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Nobody fostered the tribalism from day 1 more than Tony Khan. As a result, many in his locker room and many AEW fans took his lead. In turn, WWE fans in the IWC decided to give it right back to them. Nobody in AEW minded it until the good will ran out and the tide changed course. Now that ratings and attendance have fallen off a cliff, they’re the victims.
It's funny how the side that is losing is always the one crying about it. Like nigga just draw some dimes, put some butts in some seats and some eyeballs on screens my dawg.
WWE got dunked on because it was slop. AEW is getting dunked on because they've cooled massively.
>You were mean to us first!
You sound like a child
>Nobody fostered the tribalism from day 1 more than Tony Khan.
WWE spent the last two decades eliminating every opposing promotion they could. What the fuck are you even talking about? That's not even getting into the WWF's past and Vince with the territories. How many TNA jokes have been made on WWE programming? The term edrone has existed longer than AEW has even been a thing because you retard dronies are so froth-ridden at the mere suggestion of having to share the space for a second viable wrestling promotion to even exist. The fact that another one does now and has lasted five years has sent you all into a squealing rage to the point even wrestlers are calling out how retarded you are. Let's not even touch on the reaction to Edge alone over the past year. But as always and with everything else, the mere attempt at asking for self reflection is met with the great oink of
>B-but AEW!!!!
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Instead of doing better all they do is whine and cry about how good WWE is

Very sad, very pathetic
More like the AEW cultists refuse to reap what they've sown and now they are the crybaby bitches who can't handle the banter
I'd argue AEW never had "good will". They put politics before entertainment. Now they only have 329k loyal fans left.
promo's good
>you're just mad there is an amazing alternative

there isnt a single person alive who would be angry at having another good, watchable, wrestling alternative to the E

by pretending that's what's happening, instead of people just mocking AEW for being trash, just shows your own bad faith motivations
my favorite is when they admit that they
>"hate it here"
good cause nobody asked you to invade /asp/ with your brand warfare
but they invaded our space anyway and we fucked them right in the ass (no homo)
now I'm glad they're here because everyday is "No Milly Day"
Drones have never handled the banter though. They attack Dave and review bomb AEW shows even when they're not getting bantered. Any examples of AEW fans doing this? Because when WWE has a good show nobody gives a fuck, but when AEW does the seethe is off the charts
>AEW bad. Only WWE good.
You just helped their point
God this board sucks
They make fun of Dave because he is a retard. They review bomb shows because the AEW cult are sensitive faggots and it's easy to make them seethe. If you think it is any deeper than this, you are delusional.
Edge may be kind of a faggot, but he's been a pro wrestler for 30 years and has a somewhat balanced perspective on the business
>there isnt a single person alive who would be angry at having another good, watchable, wrestling alternative to the E

