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Timeless edition!
>the finals of the campeonato universal de amazonas takes place as top dog of the women's division Zeuxis takes on up and comer Persephone
>former aew champion Toni Storm turns Arena Mexico timeless as she goes one on one with one of CMLL's most popular tecnicas, La Catalina
>all star 6 man tag as Mistico leads his team against los guerreros
>women from around the world make their Arena Mexico debuts ahead of next week's womens grand prix, highlighted by a tag title match as Unagi Sayaka and Sumika Yanagawa look to capture the gold
la catalina(my wife) should win
I miss watching CMLL but I won't watch until they stop bringing trash from AEW.
sexo con persephone
just skip it, they're usually only in 1 match if they're booked
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>tessa vs eel
need tessa and toni to take a pic together
neapolitan of races
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Unagui es mejicana, cabrones culeros!
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Mexico already paying off for Eel
Teej bros we're back

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