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ITT: Moments you are still mad about
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I was born a few months after it happened, but Starrcade 1997 genuinely pissed me off when I was watching through Nitro last year
I saw where you posted this in the thread about that reporter chick then deleted it you dumb bitch.
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I will never not be mad.
boo hoo zoomie go cry into your prime you fuckin whelp
Vince butchering the invasion angle which made me stop watching wrestling. Should have put it off till all the big guys could invade the company properly. Flair with the NWO and a bunch of others.
the shitty ending of WM17
This and Cristian vs Orton make me seethe just thinking about them.
All it had to be was anyone but him. They had the best shit ever setup with the Undertaker forming the Ministry and taking over the company and threatening the McMahon family to the point even Austin couldn't help but do the right thing and save Stephanie from that wedding which led to such a great moment between him and Vince where they shared and understanding look and seemed to have had a situational truce. The pieces were there to have this massive overarching company wide story of the Ministry vs the WWF. The higher power could've been Shane. The Jackyl would've been a great choice. Jake Roberts. Literally anyone else. Instead we could the shittiest swerve of all time that not only just led to more Austin vs Vince but completely undermined everything they had been building with the Undertaker and the Ministry going all the way back into 98
I was surprised it was Vince when it happened.
It should've been Ultimate Warrior
>stop watching wrestling
>still post about it 20 years later
Yeah because it made no fucking sense. It was a swerve for the sake of a swerve
Fuck it. I'd have even taken him. Literally anyone that would've let that story carry on in the direction it was instead of cutting the legs out from under it just say gotcha and have it go back to more of the same. ANYONE.
It's honestly amazing how people talk about charisma vaccuums and Cena barely comes up, this nigga in 07-08 is the height of a void of likability. I'm at Survivor Series right now so I can only fathom how much worse it gets. Can't believe this faggot managed to stay around just because he was an obedient robot and thrived on kiddie sales.
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I was a dyed in the wool goldberg mark as a kid, to the point where I stopped watching wrestling after WCW went under and didn't come back until he debuted in WWE. I know this is just another moment in the never-ending self-fellation that was triple H on raw in the early 2000s but it felt personal to me.

wasn't this literally a case of "all our other plans fell through, fuck it just send vince out?"
Jake Roberts would've been kino
It could've tied to Austin's KOTR speech about him
>in 07-08 is the height of a void of likability. I'm at Survivor Series right now so I can only fathom how much worse it gets
Oh. Oh no anon. You're only just hitting the tip of the iceberg. 07-08 were his tolerable years compared to the early 2010s. Not sure how far you're planning to watch but good lord
2007-08 was still tolerable, like this anon >>16072885 wrote. His 2009-13 is far worse.
>The higher power could've been Shane
lol no, he just started to appear and was still a kid he had no power
>The Jackyl would've been a great choice
lol no
>Jake Roberts
jake was an unreliable addict. old and couldnt wrestle anymore
>Instead we got the shittiest swerve of all time
i agree with this but people seemed to love vince vs austin because it made vince millions so you cant fault him for milking that feud as long as he could
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>mfw remembering how bad the Corporate Ministry was
Because I'm autistic, I'll just go until I catch up to current time. I already started since '97 last year. And if you're curious, no I don't watch the full shows, I skip all filler and low card shit or dumb skits. And mostly women's titles. Unless they're rarely good.
This is my second time running through, I stopped before because I wanted to take a break. That was about 8 months ago I think.
What's even more boggling is that if they were so pressed that they couldn't think of a single good answer for who the mastermind was, all they could've done was have Taker just strike down the "head" and proclaim himself now as the true leader, how it was all a ploy to take over his "birthright" or some shit and now you established Taker as the heel of all heels. Is it a cop out? Kinda. But would it have saved the angle and lead to a more kino climax? Absolutely.
Who do they think they are fooling?
Jake was always a mid-card jobber. No one would have taken that seriously
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.....how in the motherfuck do you look at this nigga and not IMMEDIATELY decide to hire/train him in secret, then do a surprise Bizarro Cena angle with him.
Fucking HOW.
>"b-but it would've been cheesy"
Fuck RIGHT off. The Nexus storyline turned out cheesy too, but they still did that bullshit and STILL ruined that, too
>"b-but he was a garbage wrestler and bad on the mic"
SO WHAT. It's supposed to be Bizarro Cena, he didn't have to be a good talker or wrestler

