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>People try to downplay this level of overness
Nobody has ever denied that E-tards LOVE slop

Those are all plants by the way
Theme merchant
no one gives af
No minor league show sells enough tickets to do this
his entrance is over
Holy shit these piped in crowd reactions
getting the crowd to buy tickets and make noise isn't what makes a good wrestler, what really matters is if you can counter a hurricanrana by doing a cartwheel
Based YEETMAN working the obese smelly smarks by being over like rover with the marks.
>YES! chant 2024
more like fandangoing
>what is Joe Henry
so you're proving that e-drones only care about catchphrases and undertaker lightning bolts
That's so fucking embarrassing
those things you listed are more entertaining than any kenny omega or will ospreay match
But enough about Cawdy
maybe because you e-drones never watched a wrestling match
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What's the matter, tubby? Not enough White guys brutalizing Black men with staple guns?
Ppl have been brainwashed to think blackie culture is "cool". Jay is alright though, but he needs to quit spamming the same moves.
Modern crowds just love to chant. Does anyone really care otherwise? Not trying to knock Jey, but it doesn't seem like crowds genuinely care about him outside of the chant.

>inb4 you think I'm an AEW stan
I don't even watch that shit.
This is actually true since Sneed is over as fuck now
This is proof positive that zoomers are retarded and obsessed with black culcha
>Crowds at music concerts just love to dance and sing along
>They don't really care about the masterful instrumentation
I don't think you're an AEW stan, I think you're a retard who lacks perspective.
why doesn't the "crowds" at gAyEW or GookJapan chant then? Hell, half the time the arena is so empty that a chant would echo pretty good and yet the "modern crowd" simply doesn't want to chant at these events
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He doesn't get dave stars and cagematch ratings, drone!
This is cringe
Finally, SOMEONE FINALLY said it!!
Somebody in the WWE needs to cut that fucking promo.
>The signs are a subtle joke
obese smelly smarks are not people
Then what are you?
>obese smelly smark cannot recognize normal people
Look at all those retarded slop white people go!
So nxt?
The crowd went nuts for the nearfalls in his Bron Breakker match, and even more so when he won it. He's over.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH_nmewgRpw kek yeah the crowd is so dead anon
That's mostly on BIG Bron Breakker having go away heat
WWE fans will literally participate in anything you tell them to. You think Fandango was the most over wrestler in the world?
Smarks hate anything that’s popular. It’s why they cheerlead for AEW.
There Jey goes sucking off his family again.

>2/14/97 - Will someone, anyone please tell me why McMahon booked Maivia to win the IC belt??? There can't be a more worse choice other then maybe Brooklyn Brawler. I'll even accept Blahmed as IC champ. I mean what the hell has Maivia done to deserve such a push????? Does he have revealing pictures of McMahon????? Maivia makes Mongo McMichaels look like Rey Misterio Jr. I sure hope Maivia being an IC champ is a short term one.
>1/2/99 - He's a no talent, catchphrase buffon. That people's elbow looks gay compared to a spear, or an Liontamer. The Rock wouldn't survive a shoot match between Goldberg.
>2/1/99 - I just saw Halftime Heat today(I was busy watching the SB). And that was the worst match I ever seen in my 21 years I have been watching professional wrestling. At least Hogan actually took some bumps and bladed once in a while. I haven't seen Rocky do any do any of that. It looked like Foley carried the whole match!!

>9/10/99 - the rock could be one of the most entertaining wrestlers if he would just quit saying the same shit over and over
>12/2/99 - Most of us have been sick of him months before that [note: April]. We're talking about when the majority of the (dumbassed) mark fans are gonna get sick of him. You know, the annoying people with the giant "Finally the Rock has come back.." signs and the hundreds of Rock shirts and hats and whatever. I can't wait until Rock isn't loved anymore. Ever since he dropped the IC belt and moved up, I've hated his gimmick to no extent.
>1/6/00- And the Rock is so much better with his amazing repetoire of right jabs and stomps, accompined by the 6 other moves he knows that he uses once a match. Or his bad timing, bad psychology, bad selling, lack of bump taking, etc... At least Austin gave it 1000%
>6/3/00 - Been sick of him since mid-98. At least before them he had creative microphone ability, even if he was crap in the ring. Now he's just... boring. The poster-boy for sports-entertainment.
>7/6/00 - Okay, just for my own curiosity, how many of you are growing tired of The Rock. You know what pisses me off the most? The fact that he stares, twitches and smells for about 2 minutes before he actually speaks! That's so annoying! Thank god Foley saved us from a boring Rock piece on RAW. Man, Foley was hilarious! Who liked him alot better as a heel? Also, the Last Ride is a cool finisher, but can the Taker get the bigger opponents up in that move? Let me know what you think!
>12/6/99 - -Austin has three moves: Lou Thesz Press, Stun Gun, and Stunner -Rock has three moves: Samoan Drop, Floating DDT, Rock Bottom (The People's Elbow is NOT a move).
-Austin relies on several catchphrases that were once amusing. -So does Rock. Name one new one he's come up with in the past two months.
-Austin won't sell anything except for the occasional beatdown which he'll sell for a whole 5 seconds. -Rock: See Above
-The heel never gets the upper hand on Austin, not even for one show. -Nor do they with the Rock
-The Stone Cold character treats everyone like crap, yet if anyone does anything about it, they are an instant heel. -Same with Rock. He has YET to give Mankind any props.

