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>jey uso isn't over, he can't wrestle, he's just a theme merchant
Meanwhile the wrestling
if you meant to make a point with this thread, you failed I’m afraid
What does jey sucking have to do with this
Aew fans calling people theme merchants doesn't really work when all their top stars are theme merchants
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>posting wrestling school webms again
Link one good AEW theme, can't even compete with def rebel
Oh nice, I missed this based webm that suddenly disappeared from the board when it seemed like Pentagon was going to WWE.
>posting a botch from wrestling school somehow validates overselling in AEW
I don't follow
has anyone ever put 'nah you are' 'so you dont know' 'care to extrapolate' etc on this and looped it?
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kek, AEW doesn't even have a crowd to theme merchant with
jey uso does suck but he has that yeet thing going for him.

also roman reigns
delayed selling has to be the most fucking retarded shit out there
The fans should have stormed the ring and beat these guys to death for this
Worse gotcha of all time you can literally see Lash push her off if you're not a blind retard
>I'm sorry....I'm sorry...
I didn’t think coconut community theatre could get any worse, but having their big promos get ended by Jey just shouting Yeet or No Yeet like he’s got fucking Tourette’s is making me want to nuke Samoa to save future generations from this incurable retardation.
>serious segment with Roman swallowing his pride and admitting how proud he is of jey
good recovery by Orton I guess

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