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A Mox return to WWE would do bigger business than Punk’s return, and a proper SHIELD storyline would in fact be the biggest drawing match of the 21st century left that could be plausibly booked
no one would recognise the bloated mess as DEAN Ambrose anymore, so the reunion is pointless
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just tell Sami to cut his hair and call him Dean
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>A Mox return to WWE would do bigger business
A Shield reunion and return sounds dimes af
Then you remember Seth is now ZESTY AF and also is based off a rape victim, Dean is a bloated and unmotivated drunk, and Roman by default would have to be the leader because he made the biggest name for himself during the last few years, and Roman can’t cut babyface promos for shit.
I guess you could have Ambrose cut the promos but then it’d be like “why is this traitor speaking for the brothers he left behind?”
Just my 2 cents
Now here is the question. He is arguably more popular now. Would a return have them call him Jon Moxley or Dean Ambrose?
Mox doesn't want to go back to WWE because he knows they'd want him in rehab for 6 months like they did with Jimmy Uso. He wouldn't get to decide when he was done with rehab like in AEW, or be allowed to get back on the sauce.
>He is arguably more popular now.
Oh yea. I mean look at the numbers AEW is doing because of him...
yea compared to when he was larping as Bane......
>yea compared to when he was larping as Bane......
Were those numbers lower than what he's doing in AEW larping as a skinhead?
He won't go back. He hated it before and I don't think HHH's vision is much diffferent than Vince's in terms of who The Guy will be. After the Sheild storyline, what else is there for him besides jobbing? He gets to be #1 in AEW when he feels like it.
why are you dishonestly acting like Moxley carried the ratings?
can't wait to see full blown CTE relapse Mox in a year, promos will be crino
>why are you dishonestly acting like Moxley carried the ratings?
So you're saying AEW's top guy can't carry the ratings? Or that he tanks ratings period?
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Oh I get it now. You are an autist who thinks I am pro AEW and got mad about what I said thinking I am promoting it or him when I am simply saying he is more over now than he was when Vince was giving him comedy jobber angles and had a simple question about what name he would use. This site has ruined your brain
I think he'd return as Dean just for the reunion, and then after that he'd be like "oh, don't call me that again"
being over in a second rate promotion puts him on the level of an nxt midcarder
>Oh I get it now
You obviously dn't
>hur durr Mox is more popular now in AEW
>ratings and ticket sales at all time lows
>metrics show his segments tanking
>this is pointed out to you
>no noooooooo Mox isn't supposed to carry the ratings even though I said he is more popular now nooo
I have no idea what this has to do with what name he would use if he came back to the WWE.

>>hur durr Mox is more popular now in AEW
Yes compared to the WWE where he was a comedy jobber yes
>Yes compared to the WWE where he was a comedy jobber yes
So the ratings and ticket sales in AEW are at an all time high right? He's bringing those fans back?
R-Truth is a comedy jobber and he's more popular than anyone in AEW.
>So the ratings and ticket sales in AEW are at an all time high right?
Can you quote me where I said this or that he is the most over thing in AEW? I'll wait.
>I'll wait.
So Mox is more popular in AEW even though the ratings and ticket sales are at an all time low, his segments bomb, and all of those numbers are lower than anything he did in WWE. But that isn't his fault because he is not a top guy carrying the company even though he is uber popular. This sort of logic is why you think you're a straight woman, instead of a fag fag.
No I said he is more popular in AEW compared to the WWE where he was a miserable comedy jobber. I made no comment about ratings or anything autist. I just said him and just him the character is more over now compared to when he was Vince's whipping boy. I have no mentioned ratings at all and have no idea why you keep doing it other than you misinterpreted my first post, realized it late and are too deep in now to admit you were wrong and have to keep replying for the sake of replying.
He was never over.
>No I said he is more popular in AEW compared to the WWE
So the numbers he did in WWE are lower than anything he's doing now right? He's more popular now and that is why less people are watching any segment he's in, correct? He's more popular but metrics like ticket sales, and ratings doesn't measure it. It's measured by the love you have in your heart for him.
I am once again asking you to quote me where I mentioned ratings?
>I am once again asking you to quote me where I mentioned ratings?
So you're measuring popularity by what exactly?
Where did I mention ratings? Please answer. This isn't a one sided argument where you just say things and ignore what I say
this nigga thinks DEANetty would be huge on his WWE return
He's in pretty good shape now desu
>Where did I mention ratings?
You said he was more popular now. People who know what words mean tend to equate using a term like "popular" as something quantifiable. Which is what you're arguing. You're saying he is without a doubt more popular in AEW than WWE. Sadly every metric shows AEW is in the shitter like your testosterone levels and your sex life. SO the question becomes what are you using to quantify that he is more popular? The truth is you have nothing, but let's see how many times you can repeat that you're an idiot who can't argue.
I said he was more over now then he was in the WWE and was wondering what name he would use if he went back to the WWE. You then quoted me as saying he brings in a lot of ratings. Where did I say that?
>I said he was more over now then he was in the WWE
Based on what? This is where you have to lie, say ratings or ticket sales, or admit you're a moron.
You trannies can keep Moxetty
Where did I mention ratings? Can you quote me where I said Moxley was bringing in the ratings like you claimed I said? Again this isn't a one sided argument where you ignore what I say and just say what you want. We aren't moving past this till you quote me.
>Where did I mention ratings
Ok so just share what you're using to say he is without a doubt more popular in AEW now than in WWE. That should be simple for you right? Interested to hear this new metric you've discovered.
>A Mox return to WWE would do bigger business than Punk’s return, and a proper SHIELD storyline would in fact be the biggest drawing match of the 21st century left that could be plausibly booked