Except the thousands of drones who seethe about it on a daily basis
blumpf lost
You know what else is silly? Being in your 50's and coming out of retirement to bury everyone then go to the "competition" to get talked into jumping off a 15ft cage and break your leg for no milly.
You mean retarded pigs like you? Of course not, you're also drones.
you HAVE to go back.
So when AEW was doing well they'd make memes and laugh at slop. Now things have changed and WWE fans target some guy they claim is irrelevant and review bomb shows. I dunno, sounds like drones are the ones that are really hurting and couldn't handle the bantz
I don't recall thousands of WWE fans seething about Lucha Underground, the last good WWE alternative.
Reminder that console war bullshit has ruined online wrestling fandom and if you engage in you're a monumental faggot
>engaging in bantz means they can't handle it
You are drunk and not making sense, Trev. Let it go
Probably because it wasn't a threat to WWE's monopoly and they didn't take loads of WWE guys and free agents you fucking mong.
A circlejerk might actually be more tolerable than any post mentioning WWE or AEW getting derailed by console wars three replies in
>Nobody fostered the tribalism from day 1 more than Tony Khan
pure edrone headcanon
>waah le meaning egod is making fun of me
the absolute state of these trannies
you are right OP tony was the one that wanted this to be seen as a war and now that he is in this state he plays the "lets all we get all along" card
Shit is pathetic specially when WWE is on his own bubble
The tribalism predated aew. The tribalism helped make aew.
The super mark edrones that found out that other companies exist when NXT showed the "hottest free agents" in the crowd, they are the origin of the iwc tribalism.
The biggest marks went on full damage control trying to pretend they actually did know about all of these other wrestlers to such extreme degrees that they started saying that they hate WWE to prove it.
>Me watching WWE? I would never do that, I always nlknew about AppleStar and DTU because I hate WWE
That's what all the tribalism is based on. The one smart thing that Tony did was market to those insecure retards, even if he did it by mistake because he's one of them. It gives them a cult of devoted followers. And yes, Tony is one of those marks, he was literally backstage at WWE events constantly trying to give presents to all the wrestlers.
the absolute state of this pajeet lol
>The tribalism predated aew. The tribalism helped make aew.
wanting an alternative is not tribalism
attacking other companies for the sake of it its tribalism to the point you are just a ultra fan of only one company or style.
WWE were doing it before AEW had done a single show, why do you edrones constantly act like you're the victims lol
Tony was right to do this btw. WWE was the absolute pits and a lot of fans were done. You want to create an US vs THEM situation in times like that. It's part of the reason ECW became so hot. The other companies were putting out absolute stinky and ECW became the cool alternative. Unfortunately for AEW, Vince fucked up and Tony couldn't control his locker room. Who knows what would have happened if he never brought in Punk. Let's not forget AEW beat NXT and killed Paul's baby so badly it put HHH in hospital
this is (you) crying LMAO
We've been dunking on AEW since before they had their first episode. The only time the tranny fed has ever been popular here is the few months after 420chan died and all the /wooo/tists started shitting up this board
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aew was going against senile vince's senile WWE. he had all the opportunity to overtake them and couldnt. now hes playing the GAME, and the GAME doesnt lose
ECW never made a profit either.
Why do you guys prefer a show for kids over an actual wrestling show? Are you nonces?
And what? It still forced WWF to get a clue and changed the entire industry. No ECW, no attitude era, simple as.
As long as you insist shitters like Ospreay and Omega are amazing artists we're going to make fun of you
yeah they look down gayew and just ignored it
meanwhile tony send westlers to talk shit about wwe on a weekly basis
gayew was always the tribalist one and this is coming from someone who think wwe was unwatchable in those years
>doesn't deny he's a paedophile
So Tony is losing billions out of his dad’s fortune just to make WWE better?
>just ignored it
literally just posted an article where triple H went out of his way to seethe about AEW at his HOF induction
>wanting an alternative
Wow it's almost as if you're a complete fucking retard who didn't read the post.
>Lucha Underground didn't take Mysterio, Chavo, Alberto, Ivelisse, John Morrison, MVP, Eziekel Jackson, Wade Barrett, Paul London, Matt Striker, Melina, Maxine, Justin Gabriel, or El Torito.
Yes I looked up a list but the point stands. Their roster had the same % of E-jects as anyone else.
>noooo how dare WWE take one, mild shot at aew on a silly hall of fame show that only super fans watch after years of are constantly making remarks about WWE!
Almost as if you're employing a deranged double standard
i feel like aew are just paid shill bots.
you are talking about the nxt smark vs mark thing when nxt get tons of indie people and some got mad because wwe fans were fake fans right? yeah thats tribalism for both sides and still aplies to this day.
Yupp. Ratings would be better if it was anything but a bunch of paid shills
They were not a threat. Most wrestling fans didn't even know they existed. Most WWE fans are aware of AEW. Big difference pal.
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aewtrans still looking for that milly for over a year
>you're talking about something I imagined instead of what you actually wrote
Have you considered reading the post you replied to instead of being a massive retard?
>just to make WWE better?
that what is called competition and always benefit the consumers yes
Looks there's no place for AEW fans to hide on this board
Now shut up and take your shut up medicine hahahahah!!!
>Tony did was market to those insecure retards
sounds like you are ultra mad and seething that tony pander to smark/indie fans
that has nothing to do with tribalism
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stop making fun of AEW or else!!!!!!!!!
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E-GODS always win - even r/aewtrans has turned on Tony Kwab
again this remark was made before AEW had held a single show lol you fags are so desperate to be the victims it hilarious
Sounds like you can't read and spent three replies proving it.
AEW spun off from the nujapanlets, who were NXT obsessed drones who suddenly LARPed as Japanese wrestling experts when Devitt showed up in Florida. That's when all these internet mark accounts started pretending to know about companies other than wwe. That's when the tribalism cope started.
How about you learn to read and stop being a brand wars bitch
