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Based Indian wrestling fans.
Cumskins, naggers, sandnaggers, spics, etc could never compete.
Why do pajeets literally worship Roman Reigns?
Pajeets be like
>my ancestor :)
Representation matters to people, and Roman looks Indian considering he's Pacific Islander
Indians only respect wrestlers who winlol
before Roman it was Cena who was the honorary Hindu diety
Indians don't worship Roman Reigns. They love and respect him as a performer who defeated cancer IRL.
>They know how to enjoy wrestling, which you whiny cunts can not.
>They know it's like a movie, and they are supposed to cheer the good guy and boo the bad guy, unlike you contrarian jabronies
>Lastly, Rock was the greatest star there during the Attitude era, and still has a massive fan-following in India. So, Roman gets cheered by association
retard spotted. go back to plebbit.
I will never forget when WWE had Charlotte turn heel on her dad and India as a country got mad as fuck about it. They were shoot ready to kill her.
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Indian fans are amazing because most of them aren’t smarks. Like when tna went to India Scott Steiner noticed the audience were literally running away from him and he rolled with it
That was meta-level trolling which simpletons won't understand
Greatest Indian WWE wrestler of all time.
This sounds based as fuck. Poltards are such miserable losers
nah that’s Goldberg
Indians are a mark people.

best robbari
nah that's Ryback
It is hilarious when he's asked about it because he doesn't want to say outright that indians are backwater retards who almost killed one of his fellow wrestlers with shitty food.
Wanna stop open air defecation in India?
Put up statues or paintings of Roman Reigns in problematic spots.
kwab I hope canada employees this technique soon for their sake
This is why they never embraced Jinder, they are complete marks who only like the dominant good guys no matter the race.
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I heard they thought he was a cow god personified and marveled at how he could eat chips so quickly.
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>Shits himself
>Thinks he's entitled to sex with women
>Flips out for no reason
I mean... does it get more Indian?
Their fascination started before fans knew he had leukemia. It can't hurt that he looks like a Bollywood action star instead of a plumber like current Jon Moxley.
someone please post the webm
got you anon
Holy shit it's like the territories never left
top kek
If you anons have not watched it you should go back and watch Ring Ka King its top kino. TNA really had something there. The local guys rule. BAROOD #1
That's incredibly based

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