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What a way to bury Darby. This explains why randomly Darby gave up his grand slam match with Bryan to lose to Mox.
>People on /pw/ constantly shit on other peoples booking
>They're now mad that Darby didn't win the world title with zero build up
>They're now angry because the main storyline on the show is now going to revolve around Darby and him eventually winning the world title
What are you talking about, retard? There was only "no build" for Darby because they decided to build the Moxley thing instead. Of course there would've been a build for Darby.
1 month of build for a first time world title win is nothing.
Tony went full retard, no surprise.
>to gain interest
Well, this week's Dynamite got 633k so I guess that worked
>gain interest
>put the belt on a washed up fatty
>push Daniel Garcia and wheeler yuta
>we have Rhea at home
>everybody on plebbit is fellating Tony for "making the right call" because Darby vs. Bryan would've been face vs face

Another Moxley reign is the least thing anyone wants at this point
>washed up fatty
turn your monitor on and look at the OP again, hippotits
r/sc and r/scj are two different places
>Darby vs Bryan for the first time ever
>in their home state
>in the main event of a PPV
>with Darby finally winning the belt
>Christian could have cashed in on Darby with the ultimate heel heat for ruining such a great moment
It was all right there...
Tina sure likes to rugpull Darby a lot for some reason. Darby might be a reckless shitter, but I actually am intrigued at the prospect of watching his matches. He's the only one in AEW where you look forward to seeing whatever crazy shit he decides to do. The textbook definition of a based retard.
AEW isn't meant to be good. It's meant to kill any intrigue and momentum the wrestling business might have left.
Moxley is a truly underrated politicker.
Why would I post on SCJerk, which is just an AEW hateposting? I watch AEW and want it to be good, not some console warrior faggot
>Moxley's fourth reign will draw this time!
Darby is a team player so it's easy for Tiny to abuse him without reprecussions, although little did he realize that actually this pisses Darby fans off enough to get them to stop watching altogether.
>TK hates Darby
[Old News]
Yeah let's spend multiple years to the point everyone is just waiting to get it over with because it's been telegraphed so hard
>Babyface beats babyface for title and ends his full time in ring career leaving everyone feeling conflicted
>Heel beats babyface and ends his full time in ring career putting the heat of that on him and allowing the other babyface to have an infinitely better moment by beating that heel
You retards know nothing about wrestling
What is a passing of the torch? We just don't know.
If you make people wait 6 months nobody will care. long term booking only works with good writing
Obviously Big Babyface Darby is going to beat Monster Heel "nWo" Mox for the title to avenge Bryan. How stupid are you retards exactly?
>homegrown talent
>does crazy spots wrestling fans love
>produces gif worthy material to pop twitter
>unique look
>has that jeff hardy charisma
>NOPE how about yummy indy signings and ex wwe guys
okay bitch how about flair v michaels, the thing is that it allows the audience to feel something good about the retirement, a bittersweet emotional moment, instead of transparently using it to try and get heel heat
They should have made it a 3-way dance and had Mox cheat to win. It was retarded that Darby just gave up his shot at the title.
I havent seen one person mourning Bryan's career. Everyone was just shitting on the ending
>What is a passing of the torch?
Dimeless. The answer you're looking for is that it's dimeless. There's no heat to a moment like that and leaves no story after when the other guy is gone
>okay bitch how about flair v michaels
Was that the main event? Was that the biggest story in the company? Was that a world title match? Would that have been Shawn's first one if so? Not at all a 1:1 at all
Yep. AEW is a cancer.
Why doesn't Tony give lil nigga the ball to run with?
One of the running stories in aew is Darby hasn't been able to beat moxley.
What does a win over Bryan do for him other than booking a moment?
He sucks as champion, his TNT title run was proof of that. Darby works best as an underdog.
Neither of those things would make me watch. I seen the finish online and what I took from it was your top heels are all ex wwe guys I don't care about and your top faces (well the guys that ran in to help) are Darby, Private Party and Jeff Jarrett. What a pittance

