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File: classbeut.jpg (20 KB, 364x466)
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Why the long face lmao
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that’s a man
Skyrim elf looking ass goblina. Finna cut glass with that chin.
Dredd to see the kind of guys she hooks up with when in Los Estados Unidos....
another tranny added to NXTroon division, most of their women would be perfect for aew
this ghoulish whore giving reese witherspoon a run for her money
Gotta love em classic beauty's
true Spaniard beauty
looks like she just did a 36 hour goon sesh
I didn't know arca was signed to WWE
She's got Raul Julia eyes, mang.
Dead, gooner eyes.
Is classic beuaty code for ugly?
chilean tessa without the chin
You took my joke from the last thread bro, it's all good though.
I didn't. Must be a true observation.
needs Christian's blue dot gimmick
peak beauty
Inoki looking ass bitches
thats a man
this broad has the most insane eyes I ever seen
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Vaquer is hot
she isn't ugly, but i'm mostly interested in her ass when she's in ring gear
i'd glaze her like a krispy kreme
kek I understood that reference
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R'fraid so
Wasn't she Black?
Greeks arguably not black.
She a sexy spicy Chilean-Mexican Goddess
Macedonian Greek
No, just incredibly inbred.
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to illustrate
Each Ptolemaic pharaoh had dozens of lovers/concubines and most of their children were born from those relationships rather than their official marriages. That's why people still argue that there's some microscopic chance for Cleopatra to be partially nigger, because we're not really sure who her mother actually was (though there's a 99.9% chance it was some greek/macedonian noble's daughter and 0.1% it was an egyptain priest's daughter).
Anyway, their family was extremely fucked up but not really inbred (like some New Kingdom dynasties), and your graph shows exactly that, you're just too much of a moron to read what you've posted you fat mong.
She's Chilean you stupid idiot.
Thats one hell of a beak
this grecophile bitch finna seethe that 2000 years after getting lil bro'd by romans his crypto-turks are only known for anal sex with underage boys and incest on a scale that it would make japanese sex comic artists and even the habsburgs blush.
Finally a Latina not ruined by disgusting mexican or central american blood. Pure spanish conquistador magic
>even the habsburgs
True, i didn't read the pic i posted, but i read anther one, which looked less complicated.
Ok, she a sexy spicy Chilean Goddess
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macedonian like ethan page
I would like to see more of her anus
nice quads
she looks like her pussy tastes good
Yes newfag
How do you say snowbunny in Spanish?
You gonna post one?
based pussy eating satan
But them thights/hips/ass doe
When did women get so ugly? Most celebs aren't even hot nowadays, let alone normal women

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