Fucking SMARKS man KEK. 2 decades apart, same NO CLUES, NO DIMES ass posts.
BROOOO we know so much more about WRES-ALING than this massive wrestling company in it's boom period broooooooo.
Of course I know more than the people that've been in the business for decades both as performers and bookers brooo.
For Christ's sake I saw a thread here earlier where someone asked who should have Vince invested if not Roman in 2015 and SMARK FAGGOTS brought up
>Zack Ryder
>Kofi Kingston
>Dolph Ziggler
Bro, MAN, broo listen brooo. Does it matter that Jey Uso consistently gets the biggest pops of any show during WWE's hottest period since Hogan and muh Attitude Era? FUCK NO!
Can he do cartwheeles and springboard mcflippy piroiettes? Does he say FUCK, SHIT, ASS and middle finger every 3 sentences? Is he a BERRIED indie dimeless shitter that weighs 175 lbs and is held down by the company?

Smarks already got their perfect world version of wrestling, booked based on their opinions over the years, it airs on Wednesday and it's losing viewers faster than a CW superhero show's 7th season.
Funnies thing is that some smarks are aware that AEW sucks ASS yet still parade their retarded opinions about WWE that would turn them into AEW v2.
>call and response/crowd participation is an accomplishment and means you're over
Sure thing, dronie.

How does it feel to be part of the most retarded group in wrestling? Imagine being lower on the totem pole than:
>ordinary marks
>european casuals
>NA casuals
>TNA viewers
>Marigold viewers
>Female wrestlers' simps
>Joshi feet enjoyers
based retard for proving the anon above correct. right on cue
Kek it do be like that. Gotta admire faggots like this >>16099431
for keeping up the decade old streak of smark retardation
Where are these excellent quotables from
RSPW org
No wonder Vince never gave a shit about the "small portion of the audience" posting on the internet as he put it. Guy would have gone out of business by 2003.
Even Haitch that is younger and more internet aware caters to xitter casuals and not reddit or god forbid pee dub.
We all know how the booker of the year that has based his whole booking philosphy on smark forums posts is doing right now. About 329k if I recall correctly.
Thanks friend I look forward to laughing until I crack a rib
It's an interesting dichotomy. Is wrestling about the matches or moments? WWE is obviously about the moments. That's what brings in the casuals and the new fans. When people talk about the Attitude Era they don't talk about the matches. They remember the moments and characters like a TV show. But WWE can put on good matches and they do from time to time. They use

But AEW and pretty much every other promotion are about the matches. They don't have the budget to present wrestling in a TV friendly, over the top fashion. AEW could do a better job with presentation and storytelling though, they have the money and talent for it. But every other promotion in the world are has to sell wrestling matches.

That's the reality of the business. WWE creates casual fans with stories and characters. Then over time those casuals fall in love with wrestling enough to appreciate the matches and eventually they become the fans that support other promotions. Hate on them all you want, but WWE is the only promotion that is truly capable of creating new wrestling fans. WCW was big enough to bring in new fans and perhaps TNA was in its prime. AEW is also big enough to bring in new fans and casual fans.

But Tony has decided to cater to the hardcore fans. Business wise its a stupid decision. There's a reason why interest has only gone down over time. AEW is preaching to the already converted. At bear minimum they should be trying to create a product that can attract casual wrestling fans. The kind who are already familiar with wrestling that watch or talk about it. The fans like us who know that they exist. Ideally it would look like a big budget version of Black and Gold NXT or pre Hogan TNA. That's what fans thought they were getting with AEW. But instead it's just a billionaire mark's real life TEW save.
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Ah yes, wrestling matches like this.
I do not get the hype around Jey at all. Surprised he wasn't buried after that absolute stinker with Jimmy at WM.
but enough about swerve and ospraey

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