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Vince McMahon, known for nothing but giving the fans the good ending
Aew truly is the thinking mans promotion
>It is Vince’s fault the brown dog wanker cannot book
*shits his pants in your path*
big brave pants shitter talking mess behind his private account lmfao
>Smelly acne ridden incel believes having the good guy win in the end is a Vince creation and not the basis for all human literature for the past 5000 years
Advertisers are correct about wrestling fans
Bix is even dumber than Trevor
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why does he look like this?
why do smarks all look like this?
>wrestling stories

Anything more than "I face, you heel" it's stupid
I remember this nigga was posted almost every single day. did he stop saying stupid shit all the time or what?
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Bix false flagging now?
The problem is that they didn't built it up properly at all. The Danielson retirement arc never happened, it was still in act 1 when the curtain dropped.
Trevor replaced him as board lolcow since we know he actually posts here
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Hmm I think I'll engage Bix in a debate over this weird reddit fetishization of suffering for the sake of it.
>see this
Oh, when did he turn into a gotten to bitch?
He's right for once.
Wrestling should be a tragedy not a feel good story
Yea this could be used to build up a new top babyface but two things will impede that
1. Moxley is awful
2. Tony is an awful booker and this will go no where
>known for nothing but giving the fans the good ending
Known for always ending the show with the babyface on top, you retard.
Would he have posted the same thing if Cody lost again at WM40? Or if Daniel Bryan lost at WM30?
Theres always a 50/50 chance the booking of a storyline will either be cringe or based. We can't do anything but hope for the latter
>seething just to seethe
those wouldn't have fit the story at all. Bryan also already had his big hurrah before retirement at Wembley
Does Bix think that Batista should have won at WM 30?
The fact that they got wheeler to stay with their bad ass heel faction makes me think that there is more than a 50% chance of cringe
this does not read like someone who just enjoyed a show
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>getting worked by david baconspan

even when a fellow pork creature pipes up IN DEFENSE of tony's pig farm, you'll still get at least a few of his more loyal hogs to show up and screech, squeal and shit their pants about it.
This doesn't even make sense. Winning the title at All In was Danielson "finishing the story". I know Bix is a faggot, but did he suffer a head injury recently? His takes are always awful but not outright retarded.
of course fatso is thinking about mcdonalds
BixBoard, faggots
nah he lost his lolcow status to rovert
hes just an afterthought now sadly
didn't this guy shoot shit his pants at a wrestling show?
I haven't seen Bix posting in forever

I guess because he hid his tweets from our obsessive twitter spamming schizo
OP must be a rogue agent
Cody left WWE, came back as a bigger star, lost the first time at Mania, lost Night One, then finally got his win. That's a story full of struggle leading to an eventual feel-good moment, not a guy with spaghetti stapled to his head winning to a silent, quarter-full arena then choking the other guy with a plastic bag from the vegetable aisle before a guy who sticks his hands in his pockets comes out for the save.
damn piggiEs sure are oinkin' up a storm this mornin'
I mean, folks...
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bix is the definition of a midwit
He stopped posting here
Remember when mox's contract was coming up and people thought he was heading back to wwe to be good again and reunited with his shield brothers or wrestlemania? You drones are weird.
If you watch pro wrestling you should fucking kill yourself
A lot of baby brains ITT
So Vince invented the concept of the hero's journey?

Why are AEW fans so fucking retarded?
Around the time people found out he took COVID small business money because he was a "freelance journalist" when he's just a fat ass watching wrestling shows in a basement
*glass shatters*
what is he even on about? didnt bryan already finish the story by winning the belt
i don’t understand how these people leave their homes without feeling tremendous shame
what a goblin
>a guy with spaghetti stapled to his head winning to a silent, quarter-full arena
It’s the narrative after last night. Some people didn’t like the finish so they are now all WWE children who are used to happy endings.

A few months ago WWE was “heels always get heat” and nobody wins in their hometown due to Roman or Brock or whoever. Basically when you have that much history you can paint it anyway you want
WWE had a heel win for 4 years straight
>It’s the narrative after last night. Some people didn’t like the finish so they are now all WWE children who are used to happy endings.
lol that makes no sense, that ending was the most wwe bullshit aew have done in a while
Remember when Jimmy Jacobs left the company and the AEW cult pretended that he was the sole reason for every bad thing the company did until Meltzer said he didn't really have any power? Yea AEW is truly a cult
>having the good guy win
>the basis for all human literature for the past 5000 years
Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides are fuming at this absolute babby-tier take.
they were just being contrarians
naw that was you when you heard Meltzer gave another AEW match 5 stars
nobody who dislikes aew knows or cares what star rating matches get.
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This nigga eats McDonald’s all the time, it why he shits himself
Almost works
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>Tony listens to this guy and Hogwheels
>seeths about meltzer and his star ratings
anything else to add to the record?
Based Bix romper stomping the CHUDS
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How does he not look in the mirror and not just want to end it all?
Even hookers got to be like
>no, im just not feeling good today
when he comes around
Take a shower.
This is such a bad faith argument from Bix. People aren't complaining that Danielson lost - everyone expected that - they're complaining about the piss poor execution. The finish flat out sucked. IMO, Remsberg botched it by not bothering to go through the routine of checking that Bryan was out before calling for the bell. And the post-match was utterly pointless and impossible to defend. There's no reason to do that beatdown on a guy who is leaving. Even if he were coming back it wouldn't be necessary to write him off because they've already told us he needs surgery. It was an overbooked mess, and Excalibur actually crying over an obvious work came off badly.

It's too bad, because it was an overall solid PPV, and the main event had been great up to that point, but the bullshit ending is all we'll end up remembering.
hes not wrong though.
wwe fans are basically disney adults
You cant get engagement that way though. Dude has said he is gonna retire anyway so its a lame duck regardless.
what story? is bix shoot retarded?
if bix is on your side its time to re evaluate your life. nobody that ugly can be on the right side of history
Based Moose shitting on the Incel archetype.
See WWE is like stupid baby mainstream MCU movies
AEW is big brain CINEMA Zack Snyder films
god smarks are ugly
It truly was cinema. There's nothing more fitting than Danielson going out on his back. Giving back to professional wrestling. Always wanting to put people over. Always wanting to wrestle. The match itself was a masterpiece.
>being displeased that bryan's last title run ending quickly and unceremoniously in a manner nobody wanted is the fault of other companies daring to give the fans what they want
Literally defending AEW on the basis of "it;s trash, and you're only averse to that because you're used to consuming something not trash"
>wwe outta nowhere
Danielson finished the story at All-In…then he lost because there was another story to tell and there was nothing else he could do with the belt

WWE will do the same with Cody Rhodes when the time is right
*brap brap*
Why are you doing rhis?
Hahahaha don’t tell me we’re going to pretend that Cody Rhodes “story” is anything less than a contrived clusterfuck that the WWE fell ass backwards into because they had Roman Reigns bury the entire roster for 3 years with no actual conclusion in sight

Cody lost at Wrestlemania after declaring he would win, said his opponent was the better man even though he was cheated and then ran away to fight in the mid card for the next 10 months until he won the rumble again gave away his main event spot to Gayne and then suddenly changed his mind for no reason whatsoever

The actual conclusion to said story wasn’t even a definitive victory for the character he needed the help of John Cena Jey Uso The Shield and The Undertaker to win
E-drones think Vince McMahon created wrestling
You havent' lived until you've tried to have a TNA thread back in the day on 4channel, watch Aces and Eights do a beatdown on someone, and have Edrones screech that chairshots and heel stable beatdowns are everyone ripping off DX from the attitude era.

Real shit.

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