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>MARIGOLD Fantastic Adventure

10/20 Nagano (1:00pm JST) (VOD 10/22 @ 3:00pm JST)
>MIRAI, Mai Sakurai, & Myla Grace vs Victoria Yuzuki, Kizuna Tanaka, & Rea Seto
>Utami Hayashishita vs Miku Aono vs Nagisa Nozaki
>Kouki Amarei & Nanae Takahashi vs Misa Matsui & Nao Ishikawa
>CHIAKI vs Bozilla
>Natsumi Showzuki vs Komomo Minami

10/24 Korakuen (Live @ 6:30pm JST)
>Marigold World Title Match: Sareee (c) vs Bozilla
>Marigold United National Title Match: Miku Aono (c) vs Nagisa Nozaki
>TwinStar Tag Team Title Match: MIRAI & Mai Sakurai (c) vs Victoria Yuzuki & Kizuna Tanaka
>Superfly Title Match: Natsumi Showzuki (c) vs Hummingbird
>Passion Injection Match: Nanae Takahashi vs Nao Ishikawa
>Naho Yamada Debut Match: Naho Yamada vs Misa Matsui
>Komomo Minami & Yuuki Minami vs CHIAKI & Myla Grace

10/27 Shinkiba (Day) (Live @ 12:00pm JST)
10/27 Shinkiba (Night) (Live @ 5:30pm JST)
11/2 Sapporo (Day) (12:30pm JST)
11/2 Sapporo (Night) (5:30pm JST)
11/4 Nagoya
11/7 Yokohama

Watch on Wrestle Universe (¥1,298 per month)


>Entrance music

Previous >>16067892
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Can I get a recap on the Rossy Ogawa grooming allegations?
midrai and suckaguy are live signing or something
>>Marigold World Title Match: Sareee (c) vs Bozilla
>>Marigold United National Title Match: Miku Aono (c) vs Nagisa Nozaki
>>TwinStar Tag Team Title Match: MIRAI & Mai Sakurai (c) vs Victoria Yuzuki & Kizuna Tanaka
>>Superfly Title Match: Natsumi Showzuki (c) vs Hummingbird
>>Passion Injection Match: Nanae Takahashi vs Nao Ishikawa
>>Naho Yamada Debut Match: Naho Yamada vs Misa Matsui
>>Komomo Minami & Yuuki Minami vs CHIAKI & Myla Grace
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>Today, I started practicing by practicing the 7 Passion Rules before practice

>After practice,Nanae-san accompanied me to my first costume meeting

>I would like to thank Nanae-san #高橋奈七永 , who is a senior to me both as a professional wrestler and as a person, for always giving me advice and advice on various things. #パッション
Hope she gets a revealing costume
Dead thread. Dead promotion
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Fuka's cute disciples
Nanae literally injected her with passion
yamaoka's giant eyeballs
I wonder what title match will be a time limit draw
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Rossy still selling physical CDs. We in the showa era baby.
MIRAI made Kizuna cry
Smart from Mai to wear that hood. She is balding up top and bending over to sign non stop would expose her.
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za gobrina
Hope Seri teaches Nanae how to post thirsty images incessantly in return.
do NOT inject passion into the underage players
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>Selene Flor-ACK!
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>Blue team wins

>The club relay was fun!!
>I want to run again next year

>I have gained a lot of memories
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Id love to inject my passion on Seri player tbqh
Cumming inside Fuka's mommy cunny.
She looks so happy lately. I wonder which anti-psychotic they have her on.
She probably got her first paycheck ever and was able to buy things for herself.
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>Marigold World Title Match: Sareee (c) vs Bozilla
>Marigold United National Title Match: Miku Aono (c) vs Nagisa Nozaki
>TwinStar Tag Team Title Match: MIRAI & Mai Sakurai (c) vs Victoria Yuzuki & Kizuna Tanaka
>Superfly Title Match: Natsumi Showzuki (c) vs Hummingbird
>Passion Injection Match: Nanae Takahashi vs Nao Ishikawa
>Naho Yamada Debut Match: Naho Yamada vs Misa Matsui
>Komomo Minami & Yuuki Minami vs CHIAKI & Myla Grace
Team Minami
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new reaction image just dropped
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The MIRAI fries were really potatoes
mirai talks a lot of shit for someone living in the jungle with the other apes
what if Selene Flora became naked
[BREAKING] Sonny has switched his number from #24 to #22. Who is the new 24??
nagisa tachibana
mayu jewatani
rossy lost lmao
when marigold wrestlers retire they should hang their jerseys in the rafters of shinkiba 1st ring
Yes because Stardom didn't try to sell Poi and Tam CDs that ended up in a landfill
Why didn't Rossy learn from his mistake then?
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Flying Penguin ROCKS
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Rossy has never made a mistake. It was always other people
Why do all the Marigods on cagematch only rate matches out of 5 instead of using the whole scale?
real pro wrestling is rated out of 5
Komomo's heat-less first win getting review bombed.
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my wife supporting my team :)
Rossy wasn't pushing it, bushiroad was
Sure they were. Everything is bushiroad and haradas fault.
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October's girl
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Rossy won
He secured Seri
that face isn't a draw
whats up bro
Seri-senshu needs to drop the green contacts desu.
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Why are you gay?
Those contact lenses are genuinely horror film-esque. Looks like she's about to transform into a werewolf.
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Rossy make the call
dream star fighting marigold's princess is kizuna tanaka
Rossy's bringing in Ken Griffey Jr. for a meeto-greeto to try and pop a good attendance number.
Lady Mai's hips
the paizuri princess
Recently, my head is filled with just Yamaoka Seirei's debut match. Whether she will fight Iyo Sky or not, it would be such a waste to have a normal match against a normal opponent. Her wrestling sense was shown in the last Julia match, where she was the one who put everyone on the line. She has a stylish sense of modern high school girl style on social media, and in a good way, she is a beautiful character who is not tainted by anything. She has the potential to be more than just a super rookie . I think she is a great presence. 38-year-old Unagi Sayaka and 35-year-old Nakano Tamu have the idol-like qualities of a real 17-year-old high school girl wrestler, so it's a revolution.
alright mate calm down
just wait a few weeks before posting the Seri love posts
My ps2 wont work.
It's only a victory if he can secure the older sister. This is a consolation prize
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>don't even try and bull shit us brother
She's going to shoot on an uppity wrestler someday and get Nanae fired.
Damn, the attendance schizo Google Translated.
Just here to confirm that Misa is kawaii.
who will be the first Marigold player to have to retire due to pregnancy?
On planet ugly
>it took months for the first paycheck to cash
need to see MIRAI's nipples
cupping my wife MIRAI's breasts with my skeletal hands
Misa Matsui did an interview where she said she didn't get paid the entire time she was training and it took until the end of July until she got her first paycheck. How these girls surviving.
The attendance schizo getting destroyed on the board and has to come in here to samefag.
>How these girls surviving.
oh, i think you know
When everyone knows you samefag, why do you do it? Why do you try to artificially start conversations and boycotts?
Serious question.
Stop talking about my gf's breasts (my gf is MIRAI)
Expectations for Yamaoka are so high that I'm already worried about the backlash.
This is a gathering of diss squad members like
(same guy btw)
Coom books and sugar daddies.
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It'll be Komomo's.
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Very inappropriate Player