Where did I mention Moxley brought in the ratings like you claim I did? Quote the post. I will also accept "sorry I lied about you saying that" as a response.
I guarantee he will just because of Rennee.
>Where did I mention
Don't have a meltdown. Just share what you're using to claim that Moxley is more popular now. You're not using ratings or ticket sales which means you admit those don't show he is more popular now. Understandable considering they're at an all time low. So what are you using instead?
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>A Mox return to WWE would do bigger business than Punk’s return, and a proper SHIELD storyline would in fact be the biggest drawing match of the 21st century left that could be plausibly booked

I can't tell you how many legit comments on FB from shoot tards and people whose names either end in vowels or know their curry that say almost exactly what OP is saying.

Yeah, I'm sure 4 time World Champion, Mox is just dying to go back and be le wacky man again.
Still waiting on the quote
>Still waiting on the quote
Still waiting for you to figure out a way to back up anything you ever say, instead of defaulting to spamming or leaving threads. Must suck to be so low IQ you literally can't form an argument about wrestling.
another post where you didn't provide the quote
No one gives a shit about Brock
>another post
Another post where you admit you're an idiot. Always fun to get you in this loop where you accept being called stupid over and over.
He's in the best shape of his career
It's not too late to salvage this argument by admitting you lied anon
>It's not too late to salvage
It's too late for you to try to back out of the corner you put yourself in. As usual. Do you ever win discussions in real life? Do you even speak to people in real life?
Yeah no, he's gone on record saying we have a better chance of seeing God before we see Moxley ever go back to WWE
Likely if he gets bored of AEW he'll just go to Japan since he has a hard on for wrestling in Japan
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>and a proper SHIELD storyline would in fact be the biggest drawing match of the 21st century left that could be plausibly booked
This is clearly upsetting people ITT but it's irrefutable.

Of course, it's only the biggest match/feud you can make because Roman has been elevated so much and will be the centerpiece. Seth on his own offers nothing, but Moxley's return at least gives Roman a marquee match and a big feud to win (probably after losing the first encounter, if they book it right).

