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Watch on Wrestle Universe - 1,298 yen per month.


10.19 TJPW LIVE TOUR 2024 AUTUMN @ Yume Messe Miyagi West Building Hall, Miyagi (VOD)[13:00 JST]
10.27 TJPW LIVE TOUR 2024 AUTUMN @ Ryogoku KFC Hall, Tokyo(LIVE)[12:30 JST]

Previous >>16059626
Pomu's scream is a powerful weapon
The more I look at the crowd, the more gaijin I spot. This might be the most I've seen at a show. There's no way they all know each other either. I guess it's just a coincidence
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Going to have an early one tonight. Good night, Mokamaniacs!
Shino is now livestreaming on WU
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TJPW is bringing in an international audience. The viral GIFs are working.
there's a lot of people taking Ls recently. the viral anti, the fag that said Moka was unattractive and Himawari in the nexgen tournament
They should create a new monster similar to Andreza, but a different animal. And then have him fight Andreza.
Thinking back, I'm pretty sure I remember a match where something like this happened, but it might have just been two bears. and also the match was kinda lame.
The visual flair of the streamers on the hammer really add to the picture
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Local hero
There goes mahirooo
It must be genetic because kira's sister has pretty big boobers too
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Yoppy competed at Best Body Japan. Her breasts continue to try to escape regardless of promotion.
Is it the one where Yuka and Mizuki murdered them and then said they wanted to fight Disney mascots but it kept getting bleeped
I'm surprised it sounds like she's still going to work BBJ for at least as long as she's a tag champ there. Said the next title match is in January.

I guess when Nao joined TJPW, she didn't keep working AWG but they're more isolationist and exclusive.
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No you're thinking of that Pokotan match. I think it was a DDT show where Andreza fought against another bear who looked like him in the ring but I can't quite remember
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DDT Peter Pan 2018 Andreza Giant Panda vs Super Sasadango Machine
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Watching the 10/13 show. Is Kaya cool now? She seems way cooler than just a few months ago
Her new finisher from that singles match with Moka pushed her over to actually being pretty cool.
gotta love the yopster
She's been cool for awhile, just stuck in meaningless multi tags but the few singles she's had lately have spotlighted her
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kek what a noodle armed rabbit
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More rookies means the flippy falcon has become a majestic magpie mentor

Shoko was playing Judgement on twitch again and nobody told me
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Anon considering going to the Seattle show. You have to go and tell us whether Wakana's heaving tits are real or not. Look at these thirst traps she's posting for America
Seems like Maki can finally take bumps again
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big ass player
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Barely holding on for dear life
did not know misao had em like that. she needs to alter her gear to show them off more.
Shes only like that for the photoshoots. I assume performing in front of actual people exposed would be uncomfortable for her
She wasn't uncomfortable dancing on that pole for our White only party
Sex with Bee and Pom
For her experience level and athleticism she's still mediocre, but the new finisher and her implementing more of her kickboxing background into her moveset have shown that she might not actually be a no-hoper like Moka after all. Maybe in a few more years she'll have improved enough to make it to the upper midcard
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gaijin group seeing yoppy's exposed ass cheek gear for the first time
My Mexican compatriot in the front can be clearly seen mouthing “a su madre! No mames.” Compa acts like he’s never seen half an ass cheek.
Is this a threat?
I want Pom to pee in my mouth.
Raku’s mammy?
How much are you willing to pay?
i think koda's plan for ittenyon is miu vs aino
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I look forward to seeing the confidence inspiring games of Shino Suzuki
I dream of clapping those cheeks
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love PaMi
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Mizuki is a menace
Yeah its not a big deal. Mina worked both companies for over a year, was Women's champion for most of 2019 and brought the belt with her to the TJPW ring.
that mallet is over with me brother
only 2 days until Miu turns the dreaded 25. someone get word to her that I am willing to bite the bullet and marry her so that she doesn't have to befall the ignominious fate of being an idol past the traditional idol age.
raku halloween?
If Koda was going to have Aino challenge for the PoP at a major show, he would’ve just had her win the TPC. Aino vs Arai is a likelier possibility
I had a dream that haru did a dive to the outside from the top turnbuckle and snapped her ankle. I hope it wasn't a vision of the future...
Where are the caps of this????
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shes just doing whats best for business, brother. marks will see her doing the job and think, "if this wet noodle armed jobber can be at the top then i can too"
Bill Watts would fire Mizuki immediately. Can't lose a shoot, brother.
see jack, that's why you're a nobody and she's got the lime light on her
i think shino got some new pants. they kept riding up her crack
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she's loose, brother
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H is for hairy
Oh, grow up. I already proposed to her and I'm expecting a reply any day now.
Wrong side of Yoppy, assfag