Darby beating Moxley and the locker room comes out to celebrate and they're actually guys you wanna see might work but I don't think they have guys I wanna see
>jump-start interest
lol, lmao
who said it's a 1:1 comparison, mr. not at all at all - you'll only accept an example that is exactly the same? fucking autist. maybe wwe did it better without adding the whole kitchen sink, maybe a simpler story told right is more rewarding than
>alright it's a retirement match
>AND the main event
>AND a title match
>AND we're hastily switching the opponent to a bad guy
>AND we need this bad guy over
>AND so we'll have him try to commit murder with a plastic bag (this is very lame btw "oh you tried to murder me/him now it's time to, um, wrestle? *headlock*)
>AND excalibur is gonna cry
it reeks of overcooked bullshit, plus does mox really need the rub of a retiring bryan?
holy shit you're mad
I don’t think any aew fan actually sees Mox as a heel
The first time he ever got properly booed was in that Danielson match. A high achievement that.
annoyed at a retard maybe
you're an obsessed idiot however
what did you do to becky lynch to get that restraining order btw
>expecting Tony Khan to finally get a clue after 5 years of consecutive embarrassments that only get bigger and bigger
becky lynch? the hell does she have to do with any of this and who gives a shit about her? keep seething lil bro
>minor leagues
Beth Pheonix is coming for Marina
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Yeah, they should wait until he's completely cooled off like Swerve was before they put the belt on him.
People were tired of Bryan at the end. They would have been glad if he passed the torch to lil nigga.
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>jump start interest

Good job, Tony.
You think we will ever see darby in wwe?
Is this Dave the scooper or Dave the guy that watches the show and makes assumptions?
Darby would have been stupid, too. You can't have a babyface retire a legend, and turning Darby heel would be retarded.

It should have been Christian. They laid all the groundwork and then didn't pull the trigger. It's so fucking simple: Bryan wins a hard-fought match with Darby (one that protects Darby even in defeat), and then Christian comes out and cashes in to squash an exhausted Bryan. Then you can have Darby chase Christian for the next six months or more to ultimately avenge Bryan and win the title. Sure it's cliché, but that's because it works. TK completely overthought this whole thing.
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lets be real
it shouldve been omega
If it were two years ago, maybe. Kenny right now is an unknown: when will he be ready and what will he look like? He's sure to have some rust when he comes back, and Bryan really couldn't wait for Kenny, anyway.
Moxley does the exact opposite of jump starting my interest lol
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problem with Darby as a champ is the thing that he could do some retarded shit on a skateboard the day after winning it and get injuried for a few months
strikes me as too proud but they would at least do it right. hed be the new Sami zayn mixed with sting/punk/hardy
the tony khan special
>problem with Darby as a champ is the thing that he could do some retarded shit on a skateboard the day after winning it and get injuried for a few months
Yea. I mean when has an AEW champ or main event act going for the belt hurt themselves in some stupid way that took months to heal?
This. The Bucks book is called Killing the Business for a reason.
Never cared for DEAN
This. It could have worked if it was part of a kind of hostile takeover angle where he turned out to be working for Shane and The Elite, but if they were doing that, they should have revealed it by now. As it stands, the BCC has go-away heat with me at this point.
>As it stands, the BCC has go-away heat with me at this point.
Same. They should've disbanded once Willy R left
If not then, at least once Bryan was a consistent babyface. The repeated heel-face-heel-face whiplash did nothing good for Claudio or Yuta.
was Bryan even acting as a heel during his BCC run? I barely remember anything besides him beating someone up more than he normally would
after disbanding when Regal left, they could've just made Claudio and Yuter a tag team and Moxley an upper midcard deathmatch act that he could have 1v1, instead of those clusterfucks
>was Bryan even acting as a heel during his BCC run?
Mostly just during the feud with Kenny and the Bucks.
>jump start interest in the promotion
>by putting the belt on the same guy you always put it on when shit goes wrong for the 4th time
>ratings stay the same
Booker of the Year?
It's not Tony's fault that the booking sucks.

