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>face of hulkamania
>basically the reason Wrestlemania exists today
>top guy in WWF
>top guy in WCW
>revolutionized the business with the nWo, started the attitude era
>returned to WWE and was top guy straight away
>never in the midcard
>still the most recognisable wrestler ever

>highest grossing top guy of all time in 2000
>was a bigger star than Austin in his prime
>highest grossing hollywood actor in the world today
>drew the highest buyrate of any Wrestlemania ever at wrestlemania 28
>despite being a much beloved face, still turned heel and got everyone against him showing how based he is
>never afraid of putting people over - put the fucking hurricane over
>despite putting people over and helping build the business, was always in the main event picture.

>jobber in WCW
>spent four years as a midcarder in WWE
>drew big in 1998 - only really because Hogan and the nWo created the right situation for him
>injury prone
>outdrawn by the Rock
>terrified of losing his spot - didn't do business with hogan or lesnar
>unlike Rock who was a GOAT heel or Hogan who changed the business with his heel turn, Stevetty's heel turn killed the attitude era
>only one out of himself, Rock and Hogan to be sent back to the midcard to feud with the likes of Big Show and Scott Hall
>got worked so hard by Hogan and his new status as a midcarder that he took his ball and went home like a crybaby
>not recognizable at all today - only one of the three who has to leech of WWE and do podcasts to get paid. Even Cena is more well known.
oh great this thread again.
Hogan and Rock are far above stevetty in terms of popularity, fame and drawing power
why didn't misawa come out
Slim Cock Simp Asswipe was a one dimensional shitter. He could play the anti-hero redneck, but that's it. He completely flopped as a heel and became a comedy act in contrast to The Rock and Hogan who did some of their best work as heels.
>1. Rock
>1a. Hogan
>3. austin
Hogan turning heel was a disaster for the human race on par with the Crucifixtion and 9/11.
Beloved hero Hogan turning heel started the wrestling boom and beloved badass Austin turning heel ended it.

The Dwayne was riding the wave started by Austin when the company was practically dead and The Dwayne was getting cut from the CFL and wearing streamers when he wrestled.
it saved the industry in the mid 90s
>beloved badass Austin turning heel ended it
beloved badass became beloved bitchass and killed the ratings, when the actual draw Dwayne went to Hollywood
Remove Dwayne from wrestling history and virtually nothing changes.
But at what cost?
Rock because he is still going and with Final Boss run change the game prior to the Netflix era and is shopping it to be less gay and more attitude finally saving wrestling with our guy Gerwirz .
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>No biggest PPV records
>No biggest live show records
>No highest TV ratings
>No Hollywood rub
>No Rock vs HHH. Gaytch never becomes a main eventer
>No Rock vs austin. austin continues to sink ratings
>No SmackDown.
>No SmackDown video games
>Nobody puts over Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar etc, because austin walked out like a bitch

Anybody could have taken austin's place at WM14 but nobody could have taken Rock's place at WM 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29 and 40

Kys zoomiefag
ok you're straight up just lying lmao
Hogan > Flair > anyone else
LMAO. Meme wrestler of the 70s who couldnt draw large crowds
>inb4 Korea stadium, because the govt made it mandatory to attend
We don't give ourselves encouragement here.
pw is the Rock's board because he is the absolute best
Rock > Hogan > simpetty cucketty stevetty austinetty
Austin is a mid-card shitter who was thrust into the main event to face Vince McMahon when wrestling was red hot thanks to Hogan joining the nWo. He didn't build the audience, nor maintain it. He was just given the top spot and got pops the same way Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty did during that time. As soon as the casuals bailed, WWE tried to resurrect the nWo which turned Austin back into a disgruntled midcarder that he killed their push and that was it for wrestling. dead and buried by this shitter. It would never reach that level Hogan created a second time, again.
This is a Final Boss board.
Rock is about to being attitude era back on Netflix and he was attitude era.
- Hogan has revealed himself to be total fucking trash
- Austin is in the middle of nowhere playing with cats
Rock will be President in 8 years
The order goes:
The Irish will always try to downplay the achievements of great Anglo Americans like Stone Cold.
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samefagetty stanetty of austinetty
the Immortal Hulk Hogan (patriot) has always been superior to Dwayne and Steve (libtards)
Patriot means nigger ?
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>"STEVE AUSTIN SUCKS!!!" (IWC Logic and Hypocrisy)

Ranking the Faces of the company:
1. Rock
2. Hogan
3. Hitman
4. Roman
6. Bruno
7. Cena
8. austinetty
9. Backlund
10. Gaytch
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Name 3 hit movies that Fruitista did, as the main lead.
Ranking kino-production abilities of top guys
1. Cena, Cody
2. Hogan
3. Austinetty
4. Backlund
5. Bret if he's calling people homosexuals, JBL
6. HHH if he's burying people, Heel Seth
7. Bruno
8. Heel Roman if he's being carried
9. Heel Dwaynetty if he's forced to do something other than his schtick
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>"top guy"
Ranking money making and PPV drawing ability of top guys
1. Rock
2. Hogan
3. Roman
4. Cena
6. Bruno
7. Hitman
8. austinetty if he is paired with bigger stars like Rock, Tyson, Vince
9. Backlund
10. Gaytch
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We have actual statistics for this one.
ok, revised list:
Ranking money making and PPV drawing ability of top guys
1. Rock
2. Hogan
3. Gaytch if he is paired with bigger stars like Rock, Cena, Taker
4. Roman
5. Cena
6. Undertaker
7. Bruno
8. Hitman
9. austinetty if he is paired with bigger stars like Rock, Tyson, Vince
10. Backlund
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Austin will always be beloved no matter how much you seethe, Carter.
Haitch should be higher because he is more than a wrestler
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Cena and Cody are still top of that list
While all 3 are obviously great it definitely speaks volumes that wrestlemania is an offshoot of hulkamania and smackdown is an offshoot of the rock.
Austin was not the longest reigning, nor the bulkiest, nor the most famous outside of wrestling but he dominates all other WWE top faces on the mic any day of the week.
Austin still has the loudest pop in wrestling history if I'm not mistaken.

Austin popularized the idea of coming in to whoop ass and lay everyone put with your finisher, which is spammed several times a week on wrestling shows every week for decades now
>Austin popularized the idea of coming in to whoop ass
zoomiefag detected opinion rejected
lmao.. not even the loudest pop of 1999
Nice list of examples you posted
Stinger did it earlier, and way better.
stevetty was a piss-poor copy
Sting is a no dimes mime.
Sting didn't have his music hit then come in and hit his finisher on everyone
zoomiefags exposing themselves
No one was bigger than Hogan in his prime. Austin and Rock might have made more money but they didn't have grannies putting up posters and buying Hulkamania paraphernalia and PPVs to support the cause (wich was Hulkamania).
Stink always sucked old man
but enough about your mom's mouth
>if you don’t like this shitter that was dimeless even in the WCW…YOU’RE UNDERAGE!!!
>simpcuck stan is angry
These threads always pop me. Especially since Austin is a fraud
No contest, it's Hogan. He's the reason for both Boom periods. HH
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Rock and Hogan are true icons. Guys like austin are several echelons below them.
>Rock > Hogan >>>> Stevetty
Fuckin’ Goldberg drew more than Sting.
Goldberg drew more than anybody not named Hollywood Hogan in WCW, so your point sucks
Cena Killed prowrestling
>loudest pop in wrestling history is Dwaynetty getting utterly BTFO by Austin

My point is that Sting is dimeless.

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