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Okay now what?
A good, respectable 600k
That's kind of the problem. Like I'm sure Bryan will come back for his revenge...but it'll probably be months from now when nobody cares anymore.
Probably some sort of 5vs5 clusterfuck coming up soon. I thought they might do something interesting with Darby having a Sting vs nWo kind of storyline but it looks like they're choosing the most generic path to follow instead. And from the looks of that Jerry Lynn promo this weekend, they might push Orange Cassidy as the valiant babyface who's gonna try to defeat the evil stable and all that crap.
Anyway, it's a good idea that's been sloppily executed for now. They're simply not brutal enough to warrant that kind of kayfabe reaction.
Honestly? Nothing.
Trying to make you think this is all going somewhere and doing it so poorly I have to wonder if there's even a payoff. Like it's all being done just on the rumor of Shane MAYBE being on their TV. So now it's BCC vs Darby Hook and Orange as the main angle?
Hangman and Swerve were the 2 biggest things they had going. That ends, Swerve is setup to feud with MVPs crew, and Hangman jobs to a returning Jay White with no real buildup at all.
And what happened to The Elite storyline? Poof, gone. WTF are the Bucks/Okada/Jack Perry even doing?
It's a clusterfuck.

Darby beating MOX and planting the title on Mount Everest
No one wants Moxley to be a heel except Moxley
No one wants to see Danielson beat down like this except Danielson

This is the main problem with AEW, letting self mark wrestlers book themselves
>and planting the title on Mount Everest
That would actually be fucking dope if they did that.
Now that the dust has settled, why was Jon Moxley ever mad at Daniel Bryan?
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This is the company that followed up Darby winning Stings retirement match with him by immediately jobbing him to Jay White and giving him 3 months off.

They ain't gonna do shit.
because Bryan was a face in a heel stable
I'll never forgive Tiny for ruining Darby's Everest journey and killing his passion.
Danielson got soft. Simple as. He started the BCC with him to utterly wreck the roster and kick some heads in. Danielson ended up having bangarino dream matches instead of kicking in heads.
Wait for the dave stars
We don't know because Mox won't tell us, and Bryans retarded ass didn't think to inquire about that before they suffocated him to death...TWICE. You'd think after the first time he'd ask why they tried to murder him.
I *think* the story was that Bryan was too stubborn to retire so Mox had to pull the trigger for him.
Heatless championship eliminator bangers.
nothing at all. go fuck yourself
His wrestling hasn't been very heelish either. Or rather it hasn't been very different from the rest of his AEW run. He'd be doing concrete spots regardless of his positioning on the kayfabe spectrum. My whole problem is I don't buy that he's this mega tough badass threat, and while I do like Mox in general quite a bit, he's far too sloppy to make it as powerful as it needs to be. As one anon once put it recently, he thinks he's Josh Barnett.
Maybe so, but they didn't focus on that. Bryan announced he was retiring from being fulltime way earlier in the year. He had the belt for about 6 weeks. It all feels like it was hastily booked with no real long term plan.
I'm almost certain Darby is getting the title next, or at least very soon. But this is a sloppyass way to get there.
they could have something intriguing with the conflict of interest between all those parties, but we all know that nothing ever happens in autism central
All the people that beat Mox at his YMCA BJJ tournaments will admit that they just got lucky on the day and infact Mox deserved to win and is actually the biggest badass in the world.
Why does DB love losing so much?
lil nigga gets the belt and then immediately drops it
Didn't a report just come out that Tony books everything and he wants everyone to know that he books everything
thinks it gives wrestling more authenticity since he is the underdog manlet. its the whole
>give the belt to the baby face and then take it away
its like how rickey steamboat generally did not have long reigns with belts
Retard who doesn't understand the business
He thinks because smarks worship him as god's gift to wrestling, it means something when he puts people over. In reality, it just makes him look retarded and the people he loses to gain nothing from it.
darby beats moxley at worlds end > instant christian cash in > either ospreay or edge beats christian at all in
He has no interest in winning or losing.
nobody gave a fuck his whole title reign. everyone gave a fuck in 2021 but he was jobbing left and right and in a stupid retarded stable for 3 fucking years that were randomly heels then faces every other week
Wild conspiracy take; Russo is secretly booking for both companies. Nigga loved his stables.
>At World's End

That's wishful thinking. Tony is gonna drag this out till Double or Nothing AT BEST. Darby wins the belt then, and after that, Moxley-Danielson will be the program they hinge All In Texas on.
Was the Miz always right?
>Why does DB love losing so much?
He has awful instincts. It's this weird shit where he thinks being humble means putting people over, but he picks horrible people. He has ego for sure, because he thinks he can "make" these people simply by having a match and losing to them. He's a reverse Jericho. Jericho has an instinct for who is getting over and then feuds with them to put himself over.
Every Bryan promo had him talking about kicking heads in though
Why are we still asking this. Miz was 100% always right
Miz was always right and based as fuck.
I dunno. I honestly thought they were going to hit the ground running with Darby tonight, but instead they gave us shitters like Evil Uno and Daniel Garcia. Is the concept of momentum just foreign to AEW?
An explanation for why he turned would be nice.
I mean daniel bryan is literally wrestling in bingo halls with his indie friends
Munchausen syndrom
Another genius Rocky 3 moment by Washed Mox
I think he's just giving every old guy tv time before Bobby, Shane. . . AJ shoe drops.
Bryan didn't lose a single match in AEW in 2021
Wolfie was R

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