I never got this. I never really expected it to be anybody but Vince. Anyone else it could have been were in WCW or ECW at time and it would have to be someone who The Undertaker would be subservient too. Not a whole lot of choices for that role. If it would have been someone other than Vince, people would just find a way to bitch about that too.
Nitro going off the air in the middle of their rematch when Nitro had never done anything like that was worse. And then having Sting relinquish the title only to win it again is even worse than that. Finally, having Savage beat Sting to become World Heavyweight Champion kinda sucked but Hogan beating Savage for the belt on Nitro the next night is worse than all of that. WCW got lucky Goldberg was hot throughout 1998 or else they might've been dead far sooner
He's a fag, he was DOA.
>Jake Roberts would've been kino
if it were during jakes first wwf run. but jake was old, drunk and washed up by the end of the 90s. austin was still young and in his prime nobody wanted to see him wrestle an old broken down jake
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>The higher power could've been Shane. The Jackyl would've been a great choice. Jake Roberts. Literally anyone else.
The Fallen Angel?
The Shitty WCW invasion and Austin turning heel.
The ironic thing is, I don't even like Jericho anymore yet I'm still seething about this in retrospect
this lil snowbunny was made for it
>I don't even like Jericho anymore
Dumb tranny
>wasn't this literally a case of "all our other plans fell through, fuck it just send vince out?"
Was this a thing? I'd never heard of any alternative plans
Dude. Fucking dude. It hurts. That shit was so over with child me and then they did that shit and it became the lamest group ever that pissed off in the slowest way possible. Legitimately derailed momentum for some guys
>What's even more boggling is that if they were so pressed that they couldn't think of a single good answer for who the mastermind was, all they could've done was have Taker just strike down the "head" and proclaim himself now as the true leader, how it was all a ploy to take over his "birthright" or some shit and now you established Taker as the heel of all heels. Is it a cop out? Kinda. But would it have saved the angle and lead to a more kino climax? Absolutely.
For sure. They didn't have to reveal it was anyone. The Undertaker had always spoken of the Higher Power in the same way Wyatt did with Sister Abigail. Like this higher being that drove him. They could've just left well enough alone with that
>and it would have to be someone who The Undertaker would be subservient too. Not a whole lot of choices for that role.
I mean if you reveal it as someone onscreen and then show the Undertaker of all people being subservient to that person you're gonna go oh shit what kind of control does this person have over him. Of course it's a hard sell when it's all headcanon but if it played out on tv and that's what happened then that's what happened. If nothing else the urn has always been a means of achieving that
>The Fallen Angel?
Another option! He was originally supposed to be the third guy in the Brood too according to Gangrel until Edge had to practically beg management with the stroke he absolutely did not have to give Christian a look and get him in there
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Angle jumping ship to TNA when the word was he was only taking a much-needed break from WWE to deal with injuries and personal issues
Not just the fact that he jumped ship, but that he gave the remainder of his prime years to them and only came back to WWE as a shell of his former self
I shudder at the thought of rewatching WWE in that era good luck sir
Seething E Drone, ya love to see it
This was based though. To the point I'm legit not sure if TNA would be around today if it hadn't happened
It should have been dark warrior. Warrior had real life beef with vince and a motive. Then taker would have turned on Warrior for power of the ministry.
Russo claims vince saw Chris Daniel, laughed, & made himself the higher power. Vince being the higher power was kino.
You joke, but we really were seething when that happened
That was almost on the level of Luger leaving WWE and randomly showing up in WCW
I don't think AEW ever got that big of an acquisition from WWE. Shit like that made me start to think TNA could actually become real competition
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That's what I meant.
>Warrior had a significant history with Undertaker
>Had real life heat with Vince
>Was a Hogan-level star; bigger name than most of the roster
>Had Superman booking in the past to warrant the role of Higher Power, unlike jobbers such as Jake Roberts or unknown jabronies like Christopher Daniels
The whole Bray/Cena feud especially the WM30 match where they teased a Cena heel turn/come to the dark side moment and nothing came of it, still more LOLCENAWINS
I know we shit on TNA a lot nowadays but this was easily a top 3 best decision they ever made