Caring more about beating the other company instead of growing your business is the stupid shit Tony did to seal his fate. The retard was too much of a mark to keep his hands off the product, now they're practically irreparable. They have multiple wrestlers getting way too much money to not draw numbers, and the retard will keep signing free agents to big deals when he doesn't have a proper plan for them in the future. He'll debut them for a pop, then they'll never be heard of again. If he wasn't such a fucking retard he would've seen the problem before they hit 395k, but that's clearly not the case. I wanted these little niggas to succeed to make wrestling interesting, but it's impossible with a retard booking the show.
AEW isn't a threat either, buddy, not even close in the last 2 years. Don't even pretend otherwise because you will look like a retard.
>WWE made fun of aew before aew even existed
Might need to check your brain fluid
AEWchuds got destroyed ITT, so where are you gonna run to and hide next? We will find you and we will BTFO you and rape your stupid whore mother and get a bj from your underaged sister while your daddy Tony Khan wanks off the family dog + hogwheels crawling limp on the floor licking up Tony's cum, what are you gonna cry tranny? No Milly? No 329k? We own you! We kill you! Leave and don't come back! This is EGOD territory!
It might not be a threat to their viewership or status, but it fucked their monopoly and created the first bidding wars wrestling has seen in over 20 years. So yeah they're more of a threat than anything since WCW you doss cunt.
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the first aew show was held on May 25 2019, do you faggots not understand how linear time works? lol you edrones are so desperate to be the victims it's hilarious
>That's when all these internet mark accounts started pretending to know about companies other than wwe
holy tribalism lmao indies exist you goddam retard
you are deranged
>If you are making fun of me for repeating my irrelevant argument about one comment on one occasion one time then actually you're an edrone m
So you're a retarded tribalism freak, the same type of retard that the thread is calling stupid. Great
>When the super marks who only watched WWE found out about other promotions
>>Huh there were promotions so you are dumb hurr burr durr
You can literally trace the growth of NJPW in the west and the boom for all the bigger indies directly in relation to the big edrones slowly transition into aewtists. You can also trace the decline of every one of those companies as aew started running weekly TV. I'm using factual information. You are intellectually challenged.
>waaaaaaaaaaaaah other than wwe exist waaaaahhh
holy coperola
>""""no demand"""""
seethe harder you dumbass epiggy lmao
>You can literally trace the growth of NJPW in the west
wwe got so dogshit people searched for an alternative
this is the time the bullet club got big in the west
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>Tribalism mark spergs out because he was described in detail as former edrone
You don't need to waste your life spamming cope, the board is anonymous
Yes when the white people watching WWE saw the leader of bullet club on TV and googled him to find out who he was, the next logical step was to say they liked the white guys in that faction and buy their merch. Again, it's a known fact that this is what happened. WWE didn't go to complete shit for a good while after.
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100%. NWA sucks too and I don't watch that either, but I don't take pleasure in its downfall like I do with AEW, because I hate Tony Khan and I hate AEW fans.
nobody fostered the tribalism more than Cody
because you're a faggot
By 2020 Tony was trying to promote "#WatchYourWrestling" to foster good relations between the two fanbases because he saw how toxic and insane E-drones had become and believed the console war was unhealthy. Unfortunately for him, WWE only ramped up their attempts to destroy AEW and E-drones never backed down, only getting more and more violent and deranged as the years went on. Even today, 5 years later, OP is still frothing and boiling with uncontrollable anger about the fact that AEW still exists after humiliating WWE for a short period a few years ago. They will never let it go until the day they die.
true, out of the elite he was really the only one who had an axe to grind and took potshots constantly at WWE, and now they worship him lol
Talk shit, get hit
We really need to bring back bullying so people like you kill themselves in high school
It was 5 years ago, let it go you fragile bitch
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>get talked into
retarded drones think everything is a script written from on high because all they know is their shit sports entertainment
true, Tony didn't try to go head to head with them, it was WWE who did that by moving NXT to Wednesdays and would try to run shows in the same town AEW was visiting at the same time
>ECW never made a profit either.
and it’s still remembered as one of the greatest wrestling promotions of all time regardless
>Edgetty goes to the dying dimeless pissant company and since then always looks unhappy
He decided to go over to Poop Dick, so he really should have stopped giving a shit already.
NXT was on wednesdays before aew was even an idea
stop ruining it you fucking edrones!
we deserve our own thread
Him and Christian have always been some of the more normie people in the industry
>Getting talked into
I can guarantee you that it was Adam’s own idea
Edge thinking tribalism is silly, is itself silly. Giving interviews where you claim you didn't feel free, saying you're doing the best you ever did in a fed you've been in less than a month that hired you based on your accolades made in another, posting cringe videos of "escaping" from a prison. All this shit makes it seem you are dunking or claiming the other place you worked at shit. How else can it be taken? So if that is the case and you're making it public how can you then claim it's silly for fans to take up what you're vomiting out?
NXT was put on wednesday when WWE learned what the Dynamite schedule was going to be. Stop being a disingenuous fucking liar. God I hate E-drones, they're all scum.
There's no reason you should get mad at Edge having fun and doing work he's proud of
Well it's a good thing I wasn't mad then and was instead pointing out the irony and silliness of his statement. Maybe you should stop trying to read into statements and instead concentrate on getting the reading part down.
NXT was a taped show that was released every wednesday since like 2013
You could argue WWE put it on USA network to sabotage AEW but Wednesday was always its day of the week going back years before 2019
And NXT would've stayed exactly where it was, on the network or wherever, if AEW had never existed.
So competing with AEW is trying to sabotage it?
Sure, but it was AEW who put their show on the same night as NXT and not the other way round
AEW trademarked Tuesday Night Dynamite in late 2019 because they were hoping to get that spot knowing that Smackdown was moving to Fridays on Fox. It was WarnerMedia who made them go on Wednesdays. Also you have not acknowledged the fact that NXT was moved to cable by WWE to counterprogram AEW. You have still yet to acknowledge that. Why is that?
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Yup, they got cocky and now everything backfired on them
AEW killed indie wrestling. Not WWE.

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