the face of the company as he's a good looking dude who's good on the camera and good with the media and fairly charismatic and likable to normal people. It's not his fault he's been put in secondary feuds because they're running the Bloodline shit into the ground until WM 41 because Paul is a shitty booker.
He's just not a charismatic guy and especially not as a babyface who has to cut his own promos. It's much easier to be cool when all he has to do is stand around and look intimidating while everyone else talks and then he growls something "Acknowledge me" and "Get-R-Done" or whatever saying approximately 3 short sentences in any given segment.
The booking of Cody has to be studied in the future. You've just crowned your new top babyface, he's ticking all the boxes and doing great business and you book him like this.
>smarks crying about bbd again
he must be drawing dimes
Can't they just keep writing him as a heel? It makes more sense in this storyline than making him a good guy. He can still be a dickhead but just a dickhead who happens to have the same enemies as the main babyface, Cody.
whats your favorite roman match since triple h took over
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>caring about match quality
oh yeah you only care about promos and catchphrases
>imagine trying to make brock a face
he was a face when he was feuding with roman in 2022 and everybody loved it
The only way it makes sense is if it's a.) a Dwayne call and b.) both Dwayne and Roman are retiring after WM41. Or Dwayne retires for good and Roman goes into semi-retirement legend status like Cena's been for the last 6 or 7 years.

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