It could have been a short run too. Warrior beats austin. Austin wins the title back with interference or a screw up with Warrior & taker. Warrior & taker fued. Then Warrior goes away.
I feel like Gary Hart would have been a great pick. Even if people didn't recognize him, he could do his Gary Hart shit and everyone would get it. If Brian Pillman was alive in 1998. Jake's a great pick, too, if it weren't for the drugs and booze. Do you think you could have gotten Mick to make another face of Foley?
Also, it's not like they couldn't have beat the Ministry then gone back to feuding with eachother. It would have really given their feud more gas to take a rest hold. Hell, after a bit of fighting, Vince could have gone 'well, you know what, I hate these freaks, but I HATE YOU MORE, Austin' and sided with the Ministry.
Too b fair, warrior went to wcw around that time & had a terrible fued with hogan. One that did damage to wcw. The mirror segment. Vince may have dodged a bullet.
Warrior wouldn't even need to wrestle, unless a Big PPV.
>Warrior beats Austin at SummerSlam 99 for the WWE title
>Taker and Austin had taken time off after SS99 anyway
>Rock beats Warrior at Survivor Series to win the WWE title
>Warrior has a match with Vince at WM2000 to end his run
Uh, CM Punk?
>we really were seething
Fuck, you are sad
Why would the biggest star at the time scsa lose to warrior & not get this win back?
>Warrior beats austin
Neck yourself
>CM Punk?
Doesn't count as an acquisition since he had left WWE 7 years earlier before joining AEW
cry more faggot. Warrior was a far bigger name than austin ever was back in 1999
You are legit insane
/pw/ has lost their mind.
zommies detected, opinion rejected
>Warrior was a far bigger name than austin ever was back in 1999
If you had said 1997 you'd have a point, but by '99 Austin was red hot
that was Angle basically committing suicide tho
WWE wanted to paid Angle to go rehab and then hire him again
Angle said fuck it and went to the other company instead
still not as hot as Warrior
Bryan Danielson
>inb4 seething ans crying that he's never been good
He was the guy, and even though he was shelved from injury no one saw it coming.
Also, Edge.
It's just not true. It's factually incorrect. I don't know what to tell you, buddy.
Yet he didn't die. You retards love your hyperbole and head canon here
Pfft giving that 2 minute squash match doofus the belt is exactly when they started losing in the ratings. Maybe burying your entire roster for the same of some charisma vacuum meathead who can't wrestle and has 2 minutes of cardio wasn't such a bright idea.
i am not your buddy, son
Might not be dead, but nigga have you seen Angle in recent years?
I think even Bret Hart might be in better physical shape right now
If we're talking strictly jumping ship during their tenure, sure, but Punk is still an AEW acquisition from WWE.
He would have been the same if he went to TNA or not.
heckin wholesome
I'm not your son but you're probably as much of a homo as my dad, fruitcake.
>I'm at Survivor Series right now so I can only fathom how much worse it get
Wait until the Nexus angle in 2010
Same. That faggot midget should have never gotten close to that title
I still maintain that 2009 was the worst year of wrestling I've seen up until this point, and this includes the Covid era
>TNA being peak LOLTNA
>Jenna Morasca vs Sharmell
>Raw Guest Host era
>Peak supercena
>Peak butterfly belt divas era
>Peak THE RIDE NEVER ENDS midcard of Dolph vs Kofi
>Every wrestler got a negative pop.
2009 raw might just be the worst year of weekly tv in wwe history. You're gonna see some real bullshit on the way.
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Robert Whipley
Did Vince really think that people would boo him??
imagine if it was Stink
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How small is that guys dick and balls?
The only thing for sure about Stink is that nothing is for sure.
He's either ftm and forgot to pack, or he tucked so he wouldn't be rubbing his dick on Will's mouth.
vince and the undercarder unironically said no one knew who he was even after listening to that pop
aww... did your daddy rape you?
>>Peak butterfly belt divas era
Agreed with all your points, but that belt was the best looking women's title
I posted this exactly a year ago and in a similar thread
Nah, I said he was a faggot, not a pedophile.
Not even a fan of his but that was bullshit
I like how Dally instantly reacted like a face after that pop.
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All the top WCW guys all wait their contracts out.
>see what Vince is doing with DPP & Booker
>be perfectly fine sitting at home making better money instead of getting ruined by McScatmahon
>Ending the streak / End of Undertakers career
There's others but I'll rant this, again
1. I still think Brock is great and worthy of all them title reigns and HOF worthy but Vince did the equivalent of destroying the second tallest tower to make a tiny flag to put on the tallest one in terms of passing something on with it. And later on destroying that tower too with his own created disaster with everything alleged in lawsuits.

