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Can’t wait for them and DIY to wrestle at least a hundred matches
idk who steve powell is desu
edrones are so fucking stupid lmao
Well at least HHH proved that it doesn't matter the company, bringing in some indie guys into a heatless match without building them up doesn't generate crowd interest despite the commentators telling them that they were indie "stars"
these niggas are like 50 and finally getting a "run"
they are going to redefine dimeless, but good on them for finally making good money
now I feel like shinsuke wouldn't have had as good of a reaction if he skipped nxt
kek. Its like Kendrick and London debuted as 40 year olds
Why does HHH keep insisting on signing indie shitters?
Guy on the right made me think this is WWF or something
He wants Dave and his ilk to love him
i really really did not enjoy anything about these guys and thought a-town down under mogged them
shinsuke would have got crickets, he's lucky nxt was the smark fed at the time
“(blank) eats corn the long way” signs have never once popped me
I don't understand what's meant to be funny about that webm. Also, why are some of you people so fucking miserable? Just stop watching televised wrestling, there's literally no point. And no, I'm not defending this signing or know anything about Motor City Machine Guns, but there's so many people here that remind me of when I watched wrestling in 2012 on a weekly basis and fucking hated it, and then I stopped. You should too, unless you're generally just shitposting, are a schizo or are indian. But if there's a chance that you are actually a real person who's miserable with this kind of wrestling and you need someone to tell you without sarcastically greentexting this shit, just stop watching it man, because you're clearly not enjoying it, and nobody wants to be around you when you're a negative bitch. Life's too short, watch what you like, and stop trying to ideally imagine a wrestling product. It's dead and it's not coming back how you want it to, just go watch the old shit. Cheer up you mopey cunts, or this is all your life is going to be, cynically posting on 4chan. t. cringeposter.
Ofc they got a mediocre pop, half the crowd is women and teen girls that only got into wrestling in the past couple of years because of Rhea tiktoks
Especially without putting them through NXT first.
>I don't understand what's meant to be funny about that webm
The fact they cut to the crowd and instead of people cheering it's just one guy with a sign about sucking dick
You can't break through people who are this extremely online. Their whole lives are spent doing this shit. Just leave them to scream into the abyss
ah okay fair enough, thought it was meant to be a dead crowd or some shit. Thank you for genuinely explaining.
Fraxiom vs MCMG will be fucking KINO. I hope they build the shit out of it.
They're just mad that they didn't sign with gAyEW. Let them have this. Been a rough week after NXT won again.
They are actually talented vanilla midgets though. I predict some moderator dimes and a quiet respectable departure and retirement.
Big dimes Axiom will carry that match when it happens
>teen girls
Holy yumola!
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>half the crowd
Who says Rhea Ripley isn't a MASSIVE draw?
shelly might get over but sabin is absolutely beyond hopeless
lol if you think that their last match will be WWE slop after this fiasco
The Guns are/were great. The business is dead. Only retards left as fans.
I like the wrestling in professional wrestling and I feel like an outcast and insane asylum patient when "talking" to other fans.
Should have done a short NXT run to get them acclimated with people who didn't watch TNA
If they signed to AEW they would've debuted in the Spring to a monster pop with their based theme music, probably already had the dream match with FTR & won the Tag Team Titles in Wembley in front of 50K screaming Machinegun Maniacs.
MCMG finally made it to the big leagues?
I don't get it, both companies take the worst aspects of the other and present it for themselves.
The guy that coined that term loved the Guns and worked with them you tryhard
These guys have been wrestling longer than most of the indie shitters have even been alive

>AEW: massive smark debut pop, putting on bangers through awful booking in 2 weeks
>WWE: no debut pop, putting on bangers through awful booking in 2 weeks
>NJPW: ice cold and saw dusted

It's a great time to make big money as a wrestler but booking kind of sucks unless you're a top guy right now.
These guys have been wrestling as indie shitters longer than most of the indie shitters have even been alive

i like the wrestling part too, but all these guys did were the same indie spots we've seen for years and kept trying to play to the crowd in between every spot. i really hated it
It was a WWE debut. They had to keep things simple for you.
Should have put them on NXT to help juice that show for it's season on the fall then bring them Smackdown in January when the show moves to 3 hours
A random /pw/ poster is smarter than the wrestling division of TKO. Grim.

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