what a touchy subject
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me in the back
hey arnold thread lil sis
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it really do be like that tho
stop deadnaming nøri
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Wow. Bringing out the big guns megaphone girl and hummingbird to move tickets.
yummi hummi tummi
i would keep a naho yamada autographed picture folded in my wallet
MARIGOLD is a Showa resistance movement
Age of the Hummingbird player? Her tummy is very erotic and her lips are heavenly.
she's a mature player
Enjoy her while you can before we move on to Novembers girls.
Nao WILL win
Nobody fostered the tribalism from day 1 more than Rossy Ogawa. As a result, many in his locker room and many Marigold fans took his lead. In turn, Stardom fans in the IWC decided to give it right back to them. Nobody in Marigold minded it until the good will ran out and the tide changed course. Now that ratings and attendance have fallen off a cliff, they’re the victims.
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>Commentary only Fantastic Adventure, Oct 13, 2024
>Start this commentary at the 2:34 mark of the show on Wrestle Universe

there is not a single bushidrone that i fear
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Why? I love her now
I have 2 working Ps2's with ssd and opl working flawlessly
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Honker didn't choose us bros :(
where is her coombook
our crimson belt champion is making videos with her girlfriend, please support their channel
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Yuzuki in jeans is dangerous
Operation Poach Sareee is underway
Nobody wants Sareee. Sareee is a bumlancer.
>During the last Marigot Korakuen broadcast, there was a guy at the front of the North Hall who was always holding a camera, and it was him lol.
>As expected, even the wrestlers noticed him lol.
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We need it
list of wife material players
Operation Have Sex with Sareee is underway.
Dead thread
Dead fed
Matsui is cute.
In my coombook storage chest.
I'm glad to hear this news.
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Showzuki is my wife
why does Sareee have time to clip Natsupoi's cats nails but can't show up to house shows?
Most people prefer hanging out with their girlfriend's over working
ive never had a girlfriend's to hang out with
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if NFL is the No Fun League the MARIGOLD is the Mega Fun League
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Average marigold fan
>"I depend on my parents"
>The words I least wanted to hear.

>I will never let anyone say these words to me. I have thought this ever since the day I started.

>That's why the words MIRAI said to me made me feel so angry.

>I won't let people think I'm just riding on their coattails.

>I'll take the belt from you.
im not average im extraordinary
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protein players
love rea
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you can ride my coattails kiitan
Sonny if you're reading this I have written a script for an original piece of DSFM content involving Rea Seto playing the role of a rookie detective in a neo-noir styled 1920s Tokyo
Just let me know if you're interested, it's ready to go
mirai talks a lot of shit for someone who lives in the jungle
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Yuuki won a beauty contest
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this shitter spends all her time practising poses instead of wrestling
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Made for penis
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Marigold creeps already coming for megaphone girl on twitter
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Princess Kako
any ideas on how we can restore the feeling?
the feeling of what
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new kizuna gravure
feeling restored
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holy face filters
putting koguma to shame
why is is always the uggos that do gravure
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yanmaga's filters are always horrendous
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Now this is what I call showa era!
How dare you post images, we're meant to be infighting elitists in here
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so much CAKE
Mmmmmmmmmm wouldn't want to mess with her
Lice is saying you guys are creeps for enjoying these kizuna pics in the stardom thread
By my records this is the 19th gravure photo shoot/book in 4 months. We are really cooking.
how much longer before the coombooks start helping ticket sales?
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Fragrance 2 when
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Size Matters.
Ricey Ogroomer is a sick man
its time for some bozilla gravure
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Rossy Ogreat booker
More like best pornographer of the year

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