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This is what Wrestling used to be about
Good things time have changed. This is degrading.
>This is degrading.
That's what your parents said when you were born
is that mandy rose?
How the fuck do you retards say this shit when the gear women wrestle in these days is skimpy underwear and all those divas wore long pants
Like yeah you got the occasional bra and panty match or HLA segment, but there's more goon material in one (1) modern women's match than in any AE or RA-era stuff
and I'll add that now we're past le women's revolution bullshit, women are rapidly being allowed to be sexy again.
I mean look at Liv Morgan. She (and management) knows what she's doing.
was just thinking about how funny this was while watching NXT, all these modern girls are wrestling in thongs and strappy lingerie right now kek. even the biggest whores like Melina and Christy Hemme covered up with pants, crop tops, short skirts as opposed to having 80% of their ass and tits out with accessories to emphasise their bodies
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Hell it’s the best of both worlds. You get hot bitches willing to sloot it up to get eyeballs on themselves, and they also tend to be better in the ring than they were back in the day. Everyone wins!
That's how I see it! Better in-ring product, more attractive(ly dressed and presented) women.
Who ever sat through a Kelly Kelly match without their hand down their pants, you know?
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wwe was dimes
thank you based wwe network

atleast nxt is bringing some of this back
>Mom walks in
literally me after buying the armageddon 2003 dvd when i was like 10
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Still is.
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Thankfully these sluts can just start an Only fans now so wrestling can focus on five star bangers and Ricochet's ripe bussy instead
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Women are meant to be degraded you soi filled homo faggot
even the Japs know this.
AEW does shit like this every month lol

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