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Remember when we always used to make fun of the CW network being absolutely dreadful and wonder how does it even exist? But ever since NXT moved over they are a perfect 3-0 against Dynamite, and even a gigaplummet of NXT still outdraws a skyrocket Dynamite
>drop teeny bop shit for sports entertainment
>ratings increase
Wow real big brain move
I miss 2000s CW kino shows
also how they played 1hr of the Simpsons from 6pm-7pm
or maybe that was WB
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CW is more profitable than WBD.
CW is soulless
Bring back WB and UPN
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When the frog left that network croaked.
sad shit
Can someone explain to me why E-drones still pretend like the Wednesday wars are ongoing when it already ended years ago
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>make fun of the CW network being absolutely dreadful
CW hands down 100% no discussion needed had the hottest actresses in all of television - if you talked shit about CW, you're a confirmed homosexual and I say this as someone who is gay (4 pay)
And are those wrestling fans who made fun of CW in the room with us right now?
Yeah you
Has anyone checked on Dave? Has he mentioned the competition AEW faced on TV?

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