I think AEW is shit and Moxley is a goof and not a draw at all on his own but I will admit that this match would be enormous and would probably be the centerpiece feud of Roman's career if handled properly (moreso than the Tribal Chief stuff or anything he's going to do with the old ass Rock)
Boy you really fucked up claiming I said something that I never said lol
>Boy you really fucked up
This would be an awesome tattoo on you.
Where is the quote?
>A Mox return to WWE would do bigger business than Punk’s return
Nope. Mox is way too washed up and he's been totally exposed as a sloppy, cringe shitter. He'd a huge return pop because "Ambrose is back in WWE holy shit!" but then his heat would immediately taper off because he's no good anymore.
>Where is the quote?
Do you want to share your metric anon? Maybe just say, "I love Dean so much. That's why I shaved my head! He's the best!" or do you want to continue to cope and claim you're trolling because you got me to call you stupid and prove it?
Strange how you can't provide a quote on something you claim I said almost like I never said that but i'll still wait regardless
Reminder cos it makes drones seethe: Mox thinks WWE is fucking gay and would rather wrestle in front of 50 fans than spend another minute wrestling for a soulless promotion like WWE
>Strange how
So you're going with the need to be called an idiot. Cool. Anon I get that you must be so starved for actual human interaction that you do this constantly.
>guys guys I got him to call me an idiot again lol. so got him worked!
This definitely used to be true but the WWE that Moxley hated is not the same as the WWE which exists today. The last year or so has proven that.
Either you provide the quote or admit you lied. Those are literally the only two ways this will progress
>wrestle in front of 50 fans
Holy shit that is quite the turnout for an AEW event! Which one was it?
>Either you provide the quote or admit you lied.
I'm admitting that I enjoy getting you worked up in all these shitty little threads you make on this board. I also admit it's easy to do since you're not bright. Where's that new metric to show how popular Dean is?
You keep bitching and whining about what I am responding with but it's literally you and only you holding this back since all you need to do is provide a quote like I have been asking or admit you lied.
>You keep bitching
Not at all. I'm happy to call you an idiot. I'm also excited to hear what new metric you have come up with to replace how we usually quantify something being popular. I'm excited because you realize you fucked up and now your autism has been activated.
>guy has been angrily whining and lying and what I said for over an hour because he misread my question about potentially what name Moxley would use if he went back to the WWE
>"n....n...NO you are the one worked up!"
Kek. Where is the quote?
You genuinely believe that? Jesus anon. It's the same show without the schizo booking. It's still soulless and aimed at children and slow adults. Mox is a Deftones nigga. WWE is radio friendly wuss-rock.
>Where is the quote?
You said Dean is more popular in AEW than WWE. You forgot the part there is nothing that supports that. Apparently not even you and your autism can even try to come up with a lie that might be able to make it seem this is true. That's how bad you fucked up. Pretty funny desu. Great thread anon.
You said that I said Dean brought in high ratings. Where did I say that? I didn't make the thread anon. You are getting belligerent now.
WWE isn't something I want to watch but it's definitely much more appealing now if you're a pro wrestler than it was with Vince in charge.
>You said that I said
You said Dean (thanks for using his proper name btw) was more popular in AEW than WWE. You still don't know how to show this.
Appealing in the sense he's probably not going to make you do stupid stuff, but it's still soulless slop and everything he hates about wrestling.
Moxley doesn't WANT to go back to WWE though
>The biggest star outside of WWE wouldn't work in WWE
Yeah, Shame how hard Cody flopped in WWE
You said I (again this only started because you are an autist console warrior who thinks I was complementing AEW) mentioned that he brought in fight ratings. Where did I say that?
Moxley is one of the only wrestlers far better outside of WWE than he is when he's in it. Same with Christian. And I don't think he ever wants to come back, so he can stay.

I think Dean Ambrose was a fucking awful character and I'm glad he's out of WWE. Moxley isn't good but he's still better than DEAN.
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DEAN is pretty much the only WWE reject who is truly happy in his new home. He's going to stay on the sinking ship as long as he's allowed to drink and bleed, and even when AEW dies he might end up choosing Japan over going back to the big leagues. Shield reunion isn't happening unless WWE throws absurd amounts of money at him.
I'm pretty sure if Paul reached out to him Mox's words would be "go fuck yourself" before anything is said
OP please tell me who you think that such a program would draw that isn't already watching wrestling
>Implying they wouldn't book him as Deanu Ambroseu, the Tribal Chief elect!
After the shield reunion run and a program with seth he's back to being a bald nothing

the idea of mox will always be better than the reality of mox.

the work sucks. the promos suck. the matches suck and the one story you get out of him always turns out to be dogshit.

he was this gens only hopes and he's too in love with retard bullshit to have bothered reaching his potential.
>He’s more popular now with 650k people watching him than he was in WWE with 3 million people watching
It’s funny because there’s no doubt in my mind that you actually believe this
No you didn’t. You said “more popular”. And now that other anons have pointed out how retarded of an idea that is, you’re claiming that you actually meant he’s “more over”. Not only that, you’re being a massive faggot about it.
Tell us what you think “popular” means. We may be able to clear up this confusion if it turns out you’re just literally retarded and don’t know the meaning of common words.
That’s because he gets a guaranteed $5 million a year wether he wrestles in front of 50 people or 50,000
to be fair the best shape of his career was that short period where he got ridiculously jacked, but he's in good shape now
Still waiting on that quote
it will NEVER happen. never.
>A Mox return to WWE would do bigger business
why? who is he to anyone? he doesn't mean anything. he's not an attraction. he never drew money when he was in WWE before why would people suddenly care about him just because he's a decade older?
stop thinking everyone is a big star.
Is WWE such a mess that edrones are begging moxley to save it hahahaha
He left that pissant company
i've seen them want ryback, zack ryder and enzo amore to return so i guess so. they probably think hornswoggle coming back would "save wwe" too
Is there not enough slime matches and razor scooter races happening for them?
miss him so bad
DEAN... my son... come home!!!!!!!!
Mox is a regularly-relapsing alcoholic in AEW.
Moxley has aged the best of The Shield and it's not even close.

>made the biggest name for himself

Getting pushed because you're the office fave is the antithesis of making a name for yourself.

Isn't a flopped AEW midcarder WWE's top guy?

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