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the word aura was used
imagining them as vampires in a movie I can hear the dimes already
Bryan cage is so tiny. Fucking a man.
Who is Temu Drew McIntyre with the beer belly? The fucking state of that dude.
Lance archer.
The Tramp stamp dude?
Who's that potbelly leather daddy dude?
Yeah, he's like 50 and has never really been a body guy after all
God Lance looks so fucking bad
What will this guy’s legacy be
brian cage is LA Knightmaxxing
Having a better run than some wwe guys in AEW
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meanwhile in wwe
I'm so bummed he ruined his look like that. The big braided mohawk was so based. He reverted back to dimeless Vance Archer
>the word aura was used
full quote:
>god damn, these dweebs have zero aura
Takeshita needs to drop the Trunks cosplay, he's way too ugly to pull it off
Also who is the guy dressed up as Drew McIntyre
Dangerhair Friends was great. Both Lance and Maki have both gone downhill since then. Lance became a balding beer bellied uncle and Maki became GCW's collective cumdumpster. Archer should have left his eggless walled wife that never gave him kids and should have bred an entire faction of giant hapa shitposting wrestlers ala The Saito Brothers.
I'm guessing Hobbs is joining MVP's stable
>Brian Cage randomly joins your group with no build
>1 week after Lance Archer joins for no reason
k. Have they finished the last supper painting yet or what?
brian cage has been in a dozen factions and hasn't made mention of him joining or leaving any of them
Fucking hell really? What the hell happened to him and what's with the beer belly?
yes please make something cool out of this
He's standing further back and surrounded by legit 6+ footers
why does the actual UFC title look like a toy compared to the actual toy titles?
He wouldn't have one if it wasn't for his Suzuki-gun era
There was a reason for Archer. Don traded his Graveler Rush for Jake the Snake's Machoke and they're both hoping they will evolve. Cage he must of just found in the tall grass outside the arena.

Now once Trent and Hobbs get back from the Pokecenter, he can finally take on the Elite Four.
AEW has a problem of factions with zero chemistry. The only one that makes much of any sense at this point is The Elite and even then I don't think Jack Perry adds anything to it.
zuffa sold to the chinks years ago and ever since then they've been no dimes mass produced shit from their all Dagestani terrorist roster to their pvc belt
Get rid of that fat balding guy on the right. Jesus Christ. And what the fuck is take-a-shit wearing?
belt presentation is awful in ufc. the champs don't even carry the titles to the ring and every one looks the same. its really lame and slopcore
Archer joined because of a talent trade, watch the show heathen.
I appreciate the joke you're going for anon, but Rush is obviously Tauros (Paldea)
I wonder how much Cage spends on roids
He old
>kicked from Team Taz
>Tully Blanchard Enterprises was folded into Moguls
>Moguls joined The Embassy and turned on Swerve
>Cage broke away from the Gates of Agony

How'd I do? Gates of Agony should join Don desu
what kind of gear is Kyle on? he looks like he gained 10-20lbs between Wednesday and his last dynamite appearance. he should keep it up. swole flippy shit ftw
Kyle getting a chance to be big is the only thing I like about this faction at this point
Left lookin like a girl with those puffy pants
Left mid manelt
Middle literally who
Mid right nice gut bruh
Right literally who but BALD
Whatever he wants, fuck you gonna do about it?
Takeshita thinks he's a DBZ villain
He's been steadily bulking for a while now.
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Obviously, now that I see that's a thing. Forgive my ignorance regarding modern Pokemon.
Shoot can’t name one of these dimeless fags. That’s gotta be aew
Cage and Archer absolutely dragging the dimes levels down to perilous levels
Guy on the right looks like he's about to host another exciting episode of deal or no deal
sure you were, Bryan
My name's Max.
You're welcome anon. Have you seen the Black Tiger Pokeyman? also KEK BASED FUCKING IMAGE


8/5 stars
Dimes. Too bad AEDub is a clusterfuck and all them except Takeshita will struggle for TV time. Don Callis is the best manager in wrestling today.

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