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Fuck PWI Edition

(Iyo and Kairi will be heading to NXT next week, to get some revenge on Lash and Jakara for interfering with their Tag Title match against Kween Jade and Bianca.... Also Iyo and Kairi are confirmed to be heading to Saudi, potentially for another big match.... In other news, fuck PWI for snubbing Kairi, Asuka, and Iyo so badly on their trash list.....)

>We hope Asuka and Dakota can come back healthy soon!

previous: >>16051560

>The longest running daily wrestler general on /pw/

Social Media:

IYO photobooks:
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Iyo fucking rocks lmao!
Iyos belly looking SOFT
PWI ranking is bullshit Iyo should have at least been in the top 5
she looks so soft bros
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[Good News] Iyo Sky (47) player will
work alongside her younger, better counterpart in NXT in an effort to bolster the end of her career
Iyo was always top 10 until she was on the main roster. She's still above Bianca which is funny.
Iyo Sky PWI Ranking History:

(PWI Debut)
2017: # 6
2018: # 4
2019: # 8
2020: # 9
2021: # 8
(Main Roster Debut)
2022: # 126
2023: # 24
2024: # 13

.... Fascinating coincidence
That backlash match hurt bianca bad, thankfully
Kairi Sane PWI Ranking History:

(PWI Debut)
2017: # 10
2018: # 10
(Main Roster Debut
2019: # (Did not make top 250)
2020: # 21
2021: # (Did not make top 250)
2022: # (Did not make top 250)
2023: # 16
2024: # (Did not make top 250)

.... Fascinating coincidence
Who cares about smark rankings anyways.
These are mark rankings.
I just find the statistics curious, almost like there's a pattern
im guessing 2019 and 2024 are caused by the fact that she was in a tag team yeah?
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You guys simp for THIS?????
''raid ''
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You guys simp for THIS?????

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There is nothing wrong with admiring a woman for being cute and having zero sense of self preservation.
Post more
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How does she do that??
kek is kairi yelling as well
Disgusting feet.
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Hey, that's a pretty neat graphic
Daily reminder that Iyo is the GOAT
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Iyo trained at a secret ninjitsu dojo in the mountains of Japan and learned to double jump IRL
They're the literal opposite of "smart mark" rankings as they are predicated entirely on kayfabe.
It's literally just a list of who got pushed the most in the last 12 months. Meaningless mark ass drivel.
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If you don't already tune in, you fuckers have one job next week. >>16077065

Iyo needs YOUR help to get CW a milly.
Apparently that's a fake rating. I can't tell with console war spam.
smarks are always catching for no reason - strays this has nothing to do with us
why is a 34 year old woman with over ten years of wrestling experience on a minor league developmental brand
a 34 year old woman with over 17 years of wrestling experience IS on a MAJOR league developmental brand TO POP A RATING, AND WORK WITH SOME WELL REGARDED NEW WWE SUPERSTARS ™, JUST LIKE RANDY ORTON
Many are saying this!
she actually looks really cute here to me
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She does to everyone who isn't homosexual.
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I can't support NXT not even for Iyo.
you could hear at one point during the match Kairi telling Jade to get into position or get ready or something. I couldn't make out the whole think, but part of what she said was Jade's name before jumping on her
imagine if Iyo was a homunculus with a big head, no torso, and big feet
i can't believe IYO joins jobber names such as CM punk and randy orton in being demoted to NXT
What's wrong with NXT?
I don't like the storylines and the majority of the booking. also there's only a handful of the wrestlers that I like on NXT.
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Giulia and Iyo will get NXT a milly
Iyo is buried...
Iyo is getting too skinny. she looks around the same weight is Giulia.
my biggest problem with NXT is that too much shit gets crammed into the show. Some of these people shouldn't be on TV.
Ohtani hit a home run and IYO creamed herself
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Iyo Sky is a tall glass of water
I agree on both aspects. especially on some of the talent they should be made to work more house shows before putting them on the tv.
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reminder that iyo is taller, less cute and lower ranked than the new queen of the smol, roxanne
I'm going to go to game 5. I also hit a home run today, would have been 2 but I am slow as fuck and lazy and we had a 17 run lead. the first homerun was crazy, line drive at the 2nd baseman that went to the fence for 4 bases
I'm attracted to Iyo but I'm in love with Masami
Has this dude still not realized we're the Roxy posters? He keeps trying to start wars with players we like and post about
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I only post Iyo
Springboard BUMP Kick
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I like most of the petite girls and the girls with a nice ass.
It's the same guy that thought we all hated Asuka. That failed so, now he's moved onto Roxanne. I love all of the the cute smols so, he's shit out of luck again.
No title?
>ywn hop on a plane to jet off to Japan to enjoy a nice sweet treat with Iyo at a Japanese café.
Why even live?
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Also, sometimes they just flatout forget to include people.
What will Iyo do now that one of ballparks she'd be able to see Ohtani at in Florida, Tropicana Park, was damaged by Milton? Will she waste some of her precious days off to go to Atlanta or fly up to NYC to get her fix?
Now we know who got Starlight Kid and Hazuki hooked on Starbucks.
They did forget Kairi a couple of years ago as well.
Iyo doesn't forget Kairi
CREAM-ius Of The PIE
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out on a date
Why is Iyo an achoholic.
With her husband EVIL
My name's not Evil
With her wife KAIRI
I just need her to post more poolside bikini photos like she did last time she went to Japan.
melanin infestation
>this post will backfire spectacularly
Fun Iyo Sky Fact:

