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i think its time to admit that he's our generation's "rowdy" roddy piper
Him and Roman are the only two people the make smarks seethe constantly.The Last two remaining Sports entertainers of the industry.
He's actually way better than Piper and is already inspiring people, Rhea credits him as her favorite growing up.
he's not a total self mark like piper either who refused to ever lose clean
love the miz
He's not even close. He isn't anything like the OG's.
Never drew a dime
>Rhea is a total shitter

Very interesting indeed.

Anon's subconscious desperately attempting to prevent him from posting true retardation.

>Great babyface

...but it failed.
Unlike Piper he didn't get rowdily rodded and piped by Pat Patterson
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>Total shitter
Best in-ring wrestler in the whole women roster, consistent merch seller. Cope
>best woman in WWE

This is like being the smartest Smackdown viewer
She can totally shit on me
>>Great babyface
uhhhh sure buddy
Based, this got the tranny smarks squealin'
Contrarianism is brainrot.
but enough about you
>honestly who else gets close

not fucking Miz
>Mid is like Bret because...HE JUST IS, OINKAY!?

That's not contrarianism btw. Your post is however.

Adam Page.
Miz doesn't have anything in his bags 'cause he got his balls chopped off.
piper has much better movies
Bret was one of the first people to wrestle in a ladder match and his best match ever was a hardcore bloodbath. 18+
oh wait you're serious
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>Adam Page.
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>e-drones seething, squealing and melting down
Bret's "hardcore bloodbath" was about the most well-worked match in pro wrestling history that didn't feature any crazy bumps and got fucking enormous value out of every single thing.
Hell he even had a cage match where the biggest bump was a perfectly performed superplex onto flat backs and it was still probably the best cage match ever.
I actually like Page because he's one of the few in AEW that makes the moves he does look good instead of just doing them. That alone puts him ahead of vast swathes of the roster who just go out there and do moves without mind for trying to make them look painful, like Ospreay.
However you're still retarded, he's nowhere near Bret's level.
Wish he was our generations Benoit (I want him to kill his family and then himself)

Calm down. Take a few deep breaths. And then hold yours.
Closer than Mid. Tell me when I'm telling lies.
Did miz cuck you in school?
Hanger actually has a son. Miz could never.
>go ask Bret what he thinks of the guy he's been putting over for the better part of a decade

kek of course this dumbass doesn't get why I'd use Phil's own verbiage (that means words) to mock him.
What dialect spells meister with the letter A?
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almost every post replying to this one is the same fat, worthless faggot E-drone who spends his entire pathetic life shitting up this board
You're crippled kek
kek you can see the artefacts of WWE logos in this stolen meme, it really is monkE see monkE do
seriously fatso, get a life
I'm not, but you are fat and retarded. Kill yourself.
desperate af kek
>proceeds to use a console war term
>complains about boards being shitted up
>is a console warrior
really makes you think
>part timer
>part timer
Lose 'em. The "99%" is just your fat tits outweighing the rest of the board combined.
get a fucking life, bozo
Nobody likes you rovert
>exactly one minute and one second apart
really made me think, something that you've never done in your entire worthless, pathetic, fat life
>Pigtits gets banned
>almost every reply gets zapped

You calling yourself rovert now BT?
hahahahaha that faggot got b& and half the posts in this thread disappeared, great stuff, what a fucking loser

I'd tell you to "suck shit" but seeing as you're the #1 Vincel here, you'd probably enjoy that.
kek ya gotta love basedtits baby!
SEETHING lol, I hope this pushes you into the coronary you so rightly deserve you worthless fat fuck
he has never been banned.
hes a janny and deletes his own posts
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>adam page
>Bitchtits gets a replacement heart...from a pig

2 more weeks? Go suck a fat one ya pseud-int BITCH kek
You won't do shit, just sit there and seethe like the fat worthless no-life faggot you are lol
At this point he eclipsed piper just because he's worked for so long doing his thing and doing it his way. He needs to do a They Live remake where he fights for 20 minutes with roman in a shoot.
>noooo what about bret 4/10 hart
is it autism or worse?
>wannaBitchtits has reached the homo-erotic fantasies stage of his melty

I'm pretty sure that fight scene features at least one wrestling move, so that disqualifies Miz from being able to do it.
>miz can't wrestle
Thats the cope you're going with now? That is kinda sad anon.
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you're literally crying IRL right now lmfao seethe for me piggiE
nta but he basically admitted his wrestling style is boring as fuck when he did that promo on Bryan Danielson
Nah this is.
>guy works safe style while working the marks for decades
>gets paid for it
>puts babies in maryse and pays for that with it
>anons who couldn't even take a bump in a ring without crying can't handle it
He's 20x the worker bryan ever thought about being. He understood the assignment.
>safe style

Still gets injured.

>puts babies in maryse

Never drew a son.
>Midcarder cody botching
he also got his nuts clipped like a faggot, and what you said confirms what I said about him being boring as fuck in the ring. hold this L.
/pw/ has gone completely insane.
ahahaha imagine seething this much about the Miz. imagine not being awesome.
Did he get raped by pat Patterson?
He got injured once because priest jumped on his knee
Kek obese smarks trannies still seething over Mizmeister because he destroyed Daniel Bryan
He made daniel bryan in wwe is what is funny. The guy was over on the indies but the Miz MADE him in WWE and spent a lot of time putting him over.
>there are people on /pw/ trying to pretend Miz isn't based and one of the best hands WWE has had the last 20 years.
smarks aren't people
Piper seemed like he was always shooting on the mic and in the ring, Miz couldn't be more fake and obvious.
Big money Miz never had to piss out by the bins of some bingo hall in bumfuck nowhere
I like how JBL and co tell stories about ribbing miz but almost regret it because they realized he wasn't just the reality tv show guy. He had a real rough start in WWE and stuck with it when a lot of guys would've bailed.
You can tell who gets wrestling and who doesn't based on their reaction to guys like Miz.
Anyone that doesn't like Miz just hates him because he made it to the top of WWE without doing all the stupid flips for the marks, he keeps himself relevant almost every couple years or so by being the guy who can work with flavor of the month trash people who can't do it alone.
I wanted him to leave wwe in the mid 2010s so bad and join TNA he would've been a perfect guy to "cross the line." I admired how he's been loyal to wwe though. I can't blame him. He's seriously one of their top guys and anyone who doesn't see that is a retard.
The Miz's injury history is very clean. He only ever had one that shelved him for an extended amount of time. He got his tooth knocked out by AJ but that didn't cost him any time and it wasn't his fault anyway.
Nah Miz doesn’t suck that bad, Roddy Piper was terrible
One of the most brutal moggings in wrestling history. Made The Miz permanently over with me.
Miz never got raped by Pat Patterson and cried about it on camera so he can't be compared to R. Piper
Miz is already way more over and popular than Who-wdy Who-ddy Who-per ever was both as a wrestler and mainstream pop culture
Piper sucked too, so okay, I guess
Miz is a two time world champ, Piper is not
Miz is better than Piper
Piper at his best was a literal who that wwe only started revisionism’ing into “muh legend” in 2009 at mania 25 for the sole purpose of trying to promote the movie “The Wrestler” which about another washed up literal who.
Piper the easiest pleb filter in history for detecting newfags born in like 2002 who had never even heard of him or watched his original run and buy the wwe revisionist shit. Don’t forget how easily chilly mcfreeze Dougied on Piper and made him his bitch
kek based bait
no, he's actually good
He can't be Roddy Piper. Miz actual won a world title
we gonna talk about all those anti-AEW posts that got deleted, or...?
Thats depressing if that's true

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