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No wonder WWE released Cucky Murphy
not really
Buy a banner, cucky
the thigh slap general
no wonder wwe fired that shitter, you're meant to hit the other wrestler not yourself
So is there a domfag a buddyfag and the Rheafag
wrestlers stomp their foot while throwing a punch anon
pure strikes
>finisher has a delayed setup that requires the opponent to just stand there like an idiot
The best finisher can both be deployed out of nowhere and be hyped up with theatrics and this is not that
maybe buddy no dimes can try stomping when he fake kicks people instead of slapping his leg to make a noise
Ngl I like this finisher.
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still no .
so which one in the current roster is better?
aew or 205?
the one you watch
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3.02 MB GIF
this guy is more "based " and a more entertaining than cucky
ok cuck
Nah still has to grab his arm for the pumphandle, still has to bounce him up for the fireman's carry and then he does something that actually has an impact.
Compare all this convoluted shit to a stunner, grab the neck and drop simple as, wild how these jabronis do more to accomplish less
you literally posted a cuck.
don't project you fantasies on me fag
Cuckold Matthews is the worst wrestler to ever live
how is he a cuck?
nah it has to be dom
Why does he do a quick out of nowhere move and then a move that requires a deliberate set up? Is there a sense of urgency or not?
cause it makes sense
only on planet retard spot monkey
It's a finisher. Telegraphing it to the crowd, perhaps fighting over it, is important for the narrative. You don't want them to miss the finale of the match because they blinked.
It's also like psychology 101. He takes advantage of the situation to get a hit in and stun his opponent for long enough to get out his big move that will put the guy away.

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