It's not Tony's fault that the roster sucks.
It's certainly Tony's fault that the show sucks.
He's rebooking the entire card 10 minutes before they go live.
>it's not Tony's fault the booking and roster sucks when he writes everything himself and is in charge of hiring everyone.
Simple works in wrestling. In storytelling in general. Simple motivations. Christian taunting Danielson about his dead father is your hook. Have him call Brie a whore that fucked her now stepfather for a job. That's the shit that draws. Personal, real-life shit. I don't understand why wrestling holds back so much. Fuck the tranny fanbase.
i love christian as much as tony does and even he knows 50 year old christian as a long term champ would be a bad idea. mox is the better choice right now. darby can beat him in a few months, THEN christian can come out and cash in on darby. from there either darby beats christian again in a couple months or another baby face gets a run.
1 month of build is a lot for AEW. most of the matches are just thrown together with barely a week's notice
Mox doesn't draw shit.
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>a literal 5-foot 90lb midget as a world heavyweight champion
c'mon as if aew wasnt shit already but darby as world champ is laughable. when there are women like statlander and willow etc that are taller and more muscular than your world heavyweight champion you know you got a problem
>Tony Kahn
>Longterm booking
Im expecting somebody like Adam Cole to beat Moxley or some debuting ex-wwe guy.
Just as I thought, there's no story to the BCC shit
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>Darby can be your young upstart
>Establish him as a world champion by defeated and retiring Bryan
>Rally the locker room around him
>Boost interest in AEW since Darby connects with the younger fans

Nah fuck that just give it to good old bald Mox who's drawing power has basically become non existent
It's going to be Christian but they have to wait to see if Killswitch survives
literal WCW tier booking
>not stacking Hook on top of Sabian to imitate Killswitchster
That's stupid. Christian has had way better heat than Mox for over a year now. Making him wait to cash in wastes whatever momentum the Patriarchy angle has left. If fat Jericho could hold the title for nearly a year, Christian can hold it for a couple of PPV cycles.

Mox had no place being shoehorned into this story. He absolutely carried the company in 2020 and again in 2022, but he's completely the wrong guy now.
>whatever momentum the Patriarchy angle has left.
he has no momentum at all. he's hardly ever on TV and wrestles even less. the patriarchy has no angle, no feud, NOTHING going besides some goofy nobody jobber trying to mess with christian for some reason. edge needs to come back and make him relevant again, or something.
Tony really speedrunning 2008-2015 WWE huh?
Mox got two weeks
AEW doesn't have weight classes. You can argue that they should, and I would agree, but TK doesn't believe in them.
>jump-start interest in the promotion
>Dynamite under Mox's new title reign: 633k
Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha good thing Tony put the belt on a young, fresh talent like Mox instead of Darby Allin, huh? Hahahahaha
>he has no momentum at all.
Not anymore. But he had some momentum coming out of All In. Tony has completely killed it by dicking around and repeatedly teasing a cash in only to not pull the trigger. WrestleDream was the last opportunity to salvage it.
It's plenty if the guy you're building is already one of your company's big names, which Darby is and has been for years.
remember how bryan won his first wwe title?
>jump-start interest
>by putting the title back on the guy who's already had it three times
Darby is based as hell and should've already won the strap but sadly Tony is an edrone and just wants to fantasy book E-jects.
Sure don't
lol retard
>Book Danielson vs Moxley
>Danielson retains
>Moxley says fuck it & bludgeons Danielson with the hammer after the match
>Christian comes out & cashes in on Danielson for maximum heat to retire Danielson & win the belt
>Push lil nigga to dethrone Christain
What was so hard about this? Everyone knows Moxley & his not wwe group is going to eventually fight the elite
Danielson pushed for Moxley because he's a fellow fake tough guy and their wives are friends.
>AEW doesn't have weight classes
i just assumed the top belt is always called the world HEAVYWEIGHT championship. arent they?
Oh that’s the “you know me” chick kek this group is full of people that can’t promo
Cash in what? Did they rip off wwe again?

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