2. Terrible after care. You could say graceful exit, because Undertaker didn't lose to some twink but the most dominant guy on the roster. But then he came back for more Manias including putting Roman over for good measure.

3. For the fans to see him return later just to milk nostalgia and few dollars left dry made them feel old and cynical. You gotta understand, for some getting to Wrestlemania and seeing Undertaker there defending the streak was a life long dream. It's part of the "magic".
People we're just pretending they were paying to see Undertaker wrestle unmolested.

4. Vince did Mark Callaway dirty, despite calling each other friends. The guy drew for Vince for over 20 years and he couldn't let him have this one gold watch before letting his increasingly fucked body retire and have a some clean record on him to milk as profitable Legend deal signed for the rest of his life - telling you, there is less demand and mystique on a "25-2" shirt than a "21 undefeated", or 22 or whatever.

What crappy way to deflate something big.
i feel like i once read it was supposed to be vince's irl brother, but i might be wrong
that's actually legit good choice, too bad warrior was too much of a mark for himself to go with this. and that bullshit with WCW
We don't list our fetishes here
Believe it or not some people come here to talk about old wrestling. It's not so hard to believe since talking about retro gaming or old films is fairly normal.
It's crazy how fast Cena got stale. People were into him when he was drafted to Raw in the spring of 05, but by the summer people were already getting sick of him
Kane jobbing to Austin in the '01 Rumble.
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Not putting the tag titles on Laughter 7 and instead having them continue to rotate around the same yenless gaijin teams made me mad. You could have extended Tana's and Naito's knee lifespan by having them in a tag feud with Laughter 7 for a year after the New Japan Dads can't defeat the invaders.
Then once Laughter 7 is finally defeated, begin Shibata's redemption angle, and complete it when Naito/Tana drop the tag belts and are freed up as singles competitors.
not much difference. go get help, you rape victim
Bret quite literally is
When he did that comeback a few years ago, he bumped around like in the 90s on the house shows and no, I'm not making that up
The only reason he pretends to be a cripple on TV is because of his insurance
what is this style of acting called?
it seems every wrestler does it now. in the old days guys do their own thing, but literally everyone now does this stand-and-deliver over-emotive hand-waving bullshit, it’s so weird
>what is this style of acting called?
One of the reasons I respect CM Punk is that he and his segments/feuds have always been watchable despite all the complete bullshit that is going on around him at any given time.
>filtered by the Divas title
Go back to your plebbit basedtubers faggot
Wrestling fig up the was krew thread post do not respond
This was so fucking stupid
>contrarian cries filtered
like clockwork
>>Every wrestler got a negative pop.
why does this sound kino
>Legitimately derailed momentum for some guys
Oh it hella did. It was just a really bad decision all around.
Punk coming out right after the match fucking sucked too.
Made everything since Money in the Bank seem completely pointless.

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