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This is the destination for all based webms, brother
On tonight's docket: NJPW King of Pro Wrestling, NOAH Star Navigation and more!
These threads are fucking cringe. KYS pronto
Thanks for the bump, brother!
Disregard yourself tard. The Webm threads are the only time wrestling is posted in this board.
kill this shitty thread then yourself right after
I like how Kushida keeps Connors there. A little thing that does a lot to sell the spot.
this match was so sick.
Yeah, I agree. Two of the best teams in the junior division in my opinion. I am a little bummed that War Dogs lost the belts, but if I was mark booking they'd probably be champs forever, so it might be for the best.
kek nujamal stinks.
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CAVEMAN UGG seems, like most guys who pop up from Fale's dojo, aggressively alright. Haste made him look like a monster with this absolutely nuclear sell though.
can you do the chop at 6:42

I can do that! As usual, in a sec, but I can do it.
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Not huge on this result. NOAH did a great job with building Oiwa up and the TMDK debut and debut match loss don't really make use of that momentum very well, in my opinion. I also feel like the NEVER belt has been passed around between HENARE and Shingo for the better part of a year now, I wouldn't mind a change in the title scene.
I recently found out that there were rumors in the Japanese tabloids during the 90s about Tenryu getting penis extension surgery.

This is a shoot.
Gotta love the Tenryuster, ya just gotta!
He only took 5 seconds to get to the top rope for everyone to get a good look at his costume, guys. R-Right, guys?
Speaking of Tanahashi and aging, his announcement hit me harder than I'd expected. I'm absolutely going to do all I can to make it to WK for his final match.
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I'm torn on this. I'm glad to see DOUKI get a big deal like this to extend his reign, and I do think his gimmick has the "room" for an extra wrinkle like this. I also think he did a good thing by not going full mad demon-mode like Kishin Liger was, instead opting for this weirdo expression instead. The one thing I worry about is it being booked like they booked TJP and the Ass Wang. If there's one thing that made Kishin Liger so effective, it's that he popped up as rarely as he did.
I fucking love when the cameramen suck at getting out of the way.
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This counter is so smooth I didn't even realize what I was watching until it had already happened.
>does a bridge just to swag on em
Based Zakku
God I really like the stiff body selling of the DDT that Ugg does
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Yeah, it's my favorite DDT sell that isn't just a pure limp death sell, but I think it depends on the DDT angle to begin with.
I dread the day you'll be clipping the Tanahashi retirement match brother.
I'm certainly not ready for it now. I'm not sure I will be in a year either. Truly devastating news. It kind of took some of the wind out of me for the main event.
Speaking of, I'm glad Zack won. It's felt like his time for a good while now (especially since vs. Okada at Hyper Battle '22) but the NJC win into challenge redemption was kino enough for me to be fine with the wait. Minor gripe, but I wish he'd won by submission. We got another on-brand finisher name out of it so I'm not all too mad, but still. It would've cemented his reign before it began. I really hope he retains until WK.
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Cute interaction. Naito passing the belt to Zack is so fitting.
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Here you go! I ended up doing the full match because I have virtually no indies Walter or Twink Sabre Jr webms, but your request is coming up!
>I ended up doing the full match