The 3Trifecta that every player must follow
God, I love feet so much.
it do be like that
Pom's warm piss coating my balls while I fuck her asshole
I'm a yukicker.
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I look forward to seeing the confidence inspiring games of Shino Suzuki
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Gif the end of the interview where she's trying to point at the chyron at the bottom of the screen but just aimlessly waves her hands around
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wrong side, assfag
Correct but she continues to not actually show tum. High-waisted bullshit ain't it
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misao's pants arent high waisted but she does have her stomach covered
that halloween costume and all of her pants in casual shots are high-waisted
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more like high and wasted
I nees hyper now
Does anyone have a vpn or some way to access the full episode of the tv show Mizuki was on?
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Shut the fuck up.
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I love how freely Japanese women show feet
the confidence inspiring facial acne of Suzuki Shino
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Arai Yuki's legs.
feet are not sexual in Japan
[Scandalous News]
Miyu is dating Shota Umino
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Ito Respect Army, "Setsunairo": Mizuki is to Maki Ito what Sammy Hagar is to Ronnie Montrose. Is this by design? I'm sure Ito can't be happy with it, if she's even aware of it. She may have a giant, iron head full of bubble tea and dollar signs in her eyes but if Ito doesn't keep her eye on the ball, her tag team partner will usurp her "quicker than a hiccup", as I've heard an Okie announcer say on the TV. (**)
>Hey guys. How are you doing?

>I am glad my figures are starting to arrive.
>It looks like my figure will be shipped to me soon as well. I don't know when it will arrive!

>Oh, listen.
>I had decided the night before that I would always get up early the next morning and have a McBreakfast!
>But they sent it to a completely different!
>Because I had set it up in a different place. stupid
>I paid just to cancel lol
>Was my breakfast eaten by the delivery men?

>And one more update from me.
>I made the curtains in my room black. Someone said it's not very good to have black decoration in the room(luck?)
>But that is nonsense. I don't care. Quality of sleep is more important.
>I hope it blocks out the morning sun. Hope I sleep well. (Then I wrote and went to bed. It was nice to have no sunlight at all)

>thank you, fuck you
>maki x
You just gotta.
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are girls will have a new friend at the dojo
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The long awaited return
what are the odds she injures herself again
>first move she attempts is a top rope Canadian Destroyer on Chika
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Japanese women are known to be into feet and forcing their husbands into liking them.
(Good News) TJPW nip slips will become normalized soon.
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Feet are not sexual. Ever.
we don't post such things here
Good, glad this is a footfag-free zone.
'fraid not
Yes it is: >>16081687
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They censored a bunch of my post be wary

This one was my favorite

If you never had sex with me you automatically become my ex
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10 more days until Haruna Neko returns. Be prepared.
new schizo just dropped
[Exciting News]
Nao Kakuta has finally seen Saving Private Ryan on the big screen!
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We got her back!
the fuck is this shit
Is this Raku before her hair started thinning?
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pom apparently went to korea every week as a kid
now that the dust has settled, who was the Michaels of Shinken Kusho?
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I always liked the old rings before they became like this
how can I get sponsored by money too?
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The rare double Janetty
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Good night, Mokamaniacs!
You will never have your head crushed like a grape between Alice’s burly quads, why live?
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kamiyu is having kira's ancestral cuisine
witchetty grubs?
what a handsome hunk
she's half abo half pinoy
a grotesque combination
pinoys are the most powerful race in the world
kira isn't actually an abo. she's not even really australian. there was a post on her real account where she complained about not being able to do something (vote?) because her parents aren't australian citizens and therefore she isn't either
I need to violate their sphincters with my BWC
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>not posting her pineapple pizza
I could eat some of that
Kira is white Australian and japo mixed.
I bought 2 Kira chekis, hope there's a good elf cleavage shot in there
Hawaiian pizza rules, that looks awesome.
based independent thinker kamiyu not falling for the pineapple on pizza is bad meme
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Spooky Szn:
Day 17
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They gave us Liza Soberano. Idk how anyone could hate the philippines
You don't have any taste
Love birb
You like a pizza invented by a fucking leaf you’re the one without any taste. Go back to rating fast food chains on cagefat
>we have maki itoh at home
But better!
uta takami seems to be experiencing a grow spurth
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would desu
did she ever do the "Where is the Restroom" part?
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Himabs are back
She makes me experience a growth spurt so to speak
I am concerned Okubo Luna will become too muchimuchi while she is unable to exercise due to her injury
I just want to roll my tongue along that perfect pale tum
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Please support Wakana-san, she worked very hard on this event.
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keep my shart burning
i prefer unambitious players. trying hard is for losers.
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I love Juria too
where is gabai ji chan?
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Kira is going to hunt you down for that comment
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Is Yoppy a gaijin hunter like her former GanJo sisters?
Haruka Kato is so fucking cute.
Moeka has a weird face and I find that very sexy. I want to kiss her transplant scar.
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Kana will be broadcasting live for the first time in about 4 hours
likelier chance you get cleavage considering they're printed as ordered and she'll be sad she only got 2, so she'll be very grateful
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They're cute
there's an earnestness in Wakana being a whore for fame. i find it endearing
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Many are saying this.
That lady telling Vader to look her ass.
holy yum
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Hyper Misao out and about
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>takes her mask everywhere she goes
why is she like this?
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Some people are just based
Toga just went live on the app.
Is there even any reason to use this feature if I don't speak Japanese?
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Arai player
Kind of but not really. It has a pretty good AI translate feature that will instantly translate your chat messages to Japanese and other chatter's messages to English, so whoever is streaming will be able to read what you send them and you can read what the Japs are typing. But all that's pretty useless if you're expecting something in return because none of them speak English. I'm not sure if they can respond to your message in the chat and have the AI translate it back to you. I've watched a few streams and haven't seen anyone do it.