Total Wrestling Career: = 17.5 years
Total Days As Champion: = 3932 days
Total Years As Champion: = 11.8 years
Total Number of Gnarly Gross Toes: = 10
We're not talking about your swollen diabetes feet
>Antis are trying to say Iyo has nasty feet now
5 stars on wikifeet btw.
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Oh dear
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Genius Of The TOES
Need em in my mouth
Masami TOEdate
I'm attracted to FEETo Sky, but I'm in love with Masami TOEdate.
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Because Bayley introduced Iyo to day drinking. Bayley starts drinking as soon as she wakes up, drinks at the airport bar, drinks on the plane, and is drinking almost any time she doesn't have to sober up for a match. Iyo was her travel partner and started to follow suit, then got hooked. The two of them even get designated drivers so they can drink together on the road. Which was usually either Asuka or Kairi, since both of them turn bright red and puke after about 2 drinks.
What is drunk Iyo like?
another Ohtani home run, another pair of IYO pants ruined
Kek what a fantastic player
KWACAP (kek what a collapsed arches player)
Iyo's hairless pits!
Why does she look so smug?
Alcohol is aging Iyo rapidly, shes gonna look gross like Bayley soon. Western women are a terrible influence
cool story bro
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Iyo Skystein
is Bayley the perfect slam pig?
Chubby Iyo from NXT 2.0 is.
Daily reminder that Iyo lost lmao
she knows she's winning bigly
One usually can't tell when Iyo's drunk. She holds it together pretty well. She did go on IG Live with Kairi once while drunk though.

Kairi answered the call, how long until Iyo does
There is zero evidence that points to Iyo even remotely graving a BBC
please be shopped please be shopped
Who even is Liam?
Holy moly.
>A Pyrrhic victory is a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat. Such a victory negates any true sense of achievement or damages long-term progress.

>The phrase originates from Pyrrhus of Epirus, whose triumph against the Romans in the Battle of Asculum in 279 BC destroyed much of his forces, forcing the end of his campaign.
Liam is a faggot cuck and the main anti in these threads.
Rovert is having another meltdown over the dreaded "Iyoschizo"
Many are saying Iyo will win the royal rumble.
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All joshis are alcoholics, this wasn't Bayree's doing
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Not Asuka or Kairi. If they have anything more than a glass of wine their faces turn bright red and they get sick.
I wish Asuka would puke on my dick and balls.
nah not Asuka, she was a legendary hardened drinker back in the day. Kairi for sure is a total lightweight tho lol.
Japs are low-key harder drinkers than even the Irish, but they kayfabe it.
>she was a legendary hardened drinker back in the day
>provides no source
look i want to believe but youre making it difficult
please understand most people here are deeply mentally ill and can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy.
then you weren't following her way back then and don't know shit, newfag
I wasnt even here for it but LMAO. that faggot, he seethes everyday of his existence
They're an interchangeable 1a & 1b imho. Both are the peak.
a dream3some of mine. and many others I'm sure
mmm mmmmmmmmm............wouldn't wanna mess with her
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