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Next shows
October 19th, "NEW BLOOD 16", Bellesalle Shinjuku Grand, Tokyo, 1:00PM JST (LIVE)
>NEW BLOOD Tag Championship Match: Rina (H.A.T.E.) & Azusa Inaba (H.A.T.E./JTO) vs Waka Tsukiyama & HANAKO (E neXus V)
>Hina (God's Eye) & Tomoka Inaba (God's Eye/JTO) vs Kohaku & Honoka (Pro Wrestling WAVE)

October 20th, "STARDOM in FUJI 2024 Oct.", Fujisan Messe, Shizuoka, 1:00PM JST (VOD)
>Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Rian (E neXus V)
>Syuri & Ranna Yagami (God's Eye) vs Maika & Waka Tsukiyama (E neXus V) vs Natsuko Tora & Rina (H.A.T.E.)
>Hina (God's Eye) vs Momo Kohgo (STARS)
>Mayu Iwatani & Saya Iida (STARS) vs Momo Watanabe & Saya Kamitani (H.A.T.E.)
>Tam Nakano & Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Mei Seira & Suzu Suzuki & Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS)
>STRONG Women's Championship Challenger Decision Battle Royale*:
>Saori Anou (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Starlight Kid (NEO GENESIS) vs Hazuki (STARS) vs Koguma (STARS) vs Lady C (God's Eye) vs HANAKO (E neXus V) vs Konami (H.A.T.E.) vs Ruaka (H.A.T.E.)
>*The two winners will compete in the STRONG Women's Championship Challenger Decision Match at Fighting Spirit Unleashed

October 20th, [NJPW] "Royal Quest IV", Crystal Palace National Sports Centre, 4:00PM BST (Oct 21, 1:30AM JST)
>Mina Shirakawa & Kanji vs AZM & Dani Luna
>rest of card https://news.njpw1972.com/royal-quest-iv-october-20-full-card-preview-6d701897c496

October 26th, "The 14th Goddess of Stardom ~Tag League Opening Match~ in SHINJUKU", Shinjuku Sumitomo Hall, Tokyo, 1:00PM JST (LIVE)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241026_shinjuku/?mc_id=1112

October 27th, "The 14th Goddess of Stardom Tag League in KORAKUEN", Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, 11:30AM JST (LIVE)
>High Speed Championship Match: Mei Seira (NEO GENESIS) vs Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Dump Matsumoto & ZAP will be participating!
>rest of card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241027_korakuen/?mc_id=1106

Previous >>16090972
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>dying knowing you will never see Kitto's tittos.
new ass summoner webm?
i thought sareee and natsupoi were lovers, why did they refer to each other as sisters?
Scissor sisters
finally the honkler has come back to the ring of dreams
rooting hard for honkler to heem hina
That JTO belt certainly fits the NB look
a natural beauty
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will I have thick, shiny, luxurious locks like my favorite players if I use it?
post the rina one
good hina pussy shot when she was on the ropes
Nice suplex from Kohaku
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She really looked like a boy when she was younger
gud match
JTO up
WAVE in shambles
bro, you can't say that for 2 months
Did she pay a visit to Dr. Kim?
honoka is genuinely tiny
i do love tall japanese bitches
Yes, especially next to Hina
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Hanako is ferocious and ready for the title match
how is she only 16
I hope the hag hunters beat the fuck out of waka
hanako took out 5 rows of chairs
>>Dump Matsumoto & ZAP will be participating!

oh god please no
kurara went braless
something about waka creeps me out
inumanly large eyes and strange potato body
so im not the only one then
Rina getting all pink.
she could have legitimately blown out her ankle there, jfc
hanako has been getting deep in the devil on those slams
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impressive showing all around by all four ladies.
Maika sloppy in a hurry.
I love seeing hanako lose
rina tapped out a 6'11 woman
Looks like Yuzuki Watase
lady creampie
>October 20th, [NJPW] "Royal Quest IV", Crystal Palace National Sports Centre, 4:00PM BST (Oct 21, 1:30AM JST)
Doors are 4:00, show starts at 5:30
kurara was funny at the end
I didn't watch any of the matches in full.
typical of fatmike-era bushishit
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Well if Azusa disappears for a bit, we know why.
BNH needs punished for this
Not good. I'd be stunned if her ankle was okay after that.
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her own fault
She was limping a little bit afterwards but she didn't seem to be in a ton of pain. She finished the match just fine.
well hopefully shes alright
dont know what made her bend her leg
think it would be ingrained into her by now how to bump
Which one of you was this?
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he's not wrong
I think she didn't realize how close to the mat she was
Cool shirt, cheggitow
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tomoka is a lot better but I wish we got more hina and honkler than just the couple of slams and tosses we got

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