Even better, thank you!
I can't tell if Zack is meant to miss the sweep here, but I kinda like it as a setup either way.
I like this sell.
I know a lot of the time you aim for the side of the neck with slaps, but damn, Zack's first slap just looks like it's right over the ear. Heavy, too.
Next up are some webms from DDT Dramatic Infinity 2024! I watched the semi-main and main event.
It turns out this gimmick was salvageable after all.
The fujos were SCREAMING.
>this fucking catch
Like pillows. You just know Takagi took them aside before the match and said "listen up, if this guy manages to sawdust himself it's your ass"
>I have virtually no indies Walter or Twink Sabre Jr webms
Do you actually collect the webms that you're doing?
I don't delete any, if that's what you're saying. The files are far from huge and I like the semi-archival it offers. I have 16500 webms in my folder and I'd estimate I made 16000+ of those myself.
Holy based !!!
How do you separate them and in what categories?
If Takechi's got something down, it's the intensity. His facial expressions here are SO GOOD.
They're not sorted in the folder past the filenames, which are in the format I post them, [attacking wrestler name] [receiving wrestler name] [move name] aside from the rare occasions where I give a webm a more "artistic" name. Sometimes it takes a little digging, but it usually doesn't take me very long to find any given webm.
If I was starting out now, I'd probably use folders separated by shows or add those in the metadata, but the inconsistencies would bother me too much if I started now.
I'd separate them by promotions "WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc." and others like requests and outside of the ring stuff in "miscellaneous"
Normally I wouldn't highlight a move with this little connection, but man, the height is there. Brookes is 6'4, that's a pretty impressive jump for how mega-green Takechi is.
The thing is I usually just post by using the search bar in the explorer, so any folder would sorta get in the way of that.
It hurts that we didn't get this WALTER or even a later one doing a proper NJPW or NOAH run
>didn't do the final powerbomb
Why not?!
I think this Walter is a little too chubby, but like, NXT-era Walter had such a dimes hoss build. It's a shame, I agree.
I liked the snap on the one I posted more, the landing is better. I made you a webm of the finishing one too.
thank you my friend
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Haha time for the best thread of the week. Haven't been around these last three weekends.
That's all I've got for tonight! I'll be back tomorrow with NOAH Star Navigation, possibly GLEAT, and definitely some King's Road! Webm related is a teaser, the only one from this match (and, in my opinion, by far the best execution of this move). Tomorrow we'll have more of '93 King's Road, either way!
Happy to have you here, brother, I'm handing the reins over to you now until I'm back up. Thanks for stopping by!
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>kobashi akiyama orange crush.webm
>Tomorrow we'll have more of '93 King's Road, either way!
Aww yisss
>Happy to have you here, brother, I'm handing the reins over to you now until I'm back up. Thanks for stopping by!
Perfectly in time to have arrived to keep the thread bumped throughout the day.
low key match of the night. The nig-nog is on to something
Zack alludes to why he didn't go for submission afterwards, it's part of the respect he shows Naito. Naito refused to quit despite his body failing him and Zack didn't want to break a limb.
thanks as always webmCHAD
this was the pop of the night for me. i really hope they keep kushi and knight together. theyre nearly a perfectly balanced tag team. if knight can toss a couple power moves in (nothing big just a nice simple gut wrench or power bomb because hes so tall) he'd be pure dimes
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I still remember seeing this shit and being like "God damn this nigga is actually superhuman"
I'm back with NOAH Star Navigation! Thank you all for keeping us bumped.
That's what I get for not watching backstage comments anymore. I like that reasoning, feels in-character and makes some sense with Naito being as banged up as he is. Thanks for the info!
>i really hope they keep kushi and knight together. theyre nearly a perfectly balanced tag team.
Yeah, I agree, they're great together. They feel a lot like Catch 22 pre-Ass Wang in that Knight clearly has the fundamentals but needs someone to reel him in somewhat, and KUSHIDA is a good veteran to fit him with. I'm sad War Dogs lost the belts but Jet Setters are probably my second favorites.
Why are these threads always dimeless jap shit? I wouldn't hide them otherwise.
>swags on him with the fourth most important belt in the third biggest promotion
Because I happen to watch dimeless jap shit, and I'm the one making the webms. Nobody ever said you couldn't post your own webms, though, and the rest of the board is 95% western stuff for all your needs.
I had to rewatch this multiple times to even figure out what was going on. Fucking wild.
Goddamn, fast and crisp!
can you please do the finish of this match?


the Tombstone and the pin
Also webmbro is really nice and will do pretty much any request, whether he likes the wrestling or not

Don't be a faggot
Fucking OW.
Can do! It'll be a sec but I'll get it done.

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