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how you gonna leave christian off that list?
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damn, lot of dimeless bitches this week.
respect to swerve for actually making the rating go up
Because Peepfag can’t cope with his segment dropping so he blames hangman.
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>NXT: 0.18
>Dynamite: 0.20
>Network show mogged by cable
Another win for the wrestling school NXT. Based.
This isn't the win you think it is.
NXT didn't even have main roster names this week.
NXT is WWE's C show, developmental brand. Dynamite is AEW's flagship program.
And the key demo was a cope safety net Meltzer started bringing up in case NXT beat AEW a couple of years ago.
>the demo cope has finally returned after a 6 month injury layoff
Hey, there's no warning this week. Good news
>Moxley, Adam Cole, MJF, Jericho lose 100k
About what everyone expected kek
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didn't read, you'll have to type it without crying first
i'll check back in after our victory lap
look how tony massacred my boy...
gay shite bros...
Solid comedy midcarder. Guys like him don't get to be main eventers outside of Japan
why is aew always a slope downward, why do people tune in at the start then just leave, then do the same thing next week
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>dancing gimmick

Looks like he hasn't seen the inside of a gym all year. Why do so many people in AEW not give a shit anymore?
WNBA on during the main event lil bro
Christian bros…
Damn, Christian got sucked into the Switchy vortex.
this got em oinkin
Remember when q1 used to start at like 1.3 million due to the big bang theory?
What happened to Sheldon's drawing power?
Big Bang Enjoyers shoot fall asleep during the show only to wake up and see some gay tranny shit on the screen.
people have learned to turn it off before it starts now
bbt is still drawing a milly
>throw out a cold main event between two heels (nobody knows when or how White turned face) with no build
Maybe switch got sucked into the Christian and Kip vortex
Thank you Sheldon for drawing the house
how to save aew, and okadas career

New booker - make the show feel important - this is from Claude when I asked why Gedo’s booking was considered the best prior to the pandemic;

When Gedo took over booking NJPW the notable differences that change the company’s perception:

Long-term storytelling: Gedo excelled at crafting intricate, long-term storylines that could span months or even years. This approach created more engaging narratives and rewarded long-time fans.

Push of new talent: Gedo was particularly adept at identifying and elevating new stars. The most notable example is Kazuchika Okada, back from excursion, allowing Naito to turn heel into LIJ

International appeal: Gedo’s booking style incorporated more elements that appealed to a global audience. This included pushing foreign talent like Kenny Omega and creating stories that transcended language barriers.

Match quality focus: usually the positive of AEW

Faction warfare: Gedo utilized the faction system effectively, creating compelling inter-group rivalries that added depth to the product.

Unpredictability: While maintaining logical storylines, Gedo wasn’t afraid to subvert expectations, keeping fans guessing and invested.

Big match feel: Gedo had a knack for building anticipation for major matches and events, making them feel truly special. Nothing really feels like a big match. Tony has thrown dream matches way too quickly with zero build up. Telling your audience to google it is lazy and not your audience’s responsibility

Utilization of the entire roster: He found ways to make most of the roster feel important, even if they weren’t in the main event picture. Hard fail in AEW, this has been beat to death. Roster is too big. People start/stop then disappear for months and everyone is in the same spot they were 5 years ago
Fucking dead main event holy shit. >SWITCHY THE CHANNEL CONFIRMED ANTIDRAW
Then explain literally every other match/segment he's had, because they've all brought the ratings down
There's documented history of one of the two tanking quarters every time out and it's not Christian.
Time for TK to give Christian the blue dot treatment
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Chase U would be an upgrade for Okada
>blue dot
Vince is a gay man with BBC/scat fetishes. That's your hero's legacy.
Sorry bro. Doesn’t work like that. I can pick and choose. Cope. Your shitter kills the ratings.
I guess even a scat fetishist has smart ideas.
>Sorry bro. Here's my headcanon.
OK, brainlet.
Zzzzzzzzz. People watching a Christian segment.
I bet Tony is paying TNT to not change BBT out of the time slot before dynamite lmao
I remember seeing this midcard clown getting dabbed on by the superstar known as the infamous Tanga Loa.
he's supposed to be the company's biggest draw and that's when the majority of fans tuned out.
I get that Mox is the "Break In Case of Emergency" champ, but what was the emergency?
Because Daniel Bryan failed to draw? He had like 2 matches as champ.

Tony is in full panic mode because NXT, a wrestling school, is beating his fucking ass.
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We need another DX invasion with a freakin' tank and have them tie TK down and shave those god awful pubes off his head - turn him into the BALD ASSHOLE that he is
and you still lost to the third brand
What does it look like without big dimes Sheldon opening the show for them?
Daniel Bryan wants to work wrestlemania with Gunther
>overrun plummets again
just fucking stop
it was BASED when Brock did this
but when Okada does it it's destroying wrestling and Tiny the dog wanker is responsible
75% of Americans shut the TV off at 10 PM so as not to be chewed out by Mr. Noseberg for being late in the morning.
Jesus not great news for AEW ratings
>NXT figures drop
Meltzer: Look at what the Baseball pulled in. NXT should have had more viewers like that but it's shit.
>AEW figures drop
Meltzer: Actually the Baseball was on so everyone was watching that. These numbers are fine.
so many wwe rejects on this thing god damn
>overrun tanks the rating AGAIN
Fandango was based
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>The Elite
>Christian Cage can’t draw flies to shite
Wtf bros... But we won the sprint...
only once he dropped the dancing and joined with tyler
>Hire a bunch of guys that the Fed fired for not drawing
>Put them on your show
>Show tumbles
>Overrun collapses AGAIN
Fucking kek.
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>let’s put Switchy the channel and edge’s janetty in the main event
This made Peepfag seethe.
Rovert meltdown
Yes I leave my house.
Of course you'd be watching women's basketball, big sis
>Mercedes Mone vs Queen AMinata
>The Elite vs The Conglomeration
>Ricochete backstage promo; Moxley, PAC, Yuta, Castagnoli, Shafir, Top Flight, Andretti, Dark Order

I haven't watched a single episode of AEW Dynamite since 2019 and reading this has left me with a huge desire to turn my tv off
Threads getting murked really pissed you off, huh?
They are calling Christianetty “Mr Plummet”
And use a phone for women.
You are here 24/7.
whoa does meltz know about this?
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how deeply mindfucked do you have to be to gender electronic devices
>whoa does meltz know
Absolutely nothing
Aew losing to NXT is fucking hilarious
nxt 3
dynamite 0
Wtf I thought this was supposed to be an all-timer Dynamite?? What happened bros!?
it was an all timer shit rating atleast
How is this possible? Jon Moxley is obviously more popular now than he ever was in the history of his career.
i see why tiny gave the strap to swerve now
he did bump the rating once a few weeks ago so tony gave him the strap
>611k without the Sheldon bump
>611k without the Sheldon bump
>611k without the Sheldon bump
When was the last time a Mercedes quarter hasn't seen a drop?
I always love how ~100k viewers instantly turn this shit the fuck off week after week
Kek what a sloppy shop
Peepfag seething again
Nobody knows what "Peepfag" is, you mental patient. Take a shower.

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