If you just want to drop in and send a nice message to your favorite player then I guess it's worth it.
Miu has all her comments translated. Haru and so far Toga don't have their comments translated. If I recall, Aino spoke English pretty well.
That makes sense. I wonder if they don't even know about the translation option, it is kind of hidden in a menu.
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I hope Miyu has a good match against Gisele tomorrow.
Kana's Dick Sucking Lips
kana is hideous
this may be the most impure player yet
She wears contacts
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I’m trying to learn Japanese, so for me it’s good listening practice. As others have said, the translation function is pretty good, so I can sort of check to see if I’m hearing things correctly by reading the comments
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why is pom so visual
disappointed that our girls are endorsing the debunked archeological fiction of (((dinosaurs)))
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Most players twitter account handles have _tjpw appended to them, but not Wakana. Loyalty means nothing to her.
Oh my.
the only ones that have tjpw in their handle are those that made their account after they joined
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highly disappointed in the lack of best body yoppy caps

Pomtube is live
gently explaining to Wakana why she can't post about "cream pies" on the internet
gently giving Wakana a "cream pie"
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9 more days until Haruna Neko returns
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Who you got for tomorrow?
my girl the chaos spark is going to pin this green jobber 1-2-3 in the middle of the ring brother
Easy Shino win.
Kana said that she wants her color to be blue and is aiming to be a speed type wrestler
Good night, Mokamaniacs!
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>Last year in the tournament, I kept pushing forward because I didn't want to lose to my peers. This year, there are even more people I don't want to lose to.
>After watching the first match at Korakuen Hall the other day, I felt frustrated. I watched each match of the people participating in the tournament and felt even more frustrated. Everyone had changed so much, as if they were different people, and it hurt to see them move ahead. I even wanted to stop watching halfway through.
>But I know that unless I let go of my weak self, I won't be able to win.
>I want to have the most expectations for myself.
>I'm weaker than my peers, and I haven't fought any singles matches against anyone from the 2024 group. There's no real gap, but that makes me want to win even more than anyone else. It's not just about desire; I've worked hard too.
>I won't just be a toy to watch until I get my first win. I've always thought that. I want to see what's ahead, and I want to show it to others too.
>I want to show everyone a fun, exciting future in pro wrestling, as much as I can, but I haven't been able to do that, and it feels like it's going against the concept of "Next Generation." It makes me wonder, what really is "Next Generation"? I think about that a lot. Thinking like this makes me want to be part of "Next Generation" even more, and I really want to win the tournament. I want it more than people imagine.
>I won at the Kasukabe tournament. I was really happy to win.
>People kept telling me, "Let's win one more time," over and over again, and honestly, I was wondering how I could do that.
>I'm not the kind of wrestler who can suddenly start winning just because of one victory. Winning is still that difficult for me. But I didn’t give up on winning.
>And because I won, I didn't relax—on the contrary, I became determined to win the tournament.
>"Let's win one more time," no, I will win over and over again and take the championship.
>It's easy to just say "win," but I truly want to win.
>In terms of technique, strength, and moves, I don’t have much—just spirit and determination, which are weaknesses in my eyes. I have to show more than that. I need to do more. I'm not satisfied with any part of myself.
>In this tournament, I believe I’ll be able to affirm myself a little, or perhaps deny myself completely.
>"I’m trying hard!"
>"Your bun hairstyle was cute!"
>I don’t want to let it end with just those comments.
It's obviously Shino
Shino Toga finals
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Whatever you think of the tjpw×defy card, just know the men have it so much worse
yea this is bad and a waste of takeshita
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not possible
Women's card is fine. I like Amira, Vertvixen and Zara and they've wrestled the girls before. No idea who Liiza Hall is.

This is just dire. Who the fuck is Artemis Spencer? Have any of these gaijin been within 1000 miles of a DDT ring?
I'd be really surprised if Wakana didn't win it
It's Toga's time
toga is going to get her win back
I want Toga to win, but it seems like Wakana is pushed harder

